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Worksheet 3: Enterprise Issues for Inclusion in the Planning

Place a check mark in front of each issue that needs explicit attention in the planning. Each member of your planning team and its advisory committee(s) should do this individually. Then, meet as a group to compare and discuss your responses. (Link with Worksheets 4-5 and 2.)

Main Themes

Issues to Be Considered in the Planning Agenda

Public/Private Division of Activities - In forest ownership, management, regeneration, harvesting, processing, marketing, and extension services.

Appropriate changes in mix of public (state), private, and communal forestlands.

Public enterprises to be sold, terminated, or initiated.

Financial, economic, social, and environmental consequences of these decisions.

Government Regulation and Control - Legal and regulatory setting; enforcement capacity. Social vs. private efficiency.

Prospects for de-regulation of production quotas, technology, etc., to increase income and employment.

Environmental costs and benefits of reduced regulation.

Overall winners and losers from reduced regulation.

Utilization Rights in Public Forests - Terms of contracts to utilize public forests; methods of allocating the contracts; contract duration, pricing, and regulations.

Fairness in granting harvesting rights.

Conflicts with indigenous land claims.

Security of possession as a factor in forest protection and management.

Pricing of forest raw materials to achieve fairness, efficiency,, and government revenue.

Effectiveness of requirements to protect and regenerate the forest.

Future Supply of Forest Raw Materials - Quantity, composition, costs, continuity.

Appropriate amount of public investment.

Choice of policies, programs, incentives.

Small and Medium Enterprises - Policies, programs, and projects for small operations (i.e., in the "informal" economy).

Appropriate legal and regulatory measures.

Role of non-timber products and services.

Technical, marketing, management, credit, and other assistance.

Limitations and possibilities of small enterprises in forest protection and management.

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