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Worksheet 4: Environmental Issues for Inclusion in the Planning

Place a check mark in front of each issue that needs explicit attention in the planning. Each member of your planning team and its advisory committee(s) should do this individually. Then, meet as a group to compare and discuss your responses. (Link with Worksheets 5 and 2-3).

Main Themes

Issues to Be Considered in the Planning Agenda

Attention to Environmental Services - For agriculture, water supply, tourism, fish and wildlife, climate, biodiversity, science, education, existence value, option value.

Extent to which each of these services or values is addressed in the planning framework.

Actions to increase the reliability of biophysical and economic information to value these services.

Actions to use the information for decisions in policy and management.

Procedures and Practices to Limit Environmental Damage. - Legal, regulatory, and voluntary.

Use of environmental profiles, national conservation strategies, and ecological profiles to determine forest uses and practices.

Use of land-use classification and zoning to limit areas for forest harvesting, mineral exploration, cropping, grazing, and the like.

Use of forest management plans to address environmental concerns.

Use of environmental assessments (e.g., EIA) for road building, logging, and other high-impact activities.

Comparative costs and effectiveness of the different instruments above.

Policies to Advance Environmental Goals - Legal, regulatory, fiscal, and procedural.

Adoption of certification systems to indicate sustainable forest management.

Taxing forests no more heavily than alternative land uses (e.g., cropping, grazing).

Extending reforestation incentives to include native species and natural forests.

Adjusting the level of forest charges to reflect environmental issues (e.g., to reduce pressure on ecologically valuable areas and species).

Using instruments such as performance bonds to compensate for damages.

Other policies and instruments important in your country's context:...................................................

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