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Numéro spécial de Forest Ecology and Management, Volume 43, October 1991
Preface: Molecular approaches to forest tree biology.
Neale, D.B. & Kinlaw, C.S.
Prospects for genetic engineering of insect resistance in forest trees.
Strauss, S.H.; Howe, G.T. & Goldfarb, B.
Wound-responsive gene expression in poplars.
Bradshaw, H.D.jr; Parsons, T.J. & Gordon, M.P.
Molecular and physiological genetics of drought tolerance in forest species
Newton, R.J.; Funkhouser, F.F. & Tauer, C.G.
Molecular genetics and physiology of alcohol dehydrogenase in woody plants
Harry, D.E. & Kimmerer, T.W.
Molecular approaches to gene expression during conifer development and maturation.
Hutchinson, K.W. & Greenwood, M.S.
Structure and regulation of photosynthesis genes in Pinus sylvestris (Scots pine) and Pinus contorta (lodgepole pine).
Gustafsson, P; Jansson, S.; Lidholm, J. & Lundberg, A.K.
Genetic engineering of wood.
Whetten, R. & Sederoff, R.

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