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Mail address PO Box 8500, Ottawa K1G 3H9
Telephone + 1 (613) 236-6163 Fax + 1 (613) 238-7230 Telex 053-3753
Cable RECENTRE E-mail [email protected] (lDRC library)

Nature Internationally oriented Crown Corporation funded by Parliament
Mission To stimulate and support scientific and technical research done by developing countries for their own benefit
Financial support Federal government
Working languages English, French, Spanish
Scope of interest Main focus on six areas: Integrating environmental, social and economic policies; technology and the environment; food systems under stress; information and communication for environment and development; health and the environment; and biodiversity; IDRC also supports research on sustainable agriculture, water resources management, urban environment management, green technologies, health issues, social policy, macroeconomic policy, industrial and agricultural policies, regional integration, and information systems

Research program
Locations 1,470 active projects in 100 countries

Internal Organization
Chief official Keith A. Bezanson, President
Divisions (1) Environment and Natural Resources, (2) Social Sciences, (3) Health Sciences, (4) Information Sciences, (5) Corporate Affairs and Initiatives
Division heads Directors General: (1) Anne Whyte, (2) Caroline Pestieau, (3) Maureen Law, (4) Martha Stone, (5) Pierre Beemans
Total staff 350 permanent full-time

Library Reference and research Library with more than 66,000 monographs, 3,000 serials, up-todate files on 2,500 research centers and organizations, and all the original documents of the World ComMission on Environment and Development (the Brundtland Collection)
Computer catalog Yes, using MINISIS
Remote access Available
Computer searches Available
Local databases IDRIS Project database
Formal networks Internet, Envoy
Subcenters Regional offices: Singapore; New Delhi, India; Nairobi, Kenya; Dakar, Senegal; Cairo, Egypt; Johannesburg, South Africa; Montevideo, Uruguay

Serials IDRC Reports/Le CRDI Explore/EI CIID Informe (quarterly magazine, $16.00 per year)
Other Scientific and general interest Publications
Publications list Available

Established in 1970


Natural Resources Canada

Mail address 588 Booth Street, Ottawa, Ontario KIA 0Y7
Telephone +1 (613) 947-1222 Fax +1 (613) 947-1382

Nature National government
Mission Research, development
Financial support Primarily government
Working languages English, French
Scope of interest Remote sensing data acquisition and applications, research and development

Research program
Locations Primarily Canada; some international collaborations with agencies in the U.S., tropical rainforest countries, Western and Eastern Europe, Japan, etc.
Subjects Optical and microwave remote sensing systems and data analysis techniques in a wide variety of applications and contexts
Status Varied
Findings Routinely published in the scientific literature

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Leo Sayn-Wittgenstein, Director General
Divisions Data Acquisition, Systems Technology, Major Projects, Applications
Professional staff Approximately 125, plus approximately 100 contractors

Office State-of-the-art remote sensing labs. avionics, hangar
Library World's largest remote sensing library; over 100.000 items in computerized, keywordaccessed database
Subcenters Satellite receiving stations at Gatineau, Québec, and Prince Albert' Saskatchewan
Exchange Facilities Related to projects or to visiting scientists

list Contact CCRS

Established in 1971