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An International Dalbergia Workshop was organized in Hertuda, Nepal from 31 May to 4 June 1993 by the Nitrogen Fixing Tree Association, USA and the Institute of Forestry of Nepal, in collaboration with several programmes and projects and with financial support from a number of donors. Information from the workshop will be available in early 1994 (see address below).
Sixty-one Dalbergia scientists and practitioners from 14 countries attended the workshop, sharing information on the diversity of the genus; management and use of the various species of Dalbergia; and the potential for genetic improvement. Three working group produced reports related to:
  • recommendations on further research on Dalbergia
  • use and production of Dalbergia sissoo
  • “Nitrogen-Fixing Highlights” on Dalbergia latifolia and D. melanoxylon.
Participants at the Dalbergia Workshop also proposed the establishment of a regional Dalbergia sissoo improvement programme for South Asia and Southeast Asia.
For more information please contact:
James Roshetko, NFTA
1010 Holomua Road, Paia
Hawaii 96778, USA.

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