Qatar - West Asia

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Ministry of Municipal Affairs and Agriculture

Mail address PO Box 1967, Doha
Telephone +974433-400 Fax +974410-526 Cable HYDROAG

Nature National government
Mission Research, extension
Financial support Government
Working languages Arabic, English
Scope of interest Agro-hydrometeorology, groundwater, irrigation and drainage, soils, agronomy, horticulture, plant protection, agricultural economics and statistics

Research program
Locations Four agricultural research stations
Subjects Meteorology, phenology, hydrology, irrigation and drainage, agronomy, horticulture and greenhouses, plant protection, agricultural economics and statistics
Status Some completed, some ongoing
Findings All the Findings are recorded in Technical Reports

Internal Organization
Chief official Director
Divisions Water Research Section, Soil Section, Agricultural Research Section, Agricultural Economics and Statistics Section
Professional staff 52
Total staff 166

Office 4 buildings, laboratory
Library Approximately 4,000 volumes on agriculture and water
Exchange Facilities Available through the United Nations Development Programme and bilateral agreements

Serials Annual reports
Other Technical reports
Publications list Available

Established in 1971 as Hydro-agricultural Resources Survey Project; name changed in 1974 to Integrated Land Water Use Project and in 1978 to Agricultural and Water Resources Development Project; renamed in 1981


University of Qatar

Mail address PO Box 2713, Doha
Telephone +974 874-961,869-950 Fax +974 860-680 Telex 4630 UNVSTY DH

Nature Academic
Mission Research, technology transfer
Financial support Government
Working languages Arabic, English
Scope of interest Energy, natural resources, semi-industries, health and environmental pollution, documentation of scientific information, radiation studies, remote sensing, agriculture, food, chemical analysis

Research program
Subjects Conversion of natural gas to liquid petroleum products, pharmacological studies and biological studies on wild plants, improvements of concrete properties, ecological studies on pearl oyster beds
Status Concrete research completed, Other projects ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Gabr F.M. Al-Noaimi
Divisions Units of: Energy, Natural Resources, Semi-industries, Health and Environment Pollution, Documentation of Scientific Information, Radiation Studies, Remote Sensing
Professional staff 4, plus academic researchers from the University according to projects
Total staff 11

Office One main building with several offices and 6 laboratories, one field building with 6 laboratories
Library In stage of arrangement, with a good nucleus of materials
Subcenters Units of Remote Sensing, Radiation Studies, Health and Environment, and Semiindustries
Exchange Facilities Available

Reports, books, atlases, technical papers
Publications list Available

University founded in 1973; SARC established in 1980