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Proceedings from two International Workshops on Crop Genetic Resources of Africa

The above Proceedings, published in two volumes are based on: (i) a Workshop held in Nairobi, Kenya on 26–30 September 1988, organized by the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) and the United Nations Environment Programme (UNEP), in association with the International Institute of Tropical Agriculture (IITA) and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR); and (ii) a Workshop held in Ibadan, Nigeria from 17–20 October 1988, organized by IITA and the Consiglio Nazionale delle Ricerche (CNR) in association with IBPGR and UNEP.

Volume I (pp.305) and volume II (pp. 321) constitute the proceedings of the Nairobi and Ibadan workshops, respectively. The complete reference for these two books is: Attere, F.; Zedan, H.; Ng, N.Q. and Perrino, P. (Eds) (1991). Plant Genetic Resources of Africa. Vol I and II. Proc. International Conference, Kenya and Ibadan, September and October 1988. Ebenezer Baylis, The Trinity Press, UK.

The various chapters bring together the contributions of research workers in plant genetic resource collection, evaluation, conservation, management and survey; and in taxonomy, cytogenetics, plant breeding and plant health. They give a picture of current activities of the international and regional institutions which are presently involved in plant genetic resources work in Africa.

The following contributions are considered of special interest to forest geneticists:

Ng, N.Q. Long-Term Seed Conservation. Vol I, pp. 135–148;

Hall, J.B. Conservation of Forest Species in Africa. Vol I, pp. 149–156;

Ruredzo, T.J. & Hanson, J. In vitro Conservation Vol I, pp. 157–164;

Dulloo, M.E. & Owadally. Conservation and Utilization of Wild Coffee. Vol I, pp. 231–238;

Kahn, R.P. Plant Quarantine and the Global Transfer of Plant Genetic Resources. Vol II, pp. 231–240;

Charrier, A.; Dereuddre, J. & Engelmann, F. The Implications of Biotechnology in Germplasm Conservation and Utilization. Vol II, pp. 279–286.

The two Volumes are available from IBPGR and IITA, at request, to interested libraries and institutions. Requests should be addressed to:

Publications Officer, IBPGR, Via delle Sette Chiese 142, 00145 Rome, Italy;
Director of Information, IITA, PMB 5320 Ibadan, Nigeria.

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