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Worksheet 30: Participation in the Different Stages of Planning.

Below we indicate logical sets of participants in the various stages of the planning. On a separate sheet of paper, write in the names of people who should participate in each stage, including people outside the forestry agency. Distribute this worksheet to other individuals who can also supply names, and then compare your lists.

Planning Stage

Appropriate Participation

Sets out planning terms of reference, planning budget, guiding philosophies, and identifies team leader(s)

Director of forestry agency.
Selected regional directors.
Selected cabinet officials.
Selected agency directors, other "sectors."
Leaders of organized interests, wide mix

Identifies issues, designs participation plan, and defines special background studies and analyses

Director of forestry agency.
Selected regional directors.
Selected agency directors, other "sectors."
Leaders of organized interests, wide mix

Agency's mission:
Clarifies who the agency is, and what it does

Director of forestry agency.
Selected regional directors.
Selected agency directors, other "sectors."
Leaders of organized interests, wide mix

Goals and objectives:
What will be improved, when, by whom, and how much?

Director of forestry agency.
All directors of regional and subordinate offices.
Selected agency directors, other "sectors."
Leaders of organized interests, wide mix

Action strategies:
Compare alternative actions in terms of benefits and costs, fairness, and environmental aspects

Director of forestry agency.
All directors of regional and subordinate offices.
Many agency directors, other "sectors."
Selected cabinet officials.
Leaders and members of organized interests, wide mix.
People speaking as citizens, e.g., citizens advisory groups

Negotiate issues:
Seek agreements, compromises, and cooperation

Variable, depending on the issues at stake

Strategy implementation:
Implement scheduling, budgeting, training, reorganization, and so on

Director of forestry agency.
All directors of regional and subordinate offices.

Monitoring and evaluation:
Check progress and problems, and adjust missions, goals, objectives, and strategic actions

Director of forestry agency.
All directors of regional and subordinate offices.
Selected agency directors, other "sectors."
Leaders of organized interests, wide mix.

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