Cape Verde - West Africa

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Mail address PO Box 84, S. Jorge dos Orgãos, Santiago
Telephone +238 71 1-147 Fax +238 616-384

Sponsoring agency Ministry of Fishery, Agriculture and Rural Animation
Nature National government
Mission Research, education
Financial support National and international government organizations, projects
Working languages Portuguese
Scope of interest Agronomy, GIS, horticulture, wildlife conservation, agroforestry, integrated pest management, agrometeorology

Research program
Locations S. Jorge dos Orgãos, Tarrafal, S. Domingos e Fogo
Subjects Quantification of erosion, Improvement of cassava and sweet potato crops, characterization and identification of natural vegetation and wild animals
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Jose Gabriel Vitória Levy, PhD, President
Divisions Departments of ( I ) Agriculture, (2) Environmental Sciences, (3) Social Sciences, (4) Education
Division heads (1) Maria Isabel Andrade (MSc), (2) Maria Tereza Vera-Cruz (MSc), (3) Tito Livio, (4) Jose Maria Silva (BS)
Professional staff 25
Total staff 197

Office 20 offices, 3 laboratories (soil and water, in vitro culture, crop protection)
Library Special Library with 6,000 books, mostly related to agriculture and soils
Computer catalog Only Publications about Cape Verde Islands, using CDS-ISIS
Local databases Geographical database (GIS)
Subcenters Experimental field stations in S. Domingos, Sta. Cruz, and Tarrafal; regional Office in Sto. Antão
Exchange Facilities Available; guesthouse

Serials Investigação Agrária, Vida Rural
Other Maps: Carta hipsométrica da Ilha de Santiago, Carta de Zonagem Agro-Ecologitu e de Vegetação de Cabo-Verde, topographic maps of all the islands of Cape Verde
Publications list Available

Established in 1979 as Centro de Estudos Agrarios; became Instituto Nacional de Investigação Agrário in 1985; renamed in 1993