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51. The report of the 12th Inter-Agency Meeting (IAM) was presented by the Observer from AOAC INTERNATIONAL. The Committee was informed that the report would be available on the AOAC INTERNATIONAL World Wide Web home page ([32] and would also link existing home pages of other IAM organizations through this site. The Committee noted that Dr. Roger Wood was elected to serve as chairman till the 13th Session of the IAM.

52. The Committee was informed that the Secretariat of the IAM would contact organizations which were once on the IAM roster, but did not participate in the IAM, to ascertain their interest. In this regard, the IAM requested the Codex Secretariat to provide a list of organizations, methods of which had been endorsed by the Commission but which did not appear on the IAM roster. Similarly, the Codex Secretariat was requested to periodically provide to the IAM secretariat a list of methods, by originating organization, which were endorsed for Codex purposes, with a request that these lists be reviewed and any changes or revocation of such standards were to be communicated to the Codex Secretariat. The IAM accepted to undertake the two new work items referred to it by the Committee, i.e., the harmonization of analytical terminology in accordance with international standards with specific reference to "limits" (see para. 28.) and the review of methods of analysis using ODS (see para. 42.).

53. The Committee was informed of the updated "Directory of Organizations Working in the Fields of Standard Methods of Analysis and Laboratory Quality Assurance for the Food Sector" which was prepared by the Delegation of UK. The Delegation stated that comments made on the first draft of the document which had been presented at the 20th Session had been reflected in the current version. As requested by the 20th Session of the Committee, preparation of the directory was an on-going exercise. The Delegation of the UK would therefore welcome updates to the document to enable it to prepare a revised version for the 22nd Session of the Committee and the 13th IAM.

54. The Committee noted the report of the IAM and the changes in its terms of reference. The Committee appreciated efforts by the IAM in providing technical support to the work of the Committee.

[31] CRD 1.
[32] The report is also available from the following upon request: AOAC INTERNATIONAL, 481 North Frederick Ave. Ste. 500, Gaithersburg, Maryland 20877-2417, USA. Fax: +1 301 924 7089.

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