Turkmenistan - Central Asia

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Academy of Sciences of Turkmenistan (TAS)

Mail address 15 Gogol Street, 744000 Ashgabat
Telephone +7 (3632) 295-427 Fax +7 (3632) 253-716

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Financial support State-financed
Working languages Russian, Turkmen
Scope of interest Desertification study and control, agronomy, energy, forestry, rangeland improvement and watering, remote sensing, saline water use, arid soil studies and classification, sand dune stabilization, climatology

Research program
Locations Turkmenistan, former Republics of Central Asia and Kazakhstan, Mali, Mongolia, India, Afghanistan, Peru, Libya, China
Subjects Land degradation (desertification), combating desertification processes
Status Ongoing projects in Turkmenistan, Central Asian states; others complete
Findings Identification of desertification criteria, methodology of compiling desertitication maps, recommendations on desertification control

Internal Organization
Chief official Academician A.G. Babaev, Director
Divisions 14 laboratories, 3 departments: (1) Economic-Geographical Problems, (2) Land and Water Resources, (3) Rangeland Ecology
Division heads (1) Academician A.G. Babaev, (2) Dr. A.O. Ovezliev, (3) Academician V. N. Nicolaev
Professional staff 95
Total staff 270

Office 300 mē office, 1,100 mē Of laboratories
Library Special collection at DRI, access to Central Library at TAS
Computer catalog Yes (DRI collection), using CDS/ISIS/M
Computer searches Available locally
Subcenters Repetek Sand Station with adjacent Repetek International Biosphere Sand Desert Reserve; Nebit-Dag Arid Land Reclamation Centre; 3 experimental field stations, in Central, South and Eastern Karakum
Exchange Facilities There are Exchange Facilities and programs for visiting scientists

Serials Problems of Desert Development (Russian version available from DRI, English version available through Allerton Press, United States)
Other Various monographs, desertification maps of Central Asia, Aral Sea Basin and some others
Publications list Available

Established in 1962 as Desert Institute; renamed in 1993