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Worksheet 31. Proposing a Set of Participation Activities.

Your agency needs to define participation activities in the planning (for an illustration, see Box 27 in the text). Normally, these activities correspond to the desired flows of information from your agency to the participants, and from the participants to your agency (Box 25 in the text).

Photocopy the following worksheet, and propose one activity (or event) per sheet. Each participant can fill in several worksheets. Then discuss these ideas as a basis to combine, modify, and organize them. You will develop your participation schedule and workplan from this information (see Worksheets 32-33).

Participation Activity or Event

1. What is it? (briefly describe)

2. What do you need to achieve with it? (purpose)

3. When should it occur? (calendar dates, or before or after other events)

4. Who will be responsible for it? (which person?)

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