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The above FAO Regional Project, funded by the Asian Development Bank and the United Nations Development Programme (UNDP) and executed by FAO, became operational in January 1992, for an initial period of 3 years. The general objectives of this project, based at the FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific in Bangkok, Thailand, include:

  1. Strengthening of national forestry research capabilities and enhancing collective self-reliance of Forestry Research Institutes through networking.
  2. Promoting technology between institutes in the Region and, within each country, promoting transfer through effective dissemination of research results to users.
  3. Increasing access of Forestry Research Institutes to updated and comprehensive information services.
  4. Providing Forestry Research Institutes in the Region with the opportunity to link in with global forestry research initiatives.

The following countries participate in the project: Bhutan, China, Fiji, India, Indonesia, Malaysia, Myanmar, Nepal, Pakistan, Papua New Guinea, Philippines, Sri Lanka and Thailand.

Through the FORSPA project, a limited number of grants are available to National Research Institutes for the implementation of research projects dealing with issues related to five main fields, identified as top priority by the countries concerned prior to the initiation of the project. These fields are:

  1. Upland watershed management.
  2. Reforestation of degraded lands and problems soils.
  3. Ecosystem conservation and maintenance of biological diversity.
  4. Improving sustainability of plantation forestry.
  5. Promoting community participation in forestry development.

In response to a call for research proposals, the FORSPA Secretariat has to date received more than 200 proposals. Funding of research will be one of the continuing activities of FORSPA. Proposals should be submitted to the Secretariat through the national focal points, nominated in each participating country.

For further information please contact: Dr. Y.S. Rao, FORSPA Secretariat, FAO Regional Office for Asia and the Pacific, Phra Athit Road, Bangkok 10200, Thailand, (Fax 662 280 0445).

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