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The Third Session of the FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources was held in Rome, Italy 17 to 21 April 1989. The Commission reviewed progress in the implementation of the global system on plant genetic resources coordinated by FAO, which includes: (i) the International Undertaking on Plant Genetic Resources, a legal framework to ensure the conservation, use and availability of the resources; (ii) the Commission on Plant Genetic Resources, a unique, intergovernmental forum where countries (donors or users of germplasm, funds and technology), can seek consensus on subjects of global interest; and (iii) the International Fund for Plant Genetic Resources, a financial mechanism aimed at supporting the implementation of the principles of the International Undertaking.
The Commission also reviewed progress in technical fields, such as the in situ conservation of plant genetic resources, for which FAO's Forestry Department constitutes the focal point. The Secretariat Note “Assessment of Progress in in situ Conservation of Plant Genetic Resources” (document CPGR/89/8), is available from the Forestry Department of FAO, at request.
The Report of the meeting is available from:
 The Secretariat
FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources
Via delle Trme di Caracalla
00100 Rome, Italy
In the field of forest genetic resources, a Panel of Experts was created in 1968 “to help plan and coordinate FAO's efforts to explore, utilize and conserve the gene resources of forest trees and, in particular, help prepare detailed short and long-term programmes of action, and to provide information to Member Governments”. The recommendations of the Sixth Session of this Panel were published in FGRI no. 15(1987); its Seventh Session is scheduled to be held in Rome, Italy in December 1989. The Panel, consisting of 15 experts appointed in their personal capacity by the Director-General of FAO, complements the work of the above FAO Commission on Plant Genetic Resources. Further information on this Panel of Experts is available, at request, from the Forestry Department of FAO, Rome, Italy (address as above).

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