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Worksheet 33: What Goes Into a Participation Plan?

Please review the following guide when you prepare your participation plan. Directly or indirectly, your plan should address each of these topics, although you may prefer some other sequence of presentation.

Summary of initial visits and consultations ("fact finding" and "scoping"): With whom did you discuss the proposed strategic planning? (Give names, dates, and circumstances.)

Forestry agency, central office
Forestry agency, regional and other subordinate offices
Other government agencies, institutes, committees, etc.
Cabinet officials
Leaders of organized interests
Members of organized interests
Citizens (not representing groups)

Major issues likely to arise in the planning: Briefly identify concerns, interests, and positions. Comment on the intensity of feelings.


People to participate in the advisory committees: Gives names and reasons for the people you recommend to be on the technical committee and the citizens committee (where appropriate). Who should be the chairpersons? How will the committees interact with the agency?

Technical committee: (names, backgrounds, chairperson, reporting mechanism)

Citizens committee: (names, backgrounds, chairperson, reporting mechanism)

Strengths and weaknesses of the forestry agency to conduct participatory planning: Consider personnel, external relationships, previous experience, etc. Where there are weaknesses, what can be done to overcome them? Consider outside guidance, contracted specialists, assistance of other institutions, etc.

Schedule of participation activities: This should show the projected sequence of participation activities and events through all planning stages, including periodic reviews (see Worksheet 32.)

Means of recording the participation: How will your agency keep a complete and accurate record of the participation it will receive? Consider careful attendance records, appointing people to take notes, use of tape recorders, and so on.

Proposed budget: Prepare itemized budget for the planning to include travel and communications, rentals of meeting places, secretarial services, specialists' services, report production and distribution, and other direct and indirect expenditures.

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