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Worksheet 34. Issues in Multi-Level Planning.

Use this worksheet to think about how to coordinate strategic planning for forests at national, regional, and lower (province, district, and municipal) levels. Allow each member of the planning team to answer the questions individually. Then meet to compare your responses.

Scope and authority:

1. Which sub-national offices will participate in the planning, and when and how will their participation take place?

2. How will the national and sub-national offices coordinate efforts in the early fact-finding stages of the planning?

3. What are the terms of reference for each of the participating sub-national units? Who will prepare them, and when?

4. How can your agency's director fully empower the sub-national units in the planning?

Resources for planning:

1. Indicate what you can do to strengthen planning resources at sub-national levels in terms of: (i) planning leaders, (ii) advisory committees, (iii) meeting facilities, and (iv) support budgets.

2. Can planning resources be shared, such as between the national office and regional offices? Between regional offices and district offices?

Mechanisms to accommodate disparities:

1. Which regions, districts, etc., are most disadvantaged for the planning? In what ways?

2. What special attention do they need, and how will this be provided?

Mechanisms to coordinate bottom-up initiatives with national policies:

1. What will be the opportunities for the sub-national planning leaders to meet personally with the national planning team and the agency director?

2. What will be the process of bottom-up submission and top-down review of the sub-national plans?

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