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Worksheet 22. Cross-Cutting Improvement Goals: The Institutional Factors

Many things that need to be improved are institutional factors like leadership, working relationships, professional capacity, and public image. Make and photocopy a worksheet similar to this one (but specific to your circumstances). These issues can be sensitive, and you need to be very careful how you conduct this exercise. Encourage participants to state improvement goals that lead to constructive actions. What specific improvements are needed?

(Questions and Problems)

Improvement Goals
(use additional paper to give you space for writing)

1. Quality of Leadership and Vision in the Organization

2. Quality of Vertical Relations Between Forestry Agency and Top Government Authorities (i.e., cabinet level)

3. Quality of Vertical Relations Between National and Subordinate Units (e.g., regional and district offices)

4. Quality of Horizontal Relations Between Forestry Agency and Other Functional (Sectoral) Agencies

5. Quality of Legal and Regulatory Framework and Instruments

6. Capacity in Policy Analysis and Programming

7. Capacity in Budgeting and Financial Management

8. Capacity to Collect, Process, and Use Information (forest inventories, production statistics, market and trade data, etc.)

9. Capacity of Field Staff (e.g., to implement programs and projects)

10. Quality of Relationships with Private Industries

11. Quality of Relationships with NGOs (social, environmental)

12. Quality of Relationships with Rural Communities

13. Quality of Relationships with News Media

14. Other Issues

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