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The challenge of sustainable forest management: what future for the world's forests ? FAO, Rome 1993. Available in English, French and Spanish.
The loss and degradation of the world's forests could have far reaching consequences for humanity. This book is a contribution to increasing public awareness of the issues involved and to furthering the implementation of sustainable forest management and of sustainable land use. The requirements for sustainable forest management include not only the involvement of people but also the availability of appropriate techniques and adequate finance. One of the premises of the book is that sustainable forest management is technically feasible, although some of the techniques still require improvement and refining, but the book also emphasises the need to confront the many economic and social problems arising outside the forests.
Mangrove forest management guidelines FAO Forestry Paper No. 117. FAO, Rome 1994. Available in English and Spanish.
Growing awareness of the protective, productive and social functions of tropical mangrove ecosystems has highlighted the need for the conservation and sustainable, integrated management of this important resource. The guidelines, elaborated within the conceptual framework of integrated coastal area management planning, focus specifically on the management of the forest resources contained in mangrove ecosystems, addressing aspects of the production of both wood and non-wood products. The publication includes a set of case-studies on tropical mangrove ecosystems that have been implemented or are being tested in Asia, Africa and Latin America, and analyses the underlying causes for their success or failure.
The above documents are available from the Distribution and Sales, or the Forest Resources Division, FAO, Via delle Terme di Caracalla, I-00100 Rome, Italy; and from authorized national sellers of FAO publications.

Forest Genetic Resources no. 22. FAO, Rome (1994)

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