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Worksheet 2: Inter-Sectoral and Macroeconomic Issues for Inclusion in the Planning

Place a check mark in front of each issue that needs explicit attention in the planning. Each member of your planning team and its advisory committee(s) should do this individually. Then, meet as a group to compare and discuss your responses. (Link with Worksheets 3-5).

Main Themes

Issues to Be Considered in the Planning Agenda.

Inter-Agency Collaboration - Government support of favored sectors. Differential taxes, subsidies, and technical assistance (by sector, agency, region, type of enterprise, etc.).

Effects on forests because of policies and programs in: (1) agriculture and grazing; (2) transportation and infrastructure; (3) water supply; (4) minerals and energy; (5) industry and trade; (6) parks, wildlife, fisheries; (7) tourism; (8) national defense; and (9) others.

Inter-organizational bodies and strategies to promote coordination.

Macroeconomic Situation and Trends - Projected growth in population and income. Effects on land markets; effects on supply and demand of forest products and services. "Fast" and "slow" growth according to sectors, regions, and population settlements.

Land-use changes (how to guide them)

Expanding and contracting markets for forest products and services.

Economic growth as affecting the location and activity mix of agency activities.

Sustainability (definition and policy)

Fiscal and Monetary Policies - Amount and composition of government spending. Tax policies and revenues. Credit availability and terms; monetary stability; debt servicing.

Construction activity (housing, infrastructure)

Import and export trends and composition

Investment climate (e.g., for forest industries)

Agency's budget

Agency's revenue collection

Foreign Investment and Trade - Laws for foreign investment in forest resources. Investment codes and controls. Trade incentives and obstacles.

Winners and losers from open versus protected markets (e.g., in forest products).

Prospects for market expansion and new technologies.

Implications for forest utilization, protection, and management.

Inflow of Development Aid - Amounts and composition, shares to government vs. NGOs; donor requirements and expectations.

Coordination of multiple but independent initiatives.

Quality of NGO/government partnerships.

Sustainability of aid inflows.

Response to requirements and "conditionalities."

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