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** Evaluation in CCPR periodic review programme

Chlorfenvinphos was evaluated for residues by the JMPR in 1971 and 1984 and maximum residue levels for a number of commodities were estimated.

Chlorfenvinphos was proposed for re-evaluation by the Working Group on Priorities at the 1989 CCPR (ALINORM 89/24A, para 298 and Appendix V). The review was scheduled for 1994 at the 1990 CCPR (ALINORM 91/24, Appendix V Part II) and confirmed by the 1991 CCPR on the understanding that new data would be available (ALINORM 91/24A, para 316 and Appendix VI, Annex I).

Information on current GAP and data on residues were requested from governments by CL 1991/15-PR.

The manufacturer informed FAO that data on residues would not be available in time for the 1994 JMPR and the review was therefore delayed until the 1996 Meeting.

The Meeting received data on residues and information on GAP from the manufacturer, and additional information was provided by Australia, Germany, The Netherlands, Poland and the UK.

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