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Worksheet 7. Guidelines to Clarify the Statement of a Problem.

You can apply these guidelines to sharpen the definition of any problem. Ask each team member to individually complete Steps 1-2. Then, share and discuss the worksheets among everyone (Step 3). At the end, get the group to agree on the final wording of the problem (Step 4).

Step 1. Answer the following questions (some may not apply):

· is the opportunity for improvement?
When and where....
· does the problem occur?
· wins and loses from the situation as it is now?
· wins and loses if the situation can be changed?
· is it important to resolve this problem?
· important are the consequences?
· much is the cost (financial, political, psychological, etc.) to do something, and not to do something?

Step 2: Based on your responses above, write a brief and clear statement of the problem here:


Step 3: Discuss what you wrote in Step 2 with other team members.

Step 4: Now re-state the problem, based on your discussion in Step 3.


Source: Adapted from Clive Shearer, 1994, Practical Continuous Improvement for Professional Services, ASQC Quality Press, Milwaukee, Wisconsin, p. 163-165.

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