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Further work or information


1. Studies of the stability of diazinon, diazoxon and hydroxydiazinon in stored analytical samples of meat, fat, edible offal, milk and eggs.

2. Modem dipping and spray trials on sheep and cattle at maximum GAP rates and including multiple dips and sprays. Analyses for diazinon residues in milk, muscle, edible offal and fat (kidney, omental and especially subcutaneous fat) would be desirable, as well as analyses for diazoxon and hydroxydiazinon in addition to diazinon.

3. Data from monitoring analyses of subcutaneous fat of sheep for diazinon, ideally sheep known to have received multiple dip or spray applications at maximum GAP rates.

4. Submission, when the new supervised trials of ectoparasite control are submitted in 1998, of information on current US GAP for pome fruits and cabbages and data from recently completed US supervised trials reflecting that GAP.

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