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Worksheet 10. The Logical Framework.

The vertical logic of the framework connects a goal at the top with supporting analysis (why, what, how) beneath it. The horizontal logic has summary statements at the left, supported by indicators at the right. This technique has its main applications in project analysis, but also tests the logic of proposed policies and programs. Use these column headings and row headings to test the logic of goals in your strategic planning. (For an example, see Box 9 of the text.) You will need to use additional paper for writing space. The cells are numbered 1-12 to help you organize for this.



Means to Verify

Main Goal

Cell 1

Cell 2

Cell 3

Why is this goal important?

Cell 4

Cell 5

Cell 6

What do you want to achieve?

Cell 7

Cell 8

Cell 9

How will you achieve this goal?

Cell 10

Cell 11

Cell 12

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