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Worksheet 24. Guidelines for Writing Objectives

Study your existing planning document to determine if its objectives are well written. Does each objective meet the criteria listed below? Use check marks to help you. Leaders of planning teams should refer to this checklist when they help planning participants write objectives.

Your Statement of an Objective Should Meet The Following Criteria.......

It starts with the word "to" and is followed by an action.

It states what and when; it purposely avoids why and how.

It is consistent with higher-level roles and missions.

It states one result to be accomplished.

It states a result that can be verified (i.e., observed, demonstrated, proved)

It is specific and quantifiable (when possible). But it avoids useless measures and false data.

It is realistic, but it represents a significant challenge.

It is easy to understand.

It is very clear about who has the responsibility for implementation. It avoids ambiguous and dual accountability.

It facilitates constructive discussion regarding how to assess performance.

For people who are not good at stating objectives, how can you help them? Consider workshops, training courses, and the like.

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