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Balluff, M. 1995a. Determination of residues of ZIRAM 76 WG in plums under field conditions at one location in south France. Study 94021/02-FPPL. GAB Biotechnologie GmbH & IFU Umweltanalytik GmbH, Germany. Unpublished.

Balluff, M. 1995b. Determination of residues of ZIRAM 76 WG in plums under field conditions at one location in Spain. Study 94021/01-FPPL. GAB. Biotechnologie GmbH & IFU Umweltanalytik GmbH, Germany. Unpublished.

Balluff, M. 1995c. Determination of residues of ZIRAM 76 WG in pears under field conditions at one location in France. Study 94021/02-FPBI. GAB Biotechnologie GmbH & IFU Umweltanalytik GmbH, Germany. Unpublished.

Balluff, M. 1995d. Determination of residues of ZIRAM 76 WG in pears under field conditions at one location in Spain. Study 94021/01-FPBI. GAB Biotechnologie GmbH & IFU Umweltanalytik GmbH, Germany. Unpublished.

Balluff, M. 1995e. Determination of residues of ZIRAM 76 WG in cherries under field conditions at two locations in Spain. Report 94021/01-FPKI. GAB Biotechnologie GmbH & IFU Umweltanalytik GmbH, Germany. Unpublished.

Balluff, M. 1995f. Determination of residues of ZIRAM 76 WG in apples under field conditions at one location in Spain. Study 94021/01-FPAP. GAB Biotechnologie GmbH & IFU Umweltanalytik GmbH, Germany. Unpublished.

Balluff, M. 1995g. Determination of residues of ZIRAM 76 WG in peaches under field conditions at two locations in Spain. Report 94021/01-FPPF. GAB Biotechnologie GmbH & IFU Umweltanalytik GmbH, Germany. Unpublished.

Bodden, R.M. 1993. Ziram: nature of the residue in lactating goats. Project HLA 6225-101. Hazleton Laboratories America, Inc, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989a. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on peaches treated by ground and aerial equipment in California, Michigan, South Carolina, New Jersey, and Washington, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89124, includes 87A-88, 87B-88, 87C-88, 88A-88, 88B-88, 88F-88, 88G-88. Onus Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989b. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on nectarines treated by ground and aerial equipment in Georgia and California, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89116, includes 87G-88, 88C-88, 88H-88. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989c. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on apricots treated by ground equipment in California, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89099, includes 84D-88. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989d. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on apples treated by ground and aerial equipment in New York, Michigan, Illinois, Georgia, California and Washington, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89120, includes 82A-88, 82E-88, 82F-88, 82G-88, 83A-88, 83D-88. Onus Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989e. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on cherries treated by ground and aerial equipment in California, Michigan, and Washington, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89123, includes 85A-88, 85B-88, 86A-88, 86B-88, 86E-88. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989f. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on pears treated by ground equipment in New York, California and Washington, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89122, includes 89B-88, 90A-88, 90C-88. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989g. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on pears treated by ground equipment in New York, California and Washington, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89122, includes 89B-88, 90A-88, 90C-88. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989h. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on almonds treated by ground and aerial equipment in California, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89127, includes 80A-88, 80B-88, 80C-88, 80E-88, 80F-88, 80G-88, 80H-88. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989i Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on pecans treated by ground equipment in Georgia, Oklahoma, New Mexico, and Texas, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89126, includes 91A-88, 91B-88, 91D-88, 91E-88. Project 30488. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Bookbinder, M.G. 1989j. Storage stability of ziram in or on frozen apples, peaches, and almond meats and hulls, 1988. File 27-ZIR/89126. Project 30488. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Brielbeck, B. 1994. Determination of residues of ziram in pears (Dame Maire Les Blois, Loire Valley, France; UCB B-93-12). Final report AB 93101-RU-010-7. Test 93101-RU-010. Study RU 0593. Stähler Agrochemie, Germany. Unpublished.

Brielbeck, B. and Marx, D. 1994a. Determination of residues of ziram in peaches (Les Cheres, France; UCB B-93-6). Final report AB 93101-RU-010-6. Test 93101-RU-010. Study RU 0593. Stähler Agrochemie, Germany. Unpublished.

Brielbeck, B. and Marx, D. 1994b. Determination of residues of ziram in apples (Loire Valley, France; UCB B-93-8). Final report AB 93101-RU-010-5. Test 93101-RU-010. Study RU 0593. Stähler Agrochemie, Germany. Unpublished.

Brielbeck, B. and Marx, D. 1995a. Determination of residues of ziram in pears (Redened NL, G 43-94). Final report AB 93101-RU-010-9. Test 93101-RU-010-2. Study RU 0593. Stähler Agrochemie, Germany. Unpublished.

Brielbeck, B. and Marx, D. 1995b. Determination of residues of ziram in pears (B-6221 Saint Amand (HT) Belgium). Final report AB 93101-RU-010-8. Test 93101-RU-010-2. Study RU 0593. Stähler Agrochemie, Germany. Unpublished.

Christiaens, P. and Verberckt, J. 1987. Ziram technical: water solubility. Report WL ZT No 01/87. UCB Chemical Sector, Belgium. Unpublished.

Gatti, G. 1992. Determination of residues of ziram on apples, pears and peaches in compliance with good laboratory practice regulations. Study LN 13. Report UCB 211. Neotron S.r.l, Italy. Unpublished.

Heasook, K.-K. 1995. Hydrolysis of [14C]ziram in water at pH 5, 7, and 9. Study XBL 94071. Report RPT00213. Xenobiotic Laboratories, Inc., USA. Unpublished.

Holstege, D. and Westberg, G.L. 1987. Determination of ziram in crops. Method ZTF-88AM-001. Morse Laboratories Inc., USA. Unpublished.

Houbiers, E. and Souren, H. 1995. Residues of dithiocarbamate in pears treatment with ziram. Trial NL; G 43-94. Study UCB B94-2. Redened B.V., Netherlands. Unpublished.

Koch, D.A. 1996. Frozen storage stability of ferbam and ziram in apples. UCB 1995-70. Final report #42656. ABC Laboratories Inc, USA. Unpublished.

Lemal, R. 1987. Determination of vapor pressure of ziram (zinc dimethyldithiocarbamate). Note LPCD 152-85. AFF 2.24.007- UCB Chemical Sector, Belgium. Unpublished.

Lemal, R. and Debondue, M. 1984. Ziram: determination of octanol/water partition coefficient. Note LPCD 116-84. AFF 2.24.027. UCB Chemical Sector, Belgium. Unpublished.

Lenoir, L. 1994a. Determination of the magnitude of residue resulting from ziram foliar application on apple trees - Eys (Netherlands). Study UCB B93-2, Redebel B30-93. Redebel, Belgium. Unpublished.

Lenoir, L. 1994b. Determination of the magnitude of residue resulting from ziram foliar applications on apple trees - Fleurus (Belgium). Study UCB B93-1, Redebel B29-93. Redebel, Belgium. Unpublished.

Lenoir, L. and Prevotat, M. 1995a. Residues of ziram in peaches, France 1993. Study UCB B93-6. Trial B93508. Prestagro, France. Unpublished.

Lenoir, L. and Prevotat, M. 1995b. Residues of ziram in apples, France 1993. Study UCB B93-5. Trial B93509. Prestagro, France. Unpublished.

Marx, D. and Brielbeck, B. 1994a. Determination of residues of ziram in apples (Maestricht, Netherlands; UCB B-93-2). Final report AB 93101-RU-010-2. Test 93101-RU-010. Study RU 0593. Stähler Agrochemie, Germany. Unpublished.

Marx, D. and Brielbeck, B. 1994b. Determination of residues of ziram in apples (Quincieux, France; UCB B-93-5). Final report AB 93101 -RU-010-3. Test 93101 -RU-010. Study RU 0593. Stähler Agrochemie, Germany. Unpublished.

Marx, D. and Brielbeck, B. 1994c. Determination of residues of ziram in apples (Fleurus, Belgium; UCB B-93-1). Final report AB 93101-RU-010-l. Test 93101.RU-010. Study RU 0593. Stähler Agrochemie, Germany. Unpublished.

Marx, D. and Brielbeck, B. 1994d. Determination of residues of ziram in apples (Loire Valley, France; UCB B-93-7). Final report AB 93101-RU-010-4. Test 93101-RU-010. Study RU 0593. Stähler Agrochemie, Germany. Unpublished.

Meikle, S.B. 1992. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on commodities processed from apples treated by ground equipment in New York, 1989. File 27.ZIR/92003. Study 89113. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Ministry of Welfare, Health and Cultural Affairs, the Netherlands. 1988. Analytical Methods for Residues of Pesticides. 5th edition, part II, 81-84. SDU Publishers, The Hague, NL. ISBN 90 12 06712 5.

OECD. 1981a. Partition coefficient (n-octanol/water). Flask-shaking method. OECD Guideline 107. OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals.

OECD. 1981b. Water solubility (Column elution method -flask method). OECD Guideline 105. OECD Guidelines for Testing of Chemicals.

Ohs Dr. 1994a. Determination of residues of Pomarsol Z WG 81 WG in/on apple and pear under actual use conditions in Italy. Studies 304662 (0466/93) and 304727 (0472/93). Report RA-2095/93. Bayer AG, Germany. Unpublished.

Ohs Dr. 1994b. Determination of residues of Pomarsol Z WG 81 WG in/on peach and nectarine under actual use conditions in Italy. Studies 304646 (0464/93) and 304719 (0471/93). Report RA-2082/93. Bayer AG, Germany. Unpublished.

Philippe, R. 1995. Determination of the magnitude of residue resulting from ziram foliar applications on pear trees - Nodebais (Belgium). Study UCB B94-1, Redebel G42-94. Redebel, Belgium. Unpublished.

Roussel, G. and Boisleux-Charlet, C. 1994a. Ziram residue trial report. Trial UCB B 93-8. Staphyt, France. Unpublished.

Roussel, G. and Boisleux-Charlet, C. 1994b. Ziram residue trial report. Trial UCB B 93-12. Staphyt, France. Unpublished.

Roussel, G. and Boisleux-Charlet, C. 1994c. Ziram residue trial report. Trial UCB B 93-7. Staphyt, France. Unpublished.

Societe Commerciale UCB. 1992. Rapport d'experimentation 1992. Prélèvements en vue d'analyses de résidus sur poirier. 2-37. Societe Commerciale, France. Unpublished.

Vervier, R. and Cigot, J. 1966. Résidus de ziram sur poires et pommes. Report 66/09. Centre de Recherches de Phytopharmacie, Gembloux Belgium. Unpublished.

Williamson, D.S. 1991. Ziram: magnitude of the residue in or on apricots treated by ground and aerial equipment in California and Washington, 1990. File 27-ZIR/91014, includes 84D-88, 90101,90102. Orius Associates Inc. and Morse Laboratories, USA. Unpublished.

Wyss-Benz, M. 1994. 14C-ziram plant metabolism study in field grown apple. RCC project 350673. RCC Umweltchemie AG, Switzerland. Unpublished.

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