Zambia - Southern Africa

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Mail address PO Box 310158, Chelston, Lusaka
Telephone +260 ( I ) 281-081 to -086 Telex 40005 NACSIR, ZA

Sponsoring agency Ministry of Science, Technology and Vocational Training
Nature National government
Mission Research
Financial support Government of the Republic of Zambia
Working languages English
Scope of interest Livestock research, pest research, animal nutrition, animal physiology, tree Improvement research, natural products, food technology, industrial minerals, energy research, water quality

Research program
Locations (1) Tree Improvement Research Centre - Kitwe; (2) Livestock and Pest Research Centre - Chilanga; (3) National Council for Scientific Research Headquarters Lusaka
Subjects (1) Tree improvement and natural products; (2) livestock and pests, animal nutrition and physiology; (3) food technology, industrial minerals, energy research and water quality
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Professor M. N. Siamwiza, Acting Secretary General
Divisions Units of Food Technology Research, Radioisotopes Research, Livestock and Pest Research, Water Resources Research, Tree Improvement Research, Building Industrial Minerals Research, Material Testing, Technical Services, Information Services
Professional staff 54
Total staff 390

Office Each unit has laboratories and Office space
Library 10,000 books, subscriptions to l 12 serials, good collection of government and institutional reports
Subcenters Tree Improvement Research Centre, Box 21210, Kitwe; Livestock and Pest Research Centre, Box 49, Chilanga
Exchange Facilities Can be arranged through Secretary General

Serials Zambia Journal of Science and Technology, Zambia Science Abstracts; technical reports, technical directories
Other Atlas of the Population of Zambia
Publications list Available

Established in 1967 by Act of Parliament


University of Zambia

Mail address PO Box 30900, Lusaka
Telephone +260 (1) 292-462, 292-463

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Financial support Government
Working languages English
Scope of interest Socioeconomics, health, economics, labor issues, urban issues

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. Oliver Saasa, Director
Divisions (1) Health Promotion Research, (2) Economics, (3) Urban Research, (4) Social Research
Division heads (1) Dr. M. Macwang'i, (2) Dr. C. Lumbwe and Dr. C. Chingambo; (3) Mr. Mulenga, (4) Prof. M. Kashoki
Professional staff 8
Total staff 20

Library Special collection of more than 5,000 documents and i 50 journals, with emphasis on socioeconomic themes representing the main thrust of the Institute's research
Computer catalog Yes, using CDS/ISIS
Local databases Health Systems Research, Database of Studies and Surveys on Social Policy and Poverty in Zambia, 1988-93
Exchange Facilities Could be arranged with the Director

Serials IAS Working Papers (available: Nos. I -6), MS Research Reports (available: No. 2 of 4), IAS Seminar Proceedings (available: Nos. 1-2)
Publications list Available

Established in 1953 as the Rhodes-Livingston Institute

University of Zambia, Faculty of Natural Sciences

Mail address PO Box 32379, Lusaka
Telephone +260(1) 213-221 Fax +260(1) 253-952 Telex 44370 UNZALU

Nature Academic
Mission Research
Working languages English
Scope of interest Livestock, remote sensing, energy

Research program
Locations Southern Province of Zambia
Subjects Drought, famine, famine relief, livestock
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Head of Department
Divisions Physical Geography, Human Geography
Professional staff 16
Total staff 30

Office 3 lecture rooms, 2 laboratories, 14 offices
Library Department library
Exchange Facilities Available

Serials Zambia Geographical Journal; schools supplement, occasional studies papers, occasional newsletter, handbook series
Other Maps

University founded in 1965