information No. 18


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Note from the Editor

Efficiency and Limitations of Isozyme Studies in Forest Tree Genetics (G.M. Rothe)

Biological Diversity, its Conservation and Use for Sustainable Agricultural, Forestry and Fisheries Development

Provenance Collections of Grevillea robusta (C. Harwood)

Biotechnology and Development Monitor

Development of Genetic Resources of Multipurpose Trees in Sudano-Sahelian Africa (H. de Framond)

Ex situ Conservation of Philipine Bamboo Species (F.M. Schlegel & P.T. Tañgan)

Seventh Session of the FAO Panel of Experts on Forest Gene Resources

Tropical Tree Seed Research

Seed Bank Databases

- The ISIS Database: International Seed Information System (D. Fowler)

- An Outline of “Seed Bank” (A.P. Pedersen)

- The Database at the CTFT Seed Laboratory (G. Burillon)

- TREESEED - A Management System for the Maintainance of Tree Seed Collections (CSIRO Division of Forest Research)

Forest Tree Seed Bank in Costa Rica

IUFRO Symposia on Forest Tree Seeds

Recent Catalogues and Lists of Suppliers of Seeds of Woody Species

Breeding Tropical Trees: Population Structure and Genetic Improvement, Strategies in Clonal and Seedling Forestry

Red List of Chilean Terrestrial Flora

Seeds Available from the National Forest Seed Company, Vietnam

Proceedings of the Second International Casuarina Workshop

Recent Literature of Interest

Recent Publications from DANIDA Forest Seed Centre

Special Issue of Forest Ecology and Management on Conservation of Diversity in Forest Ecosystems

Cover Photo: Genetic Variation in a Natural Stand of Acacia peuce in Dry-Zone Australia (Photo: L.D. Pryor)