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Overseas Development Administration (ODA)

Mail address Central Avenue, Chatham Maritime, Chatham, Kent ME4 4TB
Telephone +44 (634) 880-088 Fax +44 (634) 880-066, 880-077
Telex 263907/8 LDN G Cable NRI Chatham

Nature National government agency
Mission Research, extension
Financial support British government, international financial institutes, bilateral donors and private companies
Working languages English
Scope of interest Agronomy, energy, forestry, horticulture, livestock, remote sensing, renewable natural resources, land use planning, agricultural support services

Research program
Locations Malawi, Kenya, Russia
Subjects In drylands: LARST, Dryland Applied Research Project, livestock feed requirements
Status Ongoing
Findings Weather front information and fisheries data, improved cropping systems, recommendations for development of the feed milling and livestock sector

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. K. Dick, Head of Client Services Unit, Development Services Group
Divisions (1) Resource Management. (2) Food Science and Crop Utilization, (3) Pest Management
Division heads (1) Dr. R.D. Cooke, (2) Dr. J. Nabney, (3) Mr. J. Perfect
Professional staff 419
Total staff 557

Library U.K's largest tropical agriculture collection, including 1,600 current journals and 250,000 volumes total
Computer catalog Yes, using CAIRS
Computer searches Available, with charge made for major searches
Local databases Export data to TROPAG and AGEIS databases
Exchange Facilities Formal training courses in Food Science and Crop Utilization, both U.K.-based and in-country

Serials NRl Annual Report, Tropical Science, Termite Abstracts, Tsetse & Trypanosomiasis Information Quarterly (English or French)
Other Framework documents, annual reports and accounts
Publications list Available

Established in 1987 as Overseas Development Natural Resources Institute; name changed in 1990 to Natural Resources Institute


Overseas Development Institute

Mail address Regent's College, Inner Circle, Regent's Park, London NW 1 4NS
Telephone +44 (71)487-7413 Fax +44 (71) 487-7590 Telex 94082191 ODIUK

Nature Academic, non government
Mission Research dissemination
Working languages English, French, Spanish
Scope of interest Forestry, livestock, biotechnology, renewable natural resources, irrigation, relief and disaster management

Research program
Locations Africa, Asia, Latin America, Eastern Europe
Subjects Irrigation in Sudan, Zimbabwe; participatory research in agriculture for poor and marginal farmers; future of pastoral projects and management of natural woodland; Research program in collaboration with network of project administrators in the U.K. and overseas; network members provide Group with information from own experience and use Group as source of information and advice; discussion papers and biannual newsletter distributed to network members; food aid, relief and disaster management
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Professor John Howell. Director
Divisions Rural Resources Management Group and main body of Overseas Development Institute
Professional staff
Total staff 49


Office Office space
Library Books, periodicals, newspaper clippings on development topics; Rural Resources Management Group holds material relevant to members' current research interests, including unpublished work

Overseas Development Institute established in 1960 as independent, nongovernment body to promote wise overseas development decisions; Rural Resources Management Group (formerly the Agricultural Administration Unit) established in 1975


Richmond, Surrey TW9 3AB

Telephone +44(81)940-1171 Fax +44(81)332-5197 Telex 296694 KEWGAR

Sponsoring agency Ministry of Agriculture, Fisheries and Food
Nature Nondepartmental public body
Mission Research, instruction and education, information, advice
Financial support Government and sponsored grants
Working languages English
Scope of interest Desertification, agronomy, energy, forestry, horticulture, renewable natural resources, wildlife, livestock fodder and browse plants

Research program
Locations Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew
Subjects Survey of Economic Plants for Arid and Semiarid Lands (SEPASAL); seed collection and storage; Plantas do Nordeste (Northeast Brazil)
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Professor G.T. Prance, FRS, Director; Dr. C. Stirton, Deputy Director (Science); J. Lavin, Deputy Director (Operations)
Divisions (1) Herbarium and Library, (2) Jodrell Laboratory, (3) Living Collections, (4) Education and Marketing, (5) Building and Maintenance, (6) Administration, (7) Finance, (8) Computer Section
Division heads (1) Professor G.LI. Lucas, OBE, Keeper; (2) Professor M.D. Bennett, Keeper; (3) J.B.E. Simmons, OBE, Curator; (4) Dr. R.B. Burbridge; (5) T. Bailey; (6) W. Webb; (7) Miss R. Bower; (8) W. Loader
Professional staff 135 scientists, 35 curatorial and supervisory horticultural staff; 182 botanical horticulturalists
Total staff 522

Office Herbarium with worldwide representation of over 5 million sheets, Centre for Economic Botany with collections of over 73,000 items, Jodrell Laboratory (cytology, anatomy, biological interactions, molecular biology at Kew; physiology and seed bank at Wakehurst Place)
Library Over 120,000 volumes, 2,000 current periodical titles, 140,000 pamphlets, 175,000 illustrations, 11,000 sheet maps, and 250,000 manuscripts and letters
Computer catalog Yes, using Unicorn Collection Management System (Sirs) Corporation, Inc.)
Computer searches Available
Local databases Indexes of Plant Families and Genera, Index to Authorities of Plant Names. Kew Record of Taxonomic Literature, Kew Index (Index Kewensis), Index Filicum, Index of Living Collections, Seed Bank, Spirit Collection Catalogue. Economic Botany Collections Catalogue, Economic Botany Bibliography, Plant Anatomy Bibliography, Survey of Economic Plants for Arid and Semiarid Lands (SEPASAI ), Conservation Bibliography, Cactaceae Checklist Formal networks Internet. PSS
Subcenters Seed hank (Wakehurst Place, Ardinyly, West Sussex, RH17 6TN)
Local networks Yes
Exchange Facilities Access available to bonafide researchers, by application to Director and prior written appointment

Serials Kew Scientist (newsletter of work of Royal Botanic Gardens, Kew), Kew Bulletin (annual in tour parts), Kew Bulletin Additional Series (irregular), Kew Index (taxonomic literature - annual), Plantas do Nordeste Newsletter
Other Forage and Browse Plants for Arid and Semiarid Africa, Non-Timber Uses of Selected Arid Zone Trees and Shrubs in Africa; SEPASAL dossiers on particular species of potential economic importance
Publications list Available

Gardens founded in 1759, became government scientific institution in 1841 ; herbarium and Library established in 11352, obtained present Status in 1984


University of Durham

Mail address Southend House, South Road, Durham DH I 3TG
Telephone +44(91)374-282 Fax +44(91)374-283

Nature Academic
Mission Research, instruction
Financial support University of Durham
Working languages English
Scope of interest All aspects of development in the Middle East

Research program
Locations Middle East
Subjects Political economy of Middle Eastern states
Status Multiple projects ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Professor Timothy Niblock
Divisions Besides Centre staff: Other Middle East specialists are to be found in the Departments of Geography, Economics, Sociology, Anthropology, Education. and Theology at the University of Durham
Professional staff ca. 30

Office Centre has its own building
Library Substantial main Library holdings; very substantial documentation unit
Computer catalog Yes
Remote access Available
Computer searches Available
Exchange Facilities Arrangements for visiting research fellows

Established in 1962


University of Durham

Mail address Science Laboratories, South Road, Durham DH1 3LE
Telephone +44 (91 ) 374-2495 Fax +44 (91 ) 374-2495
E-mail [email protected] (Dr. Roderic Dutton, Director)

Nature Academic
Mission Applied research, extension
Financial support International organizations, commercial sector, University of Durham, funding councils
Working languages English, Arabic, French
Scope of interest Agronomy, forestry, livestock, agricultural marketing, demography, irrigation. water, remote sensing, GIS, environmental management, renewable natural resources, wildlife conservation

Research program
Locations Sultanate of Oman; Northeast Brazil; Ogaden region, Ethiopia; Jos Plateau. Nigeria; Badia, Jordan; Deir Ez Zor, Syria
Subjects See Scope of interest
AlI ongoing
Findings Value of applied research and a multidisciplinary approach in the development of arid lands

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Roderic Dutton, Director
Divisions (1) Agriculture, (2) Environment
Division heads (1) Dr. Roderic Dutton, (2) Dr. Kevin Brown (Email: [email protected])
Professional staff 8
Total staff 15

Office Two offices, full use of Department of Geography Facilities (laboratories, support, printing, library, computers)
Library Centre collection growing, especially concerning Middle East; full use of University of Durham Library Facilities, including on-line public access catalogs (OPACs) and Other network bibliographies
Formal networks JANET
Subcenters Field Office in Oman
Local networks Yes, via E-mail
Exchange Facilities CORD encourages links between the University of Durham and institutions overseas, both academic and non-academic; CORD supervises research students overseas and occasionally hosts international conferences on varying disciplines and Subjects

list Extensive publication list available on request

Established in 1983


University of Oxford

Mail address 1a Manstield Road, Oxford O8 I 3TB
Telephone +44 (865)281-180 Fax +44(865)281-181 E-mail [email protected]

Nature Academic
Mission Research, instruction, extension
Financial support Both government and non-government
Working languages English
Scope of interest Climate change studies: impact assessment and responses, long-term environmental change, energy efficiency

Research program
Locations Global
Subjects Research on and development of guidelines for assessing impact and responses to climate change; examples: a demonstration project on vulnerability mapping for drought hazard; the Sahel project to study aquifer recharge and climatic change in the Sahel during the past 2,000 years
Status Ongoing
Findings Climate change studies: climate change will alter world agricultural potential; at the global level, agricultural production will be maintained even with climate changes, but with increased costs; northern countries may benefit somewhat from warmer temperatures, while significant decreases in some regions and countries threaten fragile economies and vulnerable populations. Long Term Environment Programme: techniques developed for measuring indicators of desertification, such as desert dust and charcoal, in lake sediment cores

Internal Organization
Chief official Director
Divisions Climate Impact and Responses Programme, Energy and the Environment Programme, Long Term Environmental Change Programme
Division heads Programme Leaders
Professional staff 20
Total staff 24

Office Yes, but limited
Library Small special collection with 100 periodical titles, 500 monographs
Formal networks JANET
Exchange Facilities Limited

Serials Oxford Environment News (internal university newsletter)
Other Annual reports, research reports, reprint series
Publications list Available

Established in 1991 as an independent center in the University of Oxford


University of Wales, Bangor

Gwynedd, LL57 2UW
Telephone +44 (248) 382-346, 351 - 151 ext. 2345-7 Fax +44 (248) 364-717

Nature Academic
Mission Development: research, training, education and advisory
Financial support Self-funding
Working languages English, some French
Scope of interest Agriculture, forestry, livestock, remote sensing, plant breeding, plant physiology and biochemistry, pastoralism, soil and water conservation, rural resource management and development, institute development

Research program
Locations United Kingdom, Pakistan, India, Kenya, Nigeria, Sri Lanka, Swaziland
Subjects Plant breeding: chromosome mapping; Plant physiology: stress tolerance investigations, wheat, rice, cotton; Agroforestry: physiological and production responses; Natural resources: information reviewing
Findings Techniques, mechanisms of tolerance, Locations, systems of information analysis

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. W. Ian Robinson, Director
Divisions Integrated but separate responsibilities: Research Management. Research, Research Reviews, Advisory/Education/Training
Division heads Dr. J. Witcombe, Project Manager (ODA-PSRP); Dr. J. Gorham, Stress Tolerance Research; Mr. P. Smith, Information Technology
Professional staff 26
Total staff 55 (with associates)

Office 12 offices, 2 labs (School of Biological Sciences and School of Agriculture anti Forestry), greenhouses, farms/forests/commons
Library Internal, for student use
Computer catalog National data bases 1900-1994 (abstracts), Sudan, Tanzania, Kenya
Computer searches Not regularly
Exchange Facilities University links on contract, individual scientists

Serials Occasional letter/monographs
Other Papers for international journals, reports for consultancies
Publications list Available

Established in 1970 as Arid Zone Unit. Department of Agriculture; established as CAZS in 1984