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Cross-index of report numbers, study numbers and references

Reports and studies are listed in alphanumerical order, and each is linked to a reference.

#42656 Koch 1996
0464/93 Ohs 1994b
0466/93 Ohs 1994a
0471/93 Ohs 1994b
0472/93 Ohs 1994a
2-37 Societe Commerciale UCB 1992
27-ZIR/89099 Bookbinder 1989c
27-ZIR/89116 Bookbinder 1989b
27-ZIR/89120 Bookbinder 1989d
27-ZIR/89122 Bookbinder 1989f
27-ZIR/89122 Bookbinder 1989g
27-ZIR/89123 Bookbinder 1989e
27-ZIR/89124 Bookbinder 1989a
27-ZIR/89126 Bookbinder 1989i
27-ZIR/89126 Bookbinder 1989j
27-ZIR/89127 Bookbinder 1989h
27-ZIR/91014 Williamson 1991
27-ZIR/92003 Meikle 1992
304646 Ohs 1994b
304662 Ohs 1994a
304719 Ohs 1994b
304727 Ohs 1994a
30488 Bookbinder 1989i
30488 Bookbinder 1989j
350673 Wyss-Benz 1994
66/09 Vervier and Cigot 1966
80A-88 Bookbinder 1989h
80B-88 Bookbinder 1989h
80C-88 Bookbinder 1989h
80E-88 Bookbinder 1989h
80F-88 Bookbinder 1989h
80G-88 Bookbinder 1989h
80H-88 Bookbinder 1989h
82A-88 Bookbinder 1989d
82E-88 Bookbinder 1989d
82F-88 Bookbinder 1989d
82G-88 Bookbinder 1989d
83A-88 Bookbinder 1989d
83D-88 Bookbinder 1989d
84D-88 Bookbinder 1989c
84D-88 Williamson 1991
85A-88 Bookbinder 1989e
85B-88 Bookbinder 1989e
86A-88 Bookbinder 1989e
86B-88 Bookbinder 1989e
86E-88 Bookbinder 1989e
87A-88 Bookbinder 1989a
87B-88 Bookbinder 1989a
87C-88 Bookbinder 1989a
87G-88 Bookbinder 1989b
88A-88 Bookbinder 1989a
88B-88 Bookbinder 1989a
88C-88 Bookbinder 1989b
88F-88 Bookbinder 1989a
88G-88 Bookbinder 1989a
88H-88 Bookbinder 1989b
89113 Meikle 1992
89B-88 Bookbinder 1989f
89B-88 Bookbinder 1989g
90101 Williamson 1991
90102 Williamson 1991
90A-88 Bookbinder 1989f
90A-88 Bookbinder 1989g
90C-88 Bookbinder 1989f
90C-88 Bookbinder 1989g
91A-88 Bookbinder 1989i
91B-88 Bookbinder 1989i
9 ID-88 Bookbinder 1989i
91E-88 Bookbinder 1989i
93101-RU-010 Brielbeck 1994
93101-RU-010 Brielbeck and Marx 1994a
93101-RU-010 Brielbeck and Marx 1994b
93101-RU-010 Marx and Brielbeck 1994a
93101-RU-010 Marx and Brielbeck 1994b
93101-RU-010 Marx and Brielbeck 1994c
93101-RU-010 Marx and Brielbeck 1994d
93101-RU-010-2 Brielbeck and Marx 1995a
93101-RU-010-2 Brielbeck and Marx 1995b
94021/01-FPAP Balluff 1995f
94021/01-FPBI Balluff 1995d
94021/01-FPKI Balluff 1995e
94021/01-FPPF Balluff 1995g
94021/01-FPPL Balluff 1995b
94021/02-FPBI Balluff 1995e
94021/02-FPPL Balluff 1995a
AB 93101-RU-010-1 Marx and Brielbeck 1994c
AB 93101-RU-010-2 Marx and Brielbeck 1994a
AB 93101-RU-010-3 Marx and Brielbeck 1994b
AB 93101-RU-010-4 Marx and Brielbeck 1994d
AB 93101-RU-010-5 Brielbeck and Marx 1994b
AB 93101-RU-010-6 Brielbeck and Marx 1994a
AB 93101-RU-010-7 Brielbeck 1994
AB 93101-RU-010-8 Brielbeck and Marx 1995b
AB 93101-RU-010-9 Brielbeck and Marx 1995a
AFF 2.24.007 Lemal 1987
AFF 2.24.027 Lemal and Debondue 1984
B-6221 Brielbeck and Marx 1995b
B29-93 Lenoir 1994b
B30-93 Lenoir 1994a
B93508 Lenoir and Prevotat 1995a
B93509 Lenoir and Prevotat 1995b
G 43-94 Brielbeck and Marx 1995a
G 43-94 Houbiers and Souren 1995
G42-94 Philippe 1995
HLA 6225-101 Bodden 1993
LN 13 Gatti 1992
LPCD 116-84 Lemal and Debondue 1984
LPCD 152-85 Lemal 1987
RA-2082/93 Ohs 1994b
RA-2095/93 Ohs 1994a
RPT00213 Heasook 1995
RU 0593 Brielbeck 1994
RU 0593 Brielbeck and Marx 1994a
RU 0593 Brielbeck and Marx 1994b
RU 0593 Brielbeck and Marx 1995a
RU 0593 Brielbeck and Marx 1995b
RU 0593 Marx and Brielbeck 1994a
RU 0593 Marx and Brielbeck 1994b
RU 0593 Marx and Brielbeck 1994c
RU 0593 Marx and Brielbeck 1994d
UCB 1995-70 Koch 1996
UCB 211 Gatti 1992
UCB B 93-12 Roussel and Boisleux-Charlet 1994b
UCB B 93-7 Roussel and Boisleux-Charlet 1994c
UCB B 93-8 Roussel and Boisleux-Charlet 1994a
UCB B-93-1 Marx and Brielbeck 1994c
UCB B-93-12 Brielbeck 1994
UCB B-93-2 Marx and Brielbeck 1994a
UCB B-93-5 Marx and Brielbeck 1994b
UCB B-93-6 Brielbeck and Marx 1994a
UCB B-93-7 Marx and Brielbeck 1994d
UCB B-93-8 Brielbeck and Marx 1994b
UCB B93-1 Lenoir 1994b
UCB B93-2 Lenoir 1994a
UCB B93-5 Lenoir and Prevotat 1995b
UCB B93-6 Lenoir and Prevotat 1995a
UCB B94-1 Philippe 1995
UCB B94-2 Houbiers and Souren 1995
XBL 94071 Heasook 1995
ZTF-88AM-001 Holstege and Westberg 1987

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