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Worksheet 6. Guidelines for Effective Brainstorming.

Use this worksheet to decide how you will set up and summarize your brainstorming sessions. Choose a method that fits your context.

1. Generate Ideas Rapidly

· For a given period of time (e.g., 15 minutes), ask the members of your group to call out as many suggestions as they can to solve a defined problem. Do not allow anyone to question or criticize any of the ideas at this stage.

· Record these ideas on large sheets of paper where everyone can see them. Record all ideas, even the "crazy" ones. The ideas can be serious or humorous.

2. Evaluate the Ideas

· Ask the group to define criteria for choosing which ideas they want to explore in more detail (e.g., reasonable cost, political feasibility, legal conformance, etc.). For the problem at hand, what are these criteria?


3. Focus Your Attention

· Combine, modify, and discard ideas according to criteria in Step 2 proceeding. For all ideas that now remain, which one(s) will you focus on?


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