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The FAO/IBPGR Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter is a quarterly journal published under the joint auspices of the International Board for Plant Genetic Resources (IBPGR) and the Plant Production and Protection Division of FAO. The following articles which may be of interest to the readers of FGRI, have recently been published in the Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter:
Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter (1992) 88/89:
pp. 27–30: Should vacuum packing be used for seed storage in genebanks ? by Kar-Ling Tao.
pp. 31–35: An analysis of the literature of ex situ germplasm preservation, by M.P. Widrlechner; R.L. Clark; W.W. Roath & R.L. Wilson.
pp. 43–50: Conservation and plant genetic resources in Swaziland, by K.P. Braun & H.D.V. Prendergast
pp. 54–55: Conservation of forest genetic resources: Research and development at the ASEAN-Canada Forest Tree Seed Centre, Thailand, by C. Liengsiri; C. Piewluang & T. Boyle.
Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter (1992) 90:
pp. 1–5: Study of the genetic structure of wheat germplasm entries by means of storage protein electrophoresis, by L. Sergio & P.L. Spagnoletti Zeuli.
Plant Genetic Resources Newsletter (1992) 91/92:
pp. 39–44: Wild species seed collecting in Dhofar, Sultanate of Oman, by H.D.V. Prendergast.
pp. 53–57: The coconut germplasm of Hainan island, China, by M. Zushun & L. Yitong.
pp. 58–59: Coconut collecting in Indonesia, by Y.M.S. Samosir.
The newsletter is available free of charge from:
The Editor, FAO/IBPGR Plant Gentic Resources Newsletter,
IBPGR, Via delle Sette Chiese 142, 00145 Rome, Italy

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