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Out of the 45 known species of the genus Prosopis, 27 are found in Argentina. The distribution of these species ranges from sea level to altitudes of 3000 meters a.s.l., with a variation in annual rainfall from 100 to 1400 mm. The variety of species covers a great number of different ecological zones, dry and humid, cold and tropical. Land clearing for grazing and agricultural development, and the use of Prosopis wood for charcoal, fuel and timber without adequate management measures, are leading to rapid genetic depletion of this valuable resource. Since 1987, FAO's Forestry Department collaborates with the National Prosopis Committee and supports the National Prosopis Seed Bank in Argentina, based at the University of Cordoba. The National Forest Service (IFONA), the Agricultural Research Institute (INTA) and a number of provincial forest services and universities, also collaborate in this joint, coordinated effort to safeguard and better utilize the genetic resources of Prosopis and other arid and semiarid zone woody species in Argentina. In addition to exploration and seed collection, studies are underway on taxonomy, seed extraction, treatment and handling, seed insects, seed testing, root symbionts and other aspects of the biology and variation within and between species. During the past few years, seed collection has been undertaken (or planned) in the following species: Prosopis alba, P. affinis, P. caldenia, P. chilensis, P. ferox, P. flexuosa, P. hassleri, P. nigra. Seed is available for experimental purposes of P. chilensis (rainfall range 50–500 mm, low altitude species, used for wood, fuel, food, fodder); P. flexuosa (50–500 mm, salt tolerant low altitude species, used for wood, fuel, food, fodder); P. alba (500–1000 mm, low altitude, food, fodder). All the species are also tolerant to frost.
For additional information please contact: U.O. Karlin, Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, Fac. Ciencias Agropecuarias, C.C. 509, 5000 Córdoba, ARGENTINA.

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