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Case study no. 1 - A study of energy utilization and requirements in the rural sector of Botswana*

* by A. I. Fraser, International Forest Science Consultancy Edinburgh, Scotland

1. Introduction
2. Objectives
3. Approach and survey work
4. Results and conclusions
Appendix 1 - Sample survey questionnaires
Appendix 2 - Biomass survey and mapping vegetation types from Landsat satellite imagery
Appendix 3 - Botswana rural energy demand model
Appendix 4 - Assessment of statistical error in woodfuel consumption estimates
Appendix 5 - Description and cost breakdown of fuelwood plantation model and indigenous woodland management

This paper presents a case of national assessment of energy utilizations and requirements in the rural sector of Botswana.

It describes the village survey questionnaire, the biomass assessment based on ground data survey and landsat imagery, and the computerized energy demand model based on the village survey results.

It highlights the risk of forest depletion within 10 to 50 kms around towns and major villages and recommends a programme of government plantations to supply urban areas, as well as temporary measures of long distance wood transportation from remote woodlands. For remaining rural areas, only agroforestry is recommended.

The statistical validity of the woodfuel consumption estimates is discussed at length. The plantation proposals are also given with a detailed and practical analysis of the types of projects to be implemented and their cost/benefit analysis. These last two sections could be used as a basis for training exercises.

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