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Anon. 1978. The Chorleywood bread process: variety production. Report no. 71. Flour Milling and Baking research Association, Chorleywood, Hertfordshire, England.

Creighton, J. and Charlton, M.L. 1995. Final report on bifenthrin/malathion pesticide treatment trials on wheat for FMC Europe. Report 8017/95 EXT. Weston Research Laboratories Limited, UK. Unpublished.

Roland, L. 1993. Determination of bifenthrin and malathion residues on grains. BIFENTHRINE-MALATHION-Grains/MR044-01. B.E.A.Gx/Phytopharmacie, Belgium. Unpublished.

Roland, L. 1995. Determination of bifenthrin and malathion residues on flour. BIFENTHRINE-MALATHION-Flour/MR052-01. B.E.A.Gx/Phytopharmacie, Belgium. Unpublished.

Roland, L., Marien, L. and Sprangers, O. 1995a. Residues of bifenthrin and malathion in grains. Trial T.E.C - Anglet (France) - 1994. Report CRP/95/1362. Study BEAGX 5/1994/1133. B.E.A.Gx, Centre de Recherches de Phytopharmacie, Belgium. Unpublished.

Roland, L., Marien, L. and Sprangers, O. 1995b. Residues of bifenthrin and malathion in grains of wheat - flour, bran and bread. (Wheat treated with Prostore grain protectant - 1995). Report CRP/95/1363. Study BEAGX 5/1995/1148. B.E.A.Gx, Centre de Recherches de Phytopharmacie, Belgium. Unpublished.

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