Zimbabwe - Southern Africa

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Mail address PO Box HG 595, Highlands, Harare
Telephone +263 (4) 470-70, 468-78 Fax +263 (4) 470-66
Fax +263 (4) 470-66

Sponsoring agency Forestry ComMission
National government
Mission Research
Financial support Donors, government
Working languages English
Scope of interest Silviculture, agroforestry, entomology, natural resources management

Research program
Locations 3 domestic field research stations
Subjects Seeds, silviculture, ecology and management of indigenous forests, pathology, entomology, agroforestry, mapping and resource inventory
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Manager, Research and Development Divisions (1) Tree Improvement, (2) Silviculture, (3) Entomology, (4) Forest Inventorying and Mapping, (5) Forest Products Research Division heads (1) Ms. Idal Pswarayi, (2) Mr. Mushove, (3) Mr. Mazodze, (4) Mr. Gondo, (5) No name given
Professional staff 20
Total staff 30

Office 4 laboratories, 22 offices, map room, conference room, seed store
Library 5,000 books, 7,000+ papers, 7 journal subscriptions

list Available

Established in 1969



Mail address PO Box BW 330, Borrowdale, Harare
Telephone +263 (4) 725-936, 796-274, 883-118 Telex 22455 Agric. ZW

Sponsoring agency Agricultural, Technical and Extension Services - Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Water Development
Nature National government
Mission Research, training, extension
Financial support Government
Working languages English
Scope of interest Tillage, crop production and processing, machinery and methods, farm machinery management

Research program
Locations Within Zimbabwe, on-station and off-station nationwide, on various soil types and agroecological zones
Subjects Tillage, cooperative ownership of tractors, small scale grain storage
Status Ongoing
Findings Developed soil loss estimation and soil life models, recommendations for introducing motorized mechanization into the small-scale farming sector, and model grain storage structures for small-scale farmers

Internal Organization
Chief official Chief official; Chief Engineer
Divisions Crop Production Engineering, Crop Processing Engineering, Farm Machinery Management, Machinery Design and Management, Training and Extension
Division heads Section Heads
Professional staff 13
Total staff 126

Office Adequate for our requirements
Library Limited
Subcenters None, hut Institute is involved in on-farm and on-station trials with Other government organizations and is now employing Mechanization Specialists in the provinces
Exchange Facilities Normally organized as per request

Serials Annual reports
Other Soil erosion handbooks, training materials on animal and tractor power, rural workshops
Publications list Available

Established in 1968 under the Department of Conservation and Extension



Mail address PO Box 97, Chiredzi
Telephone +263 (338) 312-397, 312-398 Telex 24SS AGRICZW ZW

Sponsoring agency Ministry of Lands, Agriculture and Water Development; Department of Research and Specialist Services, Crop Research Division
Nature National government
Financial support Government
Working languages English, Shona
Scope of interest Field crops, agronomy, water use, water harvesting, varietal improvement, horticulture (tropical and subtropical fruits, nuts and vegetables), new crops, fanning systems, agricultural economics, entomology, hydrology, catchments, wetland management

Research program
Locations At research stations; on-farm research Sites in surrounding communal areas and commercial farms
Subjects Agronomy, water harvesting, irrigation, water use, varietal improvement, new food and cash crops, agricultural economics and farming systems surveys, cropping systems evaluation, horticulture, entomology
Status Ongoing
Findings Water conservation and concentration techniques increase grain production by an average of 35% (averaged over 5 years) for such crops as maize, sorghum and cotton; subsurface irrigation using clay pipes saves up to 40% water in growing garden crops; three rice and two sweet potato varieties were released by the stations

Internal Organization
Chief official I. M. Mharapara, Deputy Director, Crops Division and Head, Chiredzi Research Station; P. Nyamudeza, Officer in Charge, Save Valley Experiment Station
Divisions Agronomy, Horticulture, Entomology, Agricultural Economics
Professional staff 19
Total staff 200

Office Chiredzi: 10 offices, 2 laboratories (soil and water, plant protection); Chisumbanje: 3 offices; Save Valley: 4 offices, 1 laboratory (general)
Library Chiredzi 1 Library with 2,100 documents and maps, 220 books, 23 periodicals; Save Valley: 1 Library being established
Computer catalog Yes
Local databases Annual reports, Research Projects Directory
Formal networks AGRIS, IAEA (INIS)
Subcenters Makoholi Experiment Station Horticulture Research Centre - for multiple cropping of rice and maize on hydromorphic soils
Exchange Facilities Limited, but can accommodate 3 visitors

Serials Annual reports, periodic handbooks
Other Articles published in Zimbabwe Agricultural Journal and Zimbabwe Journal of Agriculture
Publications list Available

Three stations form the Lowveld Research Stations: Save Valley Experiment Station (on alluvial soils) opened in 1953, closed in 1976 and re-opened in 1994; Chisumbanje Experiment Station, on basalts, opened in 1954; Chiredzi Research Station (the regional headquarters) opened in 1968 on paragneiss soils



Mail address PO Box MP 119, Mt. Pleasant, Harare
Telephone +263 (4) 744-260 Fax +263 (4) 730-700
Telex Via 1995 ISES World Congress Address 0907 26623 ZW
E-mail xcarels@zimbix uz zw

Sponsoring agency International Solar Energy Society (ISES), PO Box 124, Caulfield, East Melbourne, Victoria 3145, Australia
Nature Voluntary, nongovernmental organization (NGO) closely linked with the University of Zimbabwe
Mission To promote awareness of benefits of the several forms of solar energy
Financial support Member dues, donations
Working languages English, Shona and Ndebele made available when needed
Scope of interest Energy-efficient building design, solar water heating, solar cooking, biogas, biomass, photovoltaics for rural domestic electric lights, photovoltaics for refrigeration and water pumping, wind generators where velocity is sufficient

Research program
Subjects See Scope of interest

Internal Organization
Chief official J. J. Chitauro, Chairman of SESOZ and Permanent Secretary, Ministry of Higher Education; J. E. Stevens, Secretary; Lawrence Vambe, Chairman, 1995 ISES Congress; Derrick McDiarmid, Chief Executive, 1995 ISES Congress
Total staff All volunteers

Subcenters Matabeleland Branch, Bulawayo; Manicaland Branch, Mutare
Local networks Partially in place; Scientific and Technical University in Bulawayo in course of communicating
Exchange Facilities Visitors are welcome

Serials The Sun (house journal)

Established in 1978


University of Zimbabwe

Mail address PO Box MP 167, Mount Pleasant, Harare
Telephone +263 (4) 303-211, extension 1402 Fax +263 (4) 333-407, 335-249
Telex 26580 UNIVZ ZW E-mail [email protected] (Dr. L.R. Ndlovu, Dean)

Nature Academic
Mission Research. instruction, outreach
Financial support National government, donor community
Working languages English
Scope of interest Agronomy, horticulture, livestock management, land use, range management

Research program
Locations Sanyati, Cwanda, Sebungwe, Masvingo, Matopos
Subjects Livestock productivity, reforestation, draught power and cropping
Status Ongoing

Internal Organization
Chief official Dr. L.R. Ndlovu, Dean
Divisions Department of Agricultural Economics and Extension, Department of Animal Science, Department of Crop Science, Department of Soil Science and Agricultural Engineering Division heads Chairmen
Professional staff 69
Total staff 183

Office Each department has over 600 mē of space
Computer catalog Yes
Exchange Facilities Available through direct application

Established in 1957; previously known as University College of Rhodesia, then as University of Rhodesia until 1980