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Forest Ecology and Management 35(1/2), June 1990, is a special issue on Conservation of Diversity in Forest Ecosystems. It contains the following articles:
Ledig, F.T.; Millar, C.I. & Riggs, L.A. Introduction - Conservation of diversity in forest ecosystems. pp. 1– 4.
Ehrlich, P.R. Habitats in crisis: Why we should care about the loss of species. pp. 5– 11.
Peters, R.L. Effect of global warming on forests. pp. 13– 33.
Bonner, F.T. Storage of seeds: Potential and limitations for germplasm conservation. pp. 35– 43.
Riggs, L.A. Conserving genetic resources on-site in forest ecosystems. pp. 45– 68.
Gladstone, W.T. & Ledig, F.T. Reducing pressure on natural forests through high-yield forestry. pp. 69– 78.
Salswasser, H. Conserving biological diversity: A Perspective on scope and approaches. pp. 79– 90.
Falk, D.A. Endangered forest resources in the U.S.: Integrated strategies for conservation of rare species and genetic diversity. pp. 91– 107.
Libby, W.J. Genetic conservation of radiata pine and coast redwood. pp. 109– 120.
Wilson, B.C. Gene-pool reserves of Douglas fir. pp. 121– 130.
Kitzmiller, J.H. Managing Genetic Diversity in a Tree Improvement Program. pp. 131– 149.
Dvorak, W.S. CAMCORE: Industry and Government's efforts to conserve threatened forest species in Guatemala, Honduras and Mexico. pp. 151– 157.
Barnes, R.D. & Burley, J. Tropical forest genetics at the Oxford Forestry Institute: Exploration, evaluation, utilization and conservation of genetic resources. pp. 159– 170.
Palmberg, C. & Esquinas-Alcazar, J.T. The role of the United Nations agencies and other international organizations in the conservation of plant genetic resources. pp. 171– 197
Forest Ecology and Management can be obtained from the publisher:
Elsevier Science Publishers B.V., P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands
Elsevier Science Publishing Co. Inc, 655 Avenue of Americas, New York, N.Y. 10010 USA.

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