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Worksheet 42. Action Teams for Plan Implementation.

You rely on action teams to observe progress and problems for each of your improvement goals. The composition and responsibilities of the action teams should be determined before the main planning effort comes to an end. Normally you will have several action teams, each of which should complete this worksheet.

People in the action team (usually 3-5, including people not in your forestry agency):

1 Team Leader ..................................................................................................................................

Purpose of the action team (this statement should be developed by the team itself, not by the agency's administration):
This team has the following responsibilities:

Meeting schedule (and topics for the first meetings, if possible):
This team will meet, as follows:

Source: Adapted from I. Mayo-Smith and N. Ruther, 1986, Achieving Improved Performance in Public Organizations, Kumarian Press, West Hartford, CT, pp. 96-97.

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