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Bawa, K.S. & Hadley, M. 1990 (ed.) Reproductive Ecology of Tropical Forest Plants. Man and the Biosphere Series Vol. 7. (UNESCO, 7 Place de Fontenoy, 75700 Paris, France). 421 pp. (E)

Giertych, M. & Mátyás, C (ed.) 1991 Genetics of Scots Pine. Developments in plant genetics and breeding. Volume 3. (Elsevier Sciense Publishers. P.O. Box 211, 1000 AE Amsterdam, The Netherlands). 280 pp. (E)

Kijkar, S. 1991 Handbook: Producing rooted cuttings of Eucalyptus camaldulensis. ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project, Muak-Lek, Saraburi, Thailand. (ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre, Muak-Lek, Saraburi 18180, Thailand, gratuit). 25 pp. (E)

Monfort, N. 1990 Abres et arbustes des régions de l'est du Rwanda. Un patrimoine forestier pour le pays. (Institut des Sciences Agromomiques du Rwanda, ISAR, Departement de Foresterie, Kigali, Rwanda). 140 pp. (F)

Tybirk, K. 1991 Régénération des Légumineuses ligneuses du Sahel. AAU Reports 27 (Botanical Institute Aarhus University Press, DK-8000 Aarhus C, Denmark); Ce volume est fait en cooperation avec Danida Forest Seed Centre, Humlebaek, Denmark. 81 pp. (F)

World Resources Institute; 1992 the World Conservation Union & the United Nations Environment Programme. Global biodiversity strategy: guidelines for action to save, study, and use earth's biotic wealth sustainably and equitably. (WRI Publications, P.O. Box 4852, Hampden Station, Baltimore, MD 21211 U.S.A.) 244 pp. (E)


Aslan, S. 1990 Provenance study of Cedrus libani. In: Proceedings from the International Cedar Symposium held 22–27 October 1990 in Antalya, Turkey: 390 – 408. (E)

Balick, M.J. (ed.) 1986 The Palm - Tree of life: biology, utilization and conservation. Proceedings of a Symposium at the 1986 Annual Meeting of the Society for Economic Botany held on 13–14 June at The New York Botanical Garden, Bronx, New York. 276 pp. (E)

Bariteau, M. & Ferrandes, P. 1990 L'amélioration des Cèdres en France. In: Proceedings from the International Cedar Symposium held 22–27 October 1990 in Antalya, Turkey: 366–378. (F)

FAO 1991 FAO global system for the conservation and utilization of plant genetic resources progress report and matters for decision by the conference. Twenty-sixth Session. C 91/24. FAO Conference, Rome 9 – 28 November 1991.

FAO 1991 Conservación in-situ de Recursos Geneticos. (FAO Regional Office for Latin America and the Caribbean, Casilla 10095, Santiago, Chile) Actes de l'atelier, Huaraz, Peru, 15–19/7 1987. 52 pp. (S)

House, A.P.N. & Harwood, C.E. (ed) 1991 Australian dry-zone Acacias for human food. Proceedings of a workshop held in Glen Helen, Northern Territory, Australia, 7–10 August 1991. (Available from CSIRO Publications, 314 Albert St, East Melbourne, Victoria 3002, Australia). 145 pp. (E)

INRA 1989 Forest tree physiology. Proceedings of the International Symposium 25–30 September, 1988 held in Nancy, France. Annales des sciences forestières, 46 (suppl.) 875 pp. (E)

IUFRO 1990 Joint Meeting of Western Forest Genetics Association and IUFRO Working Parties S2.02–05, 06, 12 & 14 Douglas-fir, Contorta Pine, Sitka Spruce and Abies Breeding and Genetic Resources. Olympia, Washington, USA, August 20–24, 1990.

IUFRO 1990 Proceedings of a symposium on white pine provenances and breeding. International Union of Forest Research Organizations. Working Party S2.02–15. XIX World Congress, Montreal, Quebec, Canada. August 5–11, 1990. (Northeastern Forest Experiment Station, Radnor Corporate Center, Suite 200, 100 Matsonford Road, Radnor, Pennsylvania 19087, USA). 105 pp. (E)

IUFRO 1991 Proceedings of the joint meeting on biochemical markers in the population genetics of forest trees. International Union of Forest Research Organizations. The Working Parties S2.04–01 and S2.04–05. Porano, Italy, October 1988. Ed: S. Fineschi, M.E. Malvolti, F. Cannata & H.H. Hattemer. (SPB Academic Publishing bv. P.O.Box 97747, 2509 GC The Hague, The Netherlands). 251 pp. (E).

Koski, V. (ed.) 1991 Biological systems in tree breeding. Joint meeting of IUFRO working parties S2.04–02 and S2.02–16, in Tuusula, Finland, Sep. 1991. Silva Fennica, Vol 25, No. 4. 285 pp. (E)

Lindgren, D. (ed.) 1991 Pollen contamination in seed orchards. Proceedings of the meeting of the Nordic Group for tree breeding in Sweden. August, 1991. (Swedish University of Argricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, S- 901 83 Umeå, Report no. 10). 82 pp. (E)

Solbrig, O.T. (Ed.) 1991 From genes to ecosystems: A research agenda for biodiversity. Report of a IUBS-SCOPE-UNESCO Workshop. Harvard Forest, Petersham, Ma. USA. June 27–July 1, 1991. Cambridge, Mass. 124 pp. (E)

Taylor, D.A. & MacDicken, K.G. (ed.) 1990 Research on multipurpose tree species in Asia. Proceedings of an international workshop held November 19–23, 1990 in Los Baños, Philippines. (F/FRED c/o Faculty of Forestry, Kasetsart University, P.O. BOX 1038, Kasetsart Post Office, Bangkok 10903, Thailand.) 259 pp. (E)


AMBIO 1992 Special Issue: Economics of Biodiversity Loss. Vol 21 (3). Ce volume contient les articles suivants:

CAB 1990 Acacia tortilis. Annotated bibliography No. F41. (C.A.B. International, Marketing and Sales Division, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE. U.K.) 36 pp. (E)

CAB 1990 Acacia nilotica. Annotated bibliography No. F42. (C.A.B. International, Marketing and Sales Division, Wallingford, Oxon OX10 8DE. U.K.) 77 pp. (E)

CATIE 1991 Mejoramiento genético y semillas forestales para America Central. Noticiero No. 6, Octubre. Bombacopsis quinata. (CATIE, Turrialba 7170, Costa Rica). 26 pp. (S)

CATIE 1992 Fuentes promisorias de germoplasma de Acacia mangium Willd., para America Central. Silvoenergia no. 50. (Diseminación del cultivo de árboles de uso multiple, CATIE-ROCAP 596–0150, Turrialba, Costa Rica). 4 pp. (S)

CATIE 1992 Enraizamiento de Estacas Juveniles de Cedrela odorata L. Silvoenergia no. 51. (Diseminación del cultivo de árboles de uso multiple, CATIE-ROCAP 596–0150. Turrialba, Costa Rica). 4 pp. (S)

Copis, P.L. 1990 Techniques de pollinisation I. Collecte du pollen. Rapports techniques de l'IFNP 4 (Institut forestier national de Petawawa, Chalk River, Ontario KO 1JO, Canada). 4 pp. (F) (E)

Copis, P.L. 1990 Techniques de pollinisation II. Extraction et entreposage du pollen. Rapports techniques de l'IFNP 5 (Institut forestier national de Petawawa, Chali River, Ontario KOJ 1JO, Canada). 4 pp. (F) (E)

Copis, P.L. 1990 Techniques de pollinisation III. Indice de développement floral et transfert de pollen. Rapports techniques de l'IFNP 7 (Institut forestier national de Petawawa, Chalk River, Ontario KOJ 1JO, Canada). 9 pp. (F) (E)

Copes, D.L.; Vance, N.C.; Randall, W.K.; Jasumback, A. & Hallman, R. 1991 Vacuum collection of Douglas-Fir pollen for supplemental mass pollinations. (Pacific Northwest Research Station, 319 S.W. Pine Street, P.O. Box 3890, Portland, Oregon 97208 U.S.A.). Research Note PNW-RN-503, Jan. 1991. 8 pp. (E)

FAO 1991 Expert consultation on legume inoculant production and quality control. Rome, 19–21 March 1991. 145 pp. (E)

Ghildyal, B.N. Oak. 1991 Production, management and use in the Himalayas. FAO. Regional Wood Energy Development Programme in Asia. Bangkok. Field Document No.27. 46 pp. (E).

Granhof, J. 1991 Seed orchards, Concepts, design and role in tree improvement. DANIDA Forest Seed Centre. Lecture Note D-8. (DFSC, Krogerupvej 3A, 3050 Humlebaek, Denmark) 28 pp. (E)

Hall, J.B. & Walker, D.H. 1991 Balanites aegyptiaca A monograph. (School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Publication no. 3, University of Wales, Bangor, UK). 65 pp. (E)

ICONA 1989 Estudio ecologico del Pino canario. (Ministerio de Agricultura Pesca y Alimentación, Instituto Nacional para la Conservación de la Naturaleza, Grau Via de San Fancisco 35, 28005 Madrid, Spain) Serie Técnica No. 6. 190 pp. (S)

ISTA 1991 Tree and shrub seed handbook. (The International Seed Testing Association) P.O. Box 412, CH-8046 Zurich, Switzerland). 167 pp. (E)

IUCN, UNEP & WWF. 1991 Caring for the Earth. A strategy for sustainable living. Gland, Switzerland. 228 pp. (E/F/S).

Keiding, H. 1992 Gene conservation and tree improvement. DANIDA Forest Seed Centre. Lecture Note D-9. (DFSC, Krogerupvej 3A, 3050 Humlebaek, Denmark). 18 pp. (E)

Niembro-Rocas, A. 1992 Formato descriptivo para la caracterización morfológica de semillas de leguminosas de importancia agroforestal. (Universidad Autonoma de Campeche, Centro de Investigaciones en Bosques Tropicales, Av. Agustin Melgar s/n, A.P. 204 Campeche, Campeshe, México, C.P. 24030). Semina no. 2. 23 pp. (S)

Owens, J.N. 1991 Flowering and seed ontogeny. Technical Publication No. 5 (ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre, Muak-Lek, Saraburi 18180, Thailand). 14 pp. (E)

Patiño, F. & Laffitte, A. 1992 Guia para la recolección, manejo y conservación de semillas. Dirección Forestal, Ministerio de Ganadería Agricultura Y Pesca. República Oriental del Uruguay. 49 pp. (S)

Paule, L. 1990 Bibliografy: Isozymes and forest trees. (1968–1989). (Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, Department of Forest Genetics and Plant Physiology, S-901 83 Umeå, Report no. 9). 82 pp. (E)

Pohjonen, V. 1991 Selection of species and clones for biomass willow forestry in Finland ACTA Forestalia Fennica 221. The Society of Forestry in Finland - The Finnish Forest Research Institute, Helsinki, Finland. (Unioninkatu 40 B, 00170 Helsinki, Findland) 58 pp. (E)

Pong-anant, K. 1992 Grafting epicornic shoots: a new method of clonal propagation. Technical Publication No. 6 (ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project, Muak-Lek, Saraburi 18180, Thailand). 6 pp. (E)

Segura, A.; Martinez, R. Ariz, F.; Argel, G. & Triviño, T. 1991 Propagación Agámica de Seis Especies Forestales neotropicales en Colombia. (CCNIF, Cra. 50 No. 27–70, Edificio Camilo Torres Bloque C, Módulo 1, Santa Fe de Bogotá, Colombia). Serie de Documentación No. 20. 40 pp. (S)

Shanks, E. 1991 Balanites aegyptiaca A handbook for extension workers. (School of Agricultural and Forest Sciences, Publication no. 1, University of Wales, Bangor, UK) 35 pp. (E)

Sirikul, H., Wellendorf, H. & Granhof, J. 1991 Provenance x site interaction in cone setting of Pinus caribaea var. hondurensis in Thailand. Forest Tree Improvement no. 24. Arboretet, Hoersholm, Denmark. (DSR-Booksellers, Thorvaldsensvej 40, DK 1871 Frederiksberg C, Denmark). 29 pp. (E)

UNESCO 1991 Nature & Resources, Vol 27, No.3, 1991. Biotechnology: promises and pitfalls. This issue of Nature & Resources contains 6 articles of interest. 47 pp. (E/F/S/A/C)

Universidad National Agraria La Molina. 1991 Plan Director del Sistema Nacional de Unidades de Conservación (SIMUC) una Approximación desde la Diversidad Biologica. (Propuesta del CDC-UNALM). (Centro de Datos para la Conservación, Universidad Nacional Agraria, La Molina, Departamento De Manejo Forestal, Apatardo 456, Lima 100, Peru). 153 pp. (S)

von Carlowitz, P.G. 1991 Multipurpose trees and shrubs - sources of seed and inoculants. ICRAF. (International Council for Research in Agroforestry, P.O. Box 30677, Nairobi, Kenya). 328 pp. (E).

Wang, B.S.P. 1991 Overview of Seed Technology in ASEAN Region. Technical Publication No. 4 (ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre, Muak-Lek, Saraburi 18180 Thailand). 13 pp. (E)

Wellendorf, H. 1991 Tree improvement strategies. DANIDA Forest Seed Centre. Lecture Note D-10. (DFSC, Krogerupvej 3A, 3050 Humlebaek, Denmark). 10 pp.

Wijoyo, F.S. 1991 Provenance trials and seed orchard establishment of Eucalyptus deglupta and Paraserianthes falcataria. Technical Publication No. 3. (ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project, Muak-Lek, Saraburi 18180, Thailand). 6 pp. (E)

Yeatman, C.W. 1991 Conservation of genetic resources within managed natural and man-made forests. Technical Publication No. 1. (ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project). 8 pp. (E)


Aguilar, M.; Villalobos, V. & Vasquez, N. 1992 Production of Cocoa Plants (Theobroma cacao L.) via Micrografting of Somatic Embryos. In Vitro Cell. Dev. Bio. 28 15–19. (E)

Anonym. 1989 Konzept zur Erhaltung forstlicher Genressourcen in der Bundesrepublik Deutschland. Erarbeitet von der Bund-Länder-Arbeitsgruppe “Erhaltun Forstlicher Genressourcen”. Forst und Holz, 44, Vol. 15: 379–404 (German)

Anonym. 1991 FAO: global action on plant genetic resources and biotechnology. Biotechnology and Development Monitor No. 8, Sept. 1991: 3–6. (E)

Anonym. 1991 Keystone international dialogue series on plant genetic resources. Executive summary of the Oslo report, Oslo Plenary Session. Oslo, Norway, May – 4 June 1991. Diversity, Vol 7 (3): 7–8. (E)

Anonym. 1991 The FAO Commision calls for a fourth international technical conference on plant genetic resources. Diversity, Vol 7 (3): 9–10. (E)

Askew, G.R. 1992 Potential genetic improvement due to supplemental mass pollination management in conifer seed orchards. Forest Ecology and Management, 47: 135–147 (E).

Bawa, K.S. 1992 Mating Systems, genetic differentiation and speciation in tropical rain forest plants. BIOTROPICA 24 (2b): 250–255. (E)

Booth, T.H. & Pryor, D. 1991 Climatic requirements of some commercially important eucalyptus species. Forest Ecology and Management 43: 47–60. (E)

Cambell, R.K. 1991 Soils, seed-zone maps, and physiography: guidelines for seed transfer of Douglas-fir in southwestern Oregon. Forest Science 37 (4): 973–986. (E)

Case, A.B. & Wang, B.S.P. 1990 Helping reforestation in Southeast Asia - The ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre Project. The Forestry Chronicle, June 1990: 246–249. (E)

Cauvin, B. 1991 Effet du Paclobutrazole sur la mise à fleur, la croissance de clones juvéniles d'Eucalyptus. Annales de recherches sylvicoles 1991 (1): 71–88 (F)

Carvalho, W.L.D & Muchovej, J.J. 1991 Fungos associados a sementes de essências florestais. Revista árvore, Viçosa, Vol 15 (2): 173–178. (Portuguese)

Chaperon, H.; Haury, P. & Cauvin, B. 1991 Utilisation d'une enceinte climatique pour la sélection des pins au froid artificiel: application au pin hybride attenuata x radiata. Annales de recherches sylvicoles 1991 (1): 43–69 (F)

Cohen, J.I.; Williams, J.T.; Plucknett, D.L. & Shands, H. 1991 Ex situ conservation of plant genetic resources: global development and environmental concerns. Science 253: 866–872. (E)

Corea, E.; Mesén, F & Cornelius, J. 1992 El proyecto Mejoramiento Genético Forestal del CATIE y su Papel en la Región Centroamericana. El Chasqui. Boletín informativo sobre recursos naturales renovables. CATIE. no 28: 19–24 (S)

Cornelius, J.; Mesén, F & Corea, E. 1992 Mejoramiento Genético Forestal en America Central Estrategías Apropiadas, Preocupaciones, y el Camino por Recorrer. El Chasqui. Boletín informativo sobre recursos naturales renovable. CATIE. no 28: 3–5 (S)

Dekker, D.L. & Kleinschmit, J. 1991 Serial propagation in Norway Spruce (Picea abies (L.) Karst.): Results from later propagation cycles. Silvae Genetica 40 (5/6): 202–214. (E)

Dvorak, W.S. & Raymond, R.H. 1991 The taxonomic status of closely related closed cone pines in Mexico and Central America. New Forests 4: 291–307. (E)

El-Kassaby, A.; Edwards, D.G.W. & Taylor, D.W. 1992 Genetic control of germination parameters in Douglas-fir and its importance for domestication. Silvae Genetica 41 (1): 48–54. (E)

Fatzinger, C.W.; Muse, H.D.; Miller, T. & Bhattacharyya, H. 1990 Survey and pest monitoring system for southern pine seed orchards. Southern Journal of Applied Forestry 14 (3): 147–154. (E)

Fernandez, C.J.; Echevarria, P.; Perez, M.H.; Gonzalez, A.; Fernandez, A.B.; Toledo, R. & Gonzalez, S. 1990 Estudio Clonal de un Banco de Genes de Pinus caribaea. Revista Forestal Baracoa 20 (1): 59–66 (S)

Ghani, A.K.M.O. & Cahalan, C.M. 1991 Propagation of Prunus avium from Root Cuttings. Forestry 64 (4): 403–409. (E)

Hall, J.B. 1992 Ecology of a key African multipurpose tree species Balanites aegyptica (Balanitaceae): the state-of-knowledge. Forest Ecology and Management 50 (1–2): 1–30. (E)

Hall, R.B. 1990 Evaluation of Alnus Species and Hybrids. Biomass 22: 21–34. (E).

Infante, P.L.; Ipinza, C.R. & Prado, J.A.D. 1991 Bases para la mejora genética de las especies del genero Eucalyptus en Chile. Ciencia e Investigación Forestal, Vol 5 (1): 71–95. (S)

Infante, P.L & Prado, J.A.D. 1991 Crecimiento Juvenil de 32 Procedencias y 203 Familias de Eucalyptus globulus ssp. globulus en la Zona Costera de la VIII Región de Chile. Ciencia e Investigacíon Forestal, 5 (2): 251–265. (S)

Ishwaran, N. 1992 Biodiversity, protected areas and sustainable development. Nature & Resources, 28 (1): 18–25. (E)

Jahn, S.A.A. 1991 The Traditional “Domestication” of a Multipurpose Tree Moringa stenopetala (Bak.f.) Cuf. in the Ethiopian Rift Valley. Ambio XX (6): 244–247. (E)

Jasumback, T. 1991 Pollen Equipment for Seed Orchards. Tree Planters' Notes, U.S. Department of Agriculture - Forest Service, 42 (4): 4–5. (E)

Johnson, G.R.; Firth, A. & Brown, P.C. 1992 Value gains from using genetically improved radiata pine stock. New Zealand Forestry 36 (4): 14–18. (E)

Kaya, Z. & Lindgren, D. 1992 The Genetic Variation of Inter-provenance Hybrids of Picea abies and Possible Breeding Consequences. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, 7 (1): 15–26. (E)

Kemp, R.H. 1992 The conservation of genetic resources in managed tropical forests. UNASYLVA 169 (43): 34–40. (E/F/S)

Knudsen, H. 1991 Is Appropriate Technology passé?. Biotechnology and Development Monitor NO.8 Sep. 1991: 19–21. (E)

Ledgard, N. & Halloy, S. 1991 The Andean Alder (Alnus acuminata) in New Zealand N.Z. Forestry, May 1991: 17–18. (E)

Lundkvist, K.; Erikson, G & Norell, L. 1992 Performance of Clonal Mixtures and Single-clone Plots in Young Picea abies Trials. Scandinavian Journal of Forest Research, (1): 53–62. (E)

MacKinnon, K. 1991 Protected area management to conserve biodiversity in Indonesia. Tiger Paper, Regional Office for Asia and The Pacific (RAPA), July– Sept. 1991, Vol XVIII (3): 8–17. (E)

McKenney, D.; Fox, G. & van Vuuren, W. 1992 An economic comparison of black spruce and jack pine tree improvement. Forest Ecology and Management 50 (1–2): 85–101. (E)

Menck, A., L; Oda, S.; Marchi, E. & Kovalski, M. 1990 Influencia do sistema de coleta de bótoes florais na viabilidade de pólen de Eucalyptus spp. Instituto de Pesquisas e Estudos Florestais (IPEF), Piracicaba, 43/44: 20–23 (Portuguese)

Mesén, F; Leakey, R.B. & Newton, A. 1992 Hacia el Desarrollo de Técnicas de Silvicultura Clonal para el Pequeño Finquero. El Chasqui. Boletín informativo sobre recursos naturales renovable. CATIE. no 28: 6–18 (S)

Michaud, D.; Bouvet, A. Gousseau, C. & Besse, A. 1991 Analyse d'une expérimentation multistationelle de descendances maternelles de Douglas issues de peuplement francais classés. Annales de recherches sylvicoles 1991 (1): 89–124 (F)

Namkoong, G. 1991 Maintaining genetic diversity in breeding for resistance in forest tree. Annu. Rev. Phytopathol. 29: 325–342. (E)

O'Loughlin, C.; Carter, P. & Menzies, M. 1991 Advances in forest biotechnology - an update N.Z. Forestry, May 1991: 27–28. (E)

Rameau, J-C. & Olivier, L. 1991 La biodiversité forestière et sa préservation. Intérêt patrimonial de la flore, de la végétation et des paysages forestiers. Revue forestière française. Numéro spécial (Patrimoines naturels forestiers): 19–27 (F).

Sallé, G.; Boussim, J.; Raynal-Roques, A. & Brunck, F. 1991 Le karité une richesse potentielle. Perspectives de recherche pour améliorer sa production. Bois et Forêts des Tropiques, 228 (2): 11–23. (F)

Sutton, B.C.S.; Flanagan, D.J. & El-Kassaby, Y.A. 1991 A Simple and Rapid Method for Estimating Representation of Species in Spruce Seedlots using Chloroplast DNA Restriction Fragment Length Polymorphism. Silvae Genetica 40 (3/4): 119–123. (E)

Sweet, G.B.; Dickson, R.L.; Donaldson, B.D. & Litchwark, H. 1992 Controlled Pollination without Isolation - a New Approach to the Management of Radiata Pina Seed Orchards. Silvae Genetica 41 (2): 95–99 (E)

Tay, D.C.S. 1991 Entrepots frigorifique préfabriqués - avantages et conception. FAO/IBPGR Ressources genetique vegetales - Bulletin, March 1991, 85: 19–23. (E)

Thailiyal, R.C. & Rawat, M.M.S. 1991 Studies on the germination and viability of seed of two species of Himalayan Alders, Alnus nitida and A. nepalensis. The Indian Forester, 117 (4): 256–261. (E)

Tucker, G.F. & Powell, J.R. 1991 An improved canopy access technique. Journal of Forestry. Society of American Foresters. 89 (11): 31–35. (E).

Vakshasya, R.K.; Rajora, O.P. & Rawat, S. 1992 Seed and seedling traits of Dalbergia sissoo Roxb.: seed source variation studies among ten sources in India. Forest Ecology and Management, 48 (3/4): 265–275. (E)

Yeatman, C.W. 1987 Conservation of genetic resources within managed natural and man-made forests. Malaysian Forester, 50 (1): 1–8. (E)

Younés, T. 1992 Ecosystem Function of Biodiversity. The IUBS-SCOPE-UNESCO Programme. A Progress Report. Biology International, 24: 16–21. (E)

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