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1. The Hundred and Fourth Session of the Council was held in Rome from 2 to 5 November 1993 under the Chairmanship of Antoine Saintraint, Independent Chairman of the Council.

Adoption of the Agenda and Timetable1

2. The Agenda and Timetable of the Session were adopted, with the deletion of Item 9.4 -Changes in Representation of Member Nations on the Programme and Finance Committees, given that the membership of such Committees had not undergone any changes. The Agenda is reproduced in Appendix A to this report.

Election of Three Vice-Chairmen, and Designation of the Chairman and Members of the Drafting Committee2

3. The Council elected three Vice-Chairmen for its session: T. Anumudu (Nigeria), Winston Rudder (Trinidad and Tobago), Mrs Maria Galvölgyi (Hungary).

4. The Council elected Shahid Rashid (Pakistan.) as Chairman of the Drafting Committee with the following membership: Argentina, Australia, Canada, Colombia, Egypt, Indonesia, Japan, Kenya, Pakistan, Saudi Arabia (Kingdom of), Spain, Sweden and Tunisia.

1CL 104/1; CL 104/INF/l; CL 104/1NF/4; CL 104/INF/15; CL 104/PV/l; CL 104/PV/6.

2CL 104/INF/9; CL 104/PV/l; CL 104/PV/2; CL 104/PV/6.

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