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Use pattern

Chlorfenvinphos is registered in a number of countries for use on a wide range of vegetable crops, but no uses were reported on fruit crops. Topical veterinary uses on cattle and other animals were reported for Australia.

The information on GAP supplied by the manufacturer (Anon., 1996c) was incomplete. No copies of product labels were submitted, only summary sheets. In some cases the reported PHI appeared to be inappropriate for the type of treatment (e.g. a 21-day PHI for pre-planting or pre-emergence application).

Details of registered use patterns are given in Tables 16-18.

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables.

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (a)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (b)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (c)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (d)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (e)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (f)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (g)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (h)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (i)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (j)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (k)

Table 16. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on vegetables. (l)

F = Field G = Glasshouse
1 Application rate calculated from estimated l/ha
2 Calculated from 0.05 g/plant
3 For lifting October/November apply 1st week August, for lifting December or later apply 1st week August and repeat 4-6 weeks later (according to advice or pest level)
4 Application rate appears high but is as stated by the manufacturer

Table 17. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on oilseeds and cereals.

Table 17. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on oilseeds and cereals. (a)

Table 17. Registered uses of chlorfenvinphos on oilseeds and cereals. (b)

1 This 21-day interval which is currently stated on the UK notices of approval for use on winter wheat is shorter than that required in practice. The latest time of application in wheat would be March and the earliest time of harvest July

Table 18. Registered topical uses of chlorfenvinphos on livestock in Australia.







Spray or dip cone, kg ai/hl


Cattle (cattle ticks, buffalo fly and lice),

Horses, deer, goats, sheep and dogs may also be treated

13S g/l liquid

Plunge dip or spray


Used at 19-21 day intervals

Anon 1996b

Treat in early Autumn when infestations first occur

The use of chlorfenvinphos on roses in The Netherlands was also reported (Olthof, 1996).

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