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Amyloodinium ocellatum (Brown, 1931)(B,M)
  Brown and Hovasse, 1946
Includes: Amyloodinium-Iike protozoans of Lio-Po, Pascual and Santos, 1983
Location: gills, skin
Host Mugil cephalus
Dist: Panay
Records: Lio-Po et al. 1983; Baticados and Quinitio 1984; Llobrera 1987
Remarks: Amyloodinium ocellatum is a cosmopolitan, frequently encountered pathogen of marine fishes raised in captivity. Baticados and Quinitio (1984) and Llobrera (1987) reported outbreaks of amyloodiniasis and associated mortalities which occurred in adult flathead mullet held at Tigbauan, Iloilo.

Amyloodinium sp.(B)
 Location: gills
 Host: Scatophagus argus
 Dist: Panay
 Records: Cruz 1988; Lio-Po and Barry 1988
Oodinidae gen. sp.(F)
 Includes: Oodinium sp. auctorum
Location: skin
Hosts:Oreochromis mossambicus (2,3)
O. mossambicus × O. niloticus niloticus (3)
O. niloticus niloticus (1,2,3)
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Guerrero and Paycana 1981a, 2. 1981b; 3. Guerrero 1982
Remarks: These reports probably pertain to Piscinoodinium pillulare (Schäperclaus, 1954), the only dinoflagellate known to occur on freshwater fish (see Lorn and Dyková 1992). The genus Oodinium as presently defined contains only parasites of marine invertebrates.

Unidentified Dinoflagellida

Dinoflagellida gen sp.(B)
 Location: gills, skin
Host: Chanos chanos
Dist: Panay
Record: Anon 1973b





Trypanosoma sp.(F)
 Location: blood
Hosts: Acanthophthalmus semicinctus (2)
 Monopterus albus (2)
unspecified fish (1)
Dist: Luzon (aquarium)
Records: 1. Lumanlan et al. 1990 (-), 2.1992
Remarks: Trypanosoma has not yet been shown to occur in fishes from Philippine natural waters, these records involving fish imported for the aquarium trade or for transshipment which were examined in Quezon City.



Cryptobia branchialis Nie in Chen, 1955(F,B)
 Location: gill
Hosts: Chanos chanos (2,3,4,5)
 Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (1,6,7,8)
Dist: Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan, Panay
Records: 1. Natividad et al. 1986b (Luzon); 2. Regidor and Arthur 1986 (Luzon), 3. 1990 (-), 4. 1992 (Luzon); 5. Regidor et al. 1986 (-)2; 6. Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989a (-), 7. 1990 (Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan, Panay); 8. Lumanlan et al. 1992 (Luzon)
Remarks: Lom and Dyková (1992) note that this species is probably identical with Cryptobia concava (Davis, 1947).
Cryptobia sp.(F,B)
 Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis(3)
Carassius auratus (3)
Chanos chanos (1)
Cirrhinus mrigala (3)
Epalzeorhynchos frenatum (3)
Mylopharyngodon piceus (3)
Pangasius sutchi (3)
Paracheirodon simulans (3)
Poecilia reticulata (3)
Tanichthys albonubes (3)
unspecified fish (2)
 Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Anoa 1975; 2. Davy and Graham 1979 (-); 3. Lumanlan et al. 19923
Ichthyobodo sp.(F)
 Syn: Costia sp.
Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis (2)
Carassius auratus (2)
Cyprinus sp. (2)
Mylopharyngodon piceus (2)
unspecified fish (1)
 Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Lio-Po et al. 1983 (-); 2. Lumanlan et al. 19924

Unidentified Kinetoplastida

Kinetoplastida gen sp.(F)
 Location: blood
Host: Tilapia zillii
Dist: Luzon
Record: Anon 1975




Hexamita sp.(F)
 Location: intestine
Hosts:Leiocassis siamensis
Xiphophorus maculatus
Dist: Luzon (aquarium)
Record: Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: Hexamita has not yet been shown to occur in fishes from Philippine natural waters, these records involving fish imported for the aquarium trade or for transshipment which were examined in Quezon City.






Goussia carpelli (Léger and Stankovitch, 1921)(F)
 Dyková and Lorn, 1983
Syn: Eimeria carpelli
 Léger and Stankovitch, 1921
Location: intestine
Host: Carassius auratus
Dist: Luzon (aquarium)
Record: Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: This species has not yet been shown to occur in fish from Philippine natural waters, this report involving goldfish imported from Hongkong for the ornamental fish trade which were examined in Quezon City.

Unidentified Sporozoa

Sporozoa gen sp. (F)
 Location: kidney
Host Channa striata
Dist: Philippines
Record: Lilley et al. 19925






Heterosporis anguillarum (Hoshina, 1951)(F)
 Lorn, Dyková, Korting and Klinger, 1989
Syn.: Pleistophora anguillarum Hoshina, 1951
Location: [musculature]
Hosts:Anguilla bicolor pacifica
A. celebensis
Dist: Philippines
Record: Boustead 1982
Remarks: This species has been reported to be a pathogen of cultured eels (Anguilla japonica) in Japan and Taiwan. Severe infections can result in considerable mortality (see Canning and Lorn 1986).

Unidentified Microsporidia

Microsporidia gen sp.(B,M)
 Location: external surface of intestine, musculature
Hosts:Nemipterus sp. (3)
Scatophagus argus (1,2)
Selar crumenophthalmus (3)
Siganus sp. (3)
Tylosurus crocodilus crocodilus (3)
Dist: Panay, Visayan islands
Records: 1. Lio-Po and Barry 1988 (Panay); 2. Natividad and Gerundo 1988 (Panay); 3. Petersen et al. 1993 (Visayan islands)6






Chilodonella sp.(F)
 Location: skin
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis. (3)
Carassius carassius (1)
Channa striata (2)
Epalzeorhynchos frenatum. (3)
Mugil sp.(3)
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Guerrero and Paycana 1981b; 2. Bondad-Reantaso et al. 1990; 3. Lumanlan et al. 19927






Ichthyophthirius multifiliis Fouquet, 1876(F)
 Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis (3) 
Botia macracanthus (3)
Carassius auratus (3)
Cirrhinus mrigala (3)
Cyprinus carpio carpio (3)
Pangasius sutchi (3)
Paracheirodon simulans (3)
Petrochromis orthognathus (3)
Puntius teTRazona (3)
Rasbora kalochroma (3)
Xiphophorus maculatus (3)
Xiphophorus sp. (3)
unspecified fish (1,2)
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Davy and Graham 1979 (-); 2. Lumanlan et al. 1990 (-)8, 3.19929
Remarks: Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, the causative agent of ichthyophthiriasis, “white spot disease,” or “ich,” is a well known pathogen of freshwater fishes (see Lom and Dyková 1992).
Ichthyophthirius sp.(F)
 Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Anguilla sp. (4)
Oreochromis mossambicus (2,3)
O. mossambicus × O. niloticus niloticus (3)
O niloticus niloticus ( 1,2,3)
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Guerrero and Paycana 1981a, 2. 1981b; 3. Guerrero 1982; 4. Lio-Po et al. 1983
Remarks: These reports probably involve Ichthyophthirius multifiliis, a cosmopolitan species and the only member of the genus.
Lio-Po et al. (1983) noted that Ichthyophthirius caused mortalities of about 20% among fanned eels in Bataan. Velasquez (1986a) listed the host for this record as Anguilla sp.





Apiosoma sp.(F,B)
 Location: gills, skin
Carassius auratus (5)
Channa striata (1)
Chanos chanos (3)
Moenkhausia collettii (5)
Mugil sp. (5)
Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (2,4,5)
Rasbora kalochroma (5)
Dist.: Luzon, Mindanao, Panay
Records: 1. Anoa 1975 (Luzon); 2. Natividad et al. 1986b (Luzon); 3. Regidor and Arthur 1986 (Luzon); 4. Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1990 (Luzon, Mindano, Panay); 5. Lumanlan et al. 1992 (Luzon)10
Epistylis sp(F)
 Location: skin
Hosts:Carassius carassius (4)
Channa striata (5)
Oreochromis mossambicus (2)
O. mossambicus × O. niloticus niloticus (2)
O. niloticus niloticus (2,3)
unspecified fish (1)
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Davy and Graham 1979 (-); 2. Guerrero and Monje 1980; 3. Guerrero and Paycana 1981a, 4.1981b; 5. Bondad-Reantaso et al. 1990


Ambiphyra sp.(B)
 Location: skin
Host: Chanos chanos
Dist.: Philippines
Records: Regidor and Arthur 1986; Regidor et al. 1986
Riboscyphidia sp.(B)
  Syn: Scyphidia sp. auctorum
Location: gills, skin
Host: Chanos chanos
Dist: Luzon, Mindanao, Panay
Records: Anon 1973b (Panay); Regidor and Arthur 1986 (Luzon), 1990 (-), 1992 (Luzon, Mindanao); Regidor et al. 1986 (-)
Remarks: Jankovski (1985) split the genus Scyphidia into several independent genera, Transferring species occurring on marine and freshwater fishes to the genus Riboscyphidia Jankovski, 1985.



TRichodina acuta Lom, 1970(F)
  Syn: TRichodinella acuta (Lom, 1970)
Location: skin
Hosts:Ctenopharyngodon idella (2,3)
Cyprinus carpio carpio (2,3)
unspecified fish (1)
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Davy and Graham 1979 (-); 2. Albaladejo and Arthur 1989; 3. Lumanlan et al. 199211
Remarks: Davy and Graham (1979) mistakenly listed TRichodina acuta as a Trichodinella.
Trichodina centrostrigata Basson, Van As and Paperna,1983(F)
 Location: gills, skin
Host: Oreochromis niloticus niloticus
Dist: Luzon, Mindanao
Records: Natividad et al. 1986b (Luzon); Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989a (-), 1989b (Luzon, Mindanao), 1990 (Luzon, Mindanao)
Remarks: This species was introduced into the Philippines from Africa with the importation of tilapias (see Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989b, 1990).

Trichodina compacta Van As and Basson, 1989(F)
  Syn: Trichodina acuta auctorum
Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Oreochromis mossambicus (1)
O. niloticus niloticus (2,3,4,5)
Tilapia zillii (1)
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Duncan 1977; 2. Natividad et al. 1986b; 3. Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989a (-), 4.1989b, 5.1990
Remarks: Arthur (1995) referred all reports of Trichodina acuta from Philippine Nile tilapia to T. compacta, a species considered to have been introduced into the Philippines from Africa along with the importation of tilapias.

Trichodina heterodentata Duncan, 1977(F)
  Syn.: Trichodinella heterodentata (Duncan, 1977)
Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis (7,8)
Ctenopharyngodon idella (7,8)
Cyprinus carpio carpio (7,8)
 Oreochromis mossambicus ( 1 )
 O. niloticus niloticus (3,4,5,6)
 Tilapia zillii ( 1 )
 Trichogaster trichopterus (1)
 unspecified fish (2)
Dist.: Luzon Mindanao, Palawan
Records: 1. Duncan 1977 (Luzon); 2. Davy and Graham 1979 (-); 3. Natividad et al. 1986b (Luzon); 4. Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989a (-), 5. 1989b (Luzon, Mindanao,Palawan), 6. 1990 (Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan); 7. Albaladejo and Arthur 1989 (Luzon); 8. Lumanlan et al. 1992 (Luzon)
Remarks: Davy and Graham (1979), in a lapsus calami, mistakenly listed this species as belonging to the genus Trichodinella.
Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur (1989b, 1990) considered Trichodina heterodentata to have been introduced into the Philippines with the importation of tilapias.

Trichodina kupermani Arthur and Lom, 1984 (F)
 Location: gills
Host: Ctenopharyngodon idella
Dist: Luzon
Records: Albaladejo and Arthur 1989; Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: Trichodina kupermani was reported from young grass carp originating from Taiwan and Hongkong which were examined in Quezon City. As fish from Taiwan were later stocked into Caliraya Lake, Laguna Province, this species is probably established in Philippine waters.
Shulman (1984) considered T kupermani a synonym of T. mutabilis Kazubski and Migala, 1968, however, we follow Albaladejo and Arthur (1989) in regarding it as distinct

Trichodina mutabilis Kazubski and Migala, 1968 (F)(F)
 Location: gills
Host: Cyprinus carpio carpio
Dist: Luzon
Records: Albaladejo and Arthur 1989; Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: This species was reported from juvenile common carp imported from Indonesia which were examined at Quezon City. These fish were subsequently stocked in experimental rice paddies at CenTRal Luzon State University, Muñoz, Nueva Ecija

Trichodina nigra Lom, 1961(F)
 Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis (1,2)
Ctenopharyngodon idella (1,2)
Cyprinus carpio carpio (1,2)
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Albaladejo and Arthur 1989; 2. Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: This parasite was found on juvenile Chinese carps imported from Hongkong, Taiwan and Indonesia and examined at Quezon City. As these fish were stocked into both aquaculture ponds and natural waters, it is probable that Trichodina nigra is now established in the Philippines.
Trichodina nobillis Chen, 1963(F)
 Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis (1,2)
Ctenopharyngodon idella (1,2)
Cyprinus carpio carpio (1,2)
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Albaladejo and Arthur 1989; 2. Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: Trichodina nobillis was found on juvenile Chinese carps imported from Hongkong, Taiwan and Indonesia and examined at Quezon City. As these fish were stocked into both aquaculture ponds and natural waters, it is probable that this ciliate is now established in the Philippines.

Trichodina reticulata(F)
  Hirs chmann and Partsch, 1955
Location: gills, skin
Host: Carassius auratus
Dist: Luzon (aquarium)
Records: Albaladejo and Arthur 1989; Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: This parasite was reported from goldfish imported from Hongkong, Singapore and Thailand for the aquarium fish TRade. It has not yet been shown to occur in Philippine natural waters.

Trichodina siluri Lom, 1970 (F)
 Location: skin
Host Oreochromis niloticus niloticus
Dist: Luzon
Record: Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989b12
Trichodina velasquezae Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur, 1989 (B)
 Location: gills, skin
Host Oreochromis niloticus niloticus
Dist: Panay
Records: Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989a, (-), 1989b, 1990
Trichodina sp.(F,B)
 Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Aristichths nobilis (28)
Carassius auratus (25,28)
C. carassius (6,7,8)
Channa striata (26)
Chanos chanos (1,2,13,14,15,16)
Cyprinus carpio carpio (2)
Cyprinus sp. (28)
Epalzeorhynchos frenatum (28)
Mugil sp.(28)
Oreochromis mossambicus (2,4)
O. mossambicus × O. niloticus niloticus (4)
O. niloticus niloticus (4,5,6,8,10,11,12,23,24,28,29)
Pangasius sutchi (28)
Paracheirodon simulans (28)
Rasbora kalochroma (28)
Scatophagus argus (21,22)
Siganus guttatus (19)
Tanichthys albonubes (28)
Tilapia zillii(2)
TRichogaster pectoralis (6,8)
tilapia (4,7,9)
top minnow (1)
unspecified fish (3,17,18,19,20,27)
Dist: Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan, Panay
Records: 1. Anon 1973b (Panay), 2. 1975 (Luzon); 3. Davy and Graham 1979 (-); 4. Guerrero and Monje 1980 (Luzon); 5. Guerrero and Paycana 1981a (Luzon), 6. 1981b (Luzon), 7. 1982 (Luzon); 8. Guerrero 1982 (Luzon); 9. Quines and Paycana 1983 (Luzon); 10. Lio-Po et al. 1983 (-); 11. Natividad et al. 1986a (Luzon)13, 12. 1986b (Luzon); 13. Regidor and Arthur 1986 (Luzon), 14. 1990 (-), 15. 1992 (Luzon, Mindanao, Palawan); 16. Regidor et al. 1986 (-); 17. Natividad 1986 (Luzon)14, 18. 1988 (Luzon); 19. Llobrera 1987 (Luzon, Panay); 20. Palisoc 1988 (Luzon)15; 21. Cruz 1988 (Panay); 22. Lio-Po and Barry 1988 (Panay); 23. Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989b (Panay), 24. 1990 Panay); 25. Albaladejo and Arthur 1989 (Luzon)16; 26. Bondad-Reantaso et al. 1990 (Luzon); 27. Lumanlan et al. 1990 (-)17, 28. 1992 (Luzon); 29. Yambot and Lopez 1997 (Luzon)
Remarks: Lio-Po et al. (1983) noted that TRichodina was responsible for high mortalities of Nile tilapia fry.
Trichodinella carpi Duncan 1977 (F)(F)
 Location: gills
Hosts: Cyprinus carpio carpio (1,3)
unspecified fish (2)
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Duncan 1977; 2. Davy and Graham 1979 (-); 3. Natividad 1987 (-)
Remarks: As noted by Lom and Haldar (1977), this species is probably a synonym of Trichodinella epizootica (Raabe, 1950).
Lumanlan et al. (1992) considered T. carpi to have been introduced into the Philippines along with common carp.

Trichodinella epizootica (Raabe, 1950)(F)
  Srámek-Husek, 1953
Location: gills
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis (1,2) 
Carassius auratus (1,2) 
Ctenopharyngodon idella (1,2) 
Cyprinus carpio carpio (1,2) 
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Albaladejo and Arthur 1989; 2. Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: This parasite was found on juvenile Chinese carps imported from Hongkong, Taiwan, Thailand and Indonesia and from goldfish originating from Hongkong which were examined at Quezon City. As the Chinese carps were stocked into both aquaculture ponds and natural waters, it is probable that TRichodinella epizootica, if not already present, is now established in the country.
Trichodinella sp. (F)
 Location: gills
Hosts: Chanos chanos
Cyprinus carpio carpio
Oreochromis mossambicus
Tilapia zillii
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Anon. 1975
Remarks: The report of Trichodinella from Chanos chanos is probably a misidentification; material reported only as Trichodinella by Regidor et al. (1986) and as Trichodinidae by Regidor and Arthur (1986) is referred to Tripartiella sp.

Tripartiella spatula Van As and Basson, 1986(F,B)
  Syn: Tripartiella clavodonta Basson and Van As, 1987 
Location: gills
Host: Oreochromis niloticus niloticus
Dist: Luzon, Panay
Records: Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989a (-), 1989b, 1990
Remarks: The synonymy follows Arthur (1995). Tripartiella spatula was erroneously listed as a junior synonym of T. clavodonta by Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur (1989b).
This species was introduced into the Philippines with the importation of tilapias (see Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989b, 1990).

Tripartiella tilapiae (Duncan, 1977)(F, B)
  Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur, 1989 
 Syn: Trichodinella tilapiae Duncan, 1977
Location: gills
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis (5,6)
Ctenopharyngodon idella (5,6)
Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (2,3,4)
Tilapia zillii (I)
Dist: Luzon, Panay
Records: 1. Duncan 1977 (Luzon); 2. Bondad-Reantaso and Arthur 1989a (-), 3. 1989b (Panay), 4. 1990 (Panay); 5. Albaladejo and Arthur 1989 (Luzon); 6. Lumanlan et al. 1992 (Luzon)
Remarks: The reports of Albaladejo and Arthur (1989) and Lumanlan et al. (1992) pertain to juvenile Chinese carps imported from Hongkong and Taiwan which were examined at Quezon City. These fish were subsequently stocked into aquaculture ponds and natural waters on Luzon Island.
Lumanlan et al. (1992) considered Tripartiella tilapiae to have been introduced into the Philippines along with imported tilapias.

Tripartiella sp.(F,B)
  Includes:Trichodinella sp. of Regidor, Diestro and Arthur, 1986
Trichodinidae gen sp. of Regidor and Arthur, 1986
Location: gills, skin
Host: Chanos chanos
Dist.: Luzon
Records: Regidor et al. 1986 (-); Regidor and Arthur 1986,1990 (-), 1992

Trichodinidae gen sp. (B.M)
 Location: gills, skin
Hosts:Lates calcarifer (2) 
Oreochromis niloticus niloticus (1) 
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Natividad et al. 1986b; 2. ADB/NACA 1991 (-)






Henneguya sp.(F)
 Location: fins
Hosts:Clarias batrachus (1) 
unspecified fish (2)  
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Anon. 1975; 2. Davy and Graham 1979 (-)
Myxobolus artus Akhmerov, 1960(F)
 Location: mesenteries, musculature
Hosts:Ctenopharyngodon idella 
Cyprinus carpio carpio 
Dist: Luzon
Record: Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: Recorded in common carp and grass carp imported for aquaculture which were examined in Quezon City, this pathogen is now probably established in Philippine natural waters.
Myxobolus ellipsoides Thélohan, 1892(F)
 Location: gills
Host:Hypophthalmichthys molitrix 
Dist: Luzon
Record: Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: The sole report of this species from the Philippines involves silver carp imported from Taiwan for use in aquaculture which were examined in Quezon City. It may now be established in natural waters.
Myxobolus koi Kudo, 1920(F)
 Location: gills, musculature
Host: Cyprinus carpio carpio
Dist: Luzon
Record: Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: Myxobolus koi was found in common carp imported from Indonesia for culture in the Philippines and may now be established in the country.

Myxobolus pavlovskii (Akhmerov, 1954) (F)
  Shulman and Shtein in Bykhovsky, 1962  
Location: gills 
Hosts:Carassius auratus 
Cyprinus carpio carpio 
Hypothalmichthys molitrix 
Dist: Luzon
Records: Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: Myxobolus pavlovskii was found in common carp and silver carp imported from Indonesia and Taiwan, respectively, for culture in the Philippines, and in goldfish imported from Hongkong for the ornamental fish trade. This pathogen is probably now. established in natural waters.
Myxobolus sp.(F)
  Syn.: Myxosoma sp.
Location: gills, mesenteries, skin
Hosts:Carassius auratus (4) 
Clarias batrachus (1) 
Mylopharyngodon piceus (4) 
unspecified fish (2,3) 
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Anon. 1975; 2. Davy and Graham 1979 (-); 3. Lumanlan et al. 1990 (-)19, 4.1992
Thelohanellus nikolskii Akhmerov, 1955(F)
 Location: fins
Host Cyprinus carpio carpio
Dist: Luzon
Record: Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: This myxosporean was found in common carp imported from Indonesia for culture in the Philippines and may now have become established in natural waters. Heavy infections can cause fin amputation (see Lom and Dyková 1992).
Shulman (1966) considered this species a synonym of T. dogieli Akhmerov, 1955. We follow Lom and Dyková (1992) in regarding it as distinct



Coccomyxa hoffmani Cheung and Nigrelli, 1990(M)
 Location: cartilage of gill filaments and arches
Host: Plotosus lineatus
Dist: Philippines
Record: Cheung and Nigrelli 1990
Remarks: This species was described from coral catfish originating from the Philippines which were examined at the New York Aquarium.

Myxidium sp.(F)
 Location: gall bladder 
Hosts:Aristichthys nobilis 
Ctenopharyngodon idella 
Pantodon buchholzi 
Dist: Luzon
Record: Lumanlan et al. 199220


Ceratomyxa sp.(M)
 Location: gall bladder
Host: Chanos chanos
Dist: Luzon
Records: Regidor and Arthur 1990 (-), 1992
Leptotheca sp.(M)
 Location: kidney
Host: Chanos chanos
Dist: Luzon
Records: Regidor and Arthur 1986, 1990 (-), 1992; Regidor et al. 1986 (-)


Chloromyxum ellipticum Lee and Nie, 1965(F)
 Location: gall bladder
Host: Ctenopharyngodon idella
Dist. : Luzon
Record: Lumanlan et al. 1992
Remarks: The only record of this species from the Philippines involves grass carp imported from Hongkong for aquaculture which were examined in Quezon City.
Chloromyxum sp.(F)
 Location: gall bladder
Hosts:Botia macracanthus 
Leiocassis siamensis 
Dist.: Luzon (aquarium)
Record: Lumanlan et al. 199221



Pentacapsula muscularis Cheung, Nigrelli and Ruggieri, 1983(M)
 Location: musculature
Host: Chaetodon collare
Dist.: Philippines
Record: Cheung et al. 1983
Remarks: This myxosporean was described from redtail butterflyfish originating from the Philippines which were held in captivity at the New York Aquarium.


Septemcapsula yasunagai Hsieh and Chen, 1984(M)
 Location: brain, endolymph of utriculus
Host: Plotosus lineatus
Dist.: Philippines
Record: Cheung and Nigrelli 1990
Remarks: Cheung and Nigrelli (1990) referred to their material as Septemcapsula yasunagai var. plotosi. Coral catfish originating from Philippine waters which were held at the New York Aquarium exhibited whirling behaviour and associated mortalities which were attributed to infection by this myxosporean.









Clinostomoides brieni Dollfus, 1950 metacercaria(F)
 Syn: Clinostomum ophicephali Tubangui and Masiluñgan, 1944
 Location: gill cavity, gills, gall bladder periocular tissues, branchiostegal musculature, pericardium
Hosts:Channa striata (1,3)
 Clarias batrachus (2,3)
 C. macrocephalus (4) 
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Tubangui and Masiluñgan 1944; 2. Velasquez 1960, 3. 1988; 4. Hanviriyapant 1977
Remarks: The synonymy follows Velasquez (1975a).

Clinostomum complanatum (Rudolphi, 1814)(F)
 Braun, 1899 metacercaria
 Syn.: Clinostomum dalagi Tubangui, 1933
Location:periocular tissues, gill cavity, branchiostegal musculature, pericardium
Host: Channa striata
Dist: Luzon
Records: Tubangui 1933b; Velasquez 1988
Remarks: The synonymy follows Velasquez (1975a).

Clinostomum philippinensis Velasquez, 1960 metacercaria(F)
 Location:branchiostegal musculature, periocular tissues, pericardium, gill cavity, tissues under pectoral fins
Host: Channa striata
Dist: Luzon, Mindanao
Records: Velasquez 1960 (Luzon), 1966 (Luzon), 1975a (Luzon, Mindanao), 1988 (Luzon)
Remarks: Velasquez (1960) reported that she was able to experimentally infect fish-eating birds (herons and bittern) by feeding metacercariae of Clinostomum philippinensis obtained from snakehead.
Velasquez (1986a) included this species among those helminths transmissable to man.

Clinostomum sp. metacercaria(F)
 Location: periocular tissues
HostsChanna striata (2) 
unspecified fish (1) 
Dist: Luzon
Records: 1. Davy and Graham 1979 (-); 2. Quines and Paycana 1983 (Luzon)

Euclinostomum multicaecum Tubangui and Masiluñgan, 1935 metacercaria(F)
 Location: musculature
Host: Channa striata
Dist: Luzon
Records: Tubangui and Masiluñgan 1935; Velasquez 1960
Remarks: A redescription of the metacercaria was provided by Velasquez (1960).

Unidentified Clinostomidae

Clinostomidae gen. sp.(F)
 Location:eyes, opercular and pericardial cavities, musculature
Hosts:Anabas testudineus
Channa striata
Clarias macrocephalus
Cyprinus carpio carpio
Dist.: Philippines
Records: Velasquez 1974, 1976b, 1977a, 1986a




Posthodiplostomum grayi (Verma, 1936) Dubois, 1938 metacercaria(F)
 Syn.: Neodiplostomum larai Refuerzo and Garcia, 1937
 Location: [body cavity]
Hosts:Arius manillensis
Channa striata
Chanos chanos
Clarias batrachus
Glossogobius giuris
Terapon plumbeus
Dist.: Philippines
Record: Vazquez-Colet 1943a
Remarks: The synonymy follows Dubois (1970).
Posthodiplostomum sp. metacercaria(F)
 Location: scales
Host: Channa striata
Dist.: Philippines
Record: Velasquez 1976b, 1977a


Diplostomulum sp. metacercaria(F)
 Location: brain, intestine, musculature
Host: Channa striata
Dist: Luzon
Records: Lopez 1986, 1988
Remarks: Diplostomulum is a larval genus-group for metacercariae belonging to the Diplostominae whose generic affinities are unknown.

Neodiplostomum sp. metacercaria(F)
 Location: scales, skin
Hosts: Arius manillensis (1)
Channa striata (1,2,3)
Clarias batrachus (1)
Terapon plumbeus (1)
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Vazquez-Colet and Africa 1939; 2. Velasquez 1986a (-), 3. 1988


Unidentified Strigeidae

Strigeidae gen. sp. metacercaria(F)
 Location: musculature
Host: unspecified fish
Dist: Mindanao
Record: Velasquez 1986b22



Alcicornis cirrudiscoides Velasquez, 1959(M)
 Location: intestine
Host: Caranx sp.
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Bucephalus fragilis Velasquez, 1959(M)
 Location: intestine
Host: Megalaspis cordyla
Dist: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Bucephalus leognathi Velasquez, 1959(M)
 Location: intestine
Host: Leiognathus sp.
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Bucephalus paraheterotentaculatus (M)
 Velasquez, 1959
Location: stomach, intestine
Host: Seriolina nigrofasciata
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Remarks: Velasquez (1966, Table 1) in an apparent lapsus calami, listed Bucephalus heterotentaculatus as being described from Seriola nigrofasciata (syn. of Seriolina nigrofasciata) from the Philippines. As her Table 1 summarized new taxa established by Dr. Velasquez, this listing must pertain to B. paraheterotentaculatus and not to B. heterotentaculatus Bravo Hollis and Solgandares-Bernal, 1956, a species which has never been reported from the Philippines.

Bucephalus various Manter, 1940(M)
 Syn: Bucephalus pseudovaricus Velasquez, 1959
 Location: intestine
Host: Caranx sp.
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Remarks: The synonymy follows Velasquez (1975a).
Velasquez (1959) also reported this species from the gills, however; this finding was probably the result of stomach eversion during host capture.

Prosorhynchoides philippinorum (Velasquez, 1959) n. comb.(M)
 Syn.: Bucephaloides philippinorum Velasquez, 1959
 Location: stomach
Host: Sphyraena langsar
Dist: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Remarks: Srivastava and Chauhan (1973) synonymized the genus Bucephaloides Hopkins, 1954 with Prosorhynchoides Dollfus, 1929.
The finding of this species on the gills was probably the result of stomach eversion during host capture.

Prosorhynchoides sibi (Yamaguti, 1940) n. comb.(M)
 Syn.: Bucephaloides sibi (Yamaguti, 1940)
 Location: intestine
Host: Euthynnus affinis
Dist: Palawan
Record: Fischthal and Kuntz 1964d

Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Rudolphi, 1819) Odhner, 1905 metacercaria(M)
 Location: gills, musculature
Host: Acanthopagrus berda
Dist.: Luzon
Records: Velasquez 1959, 1966
Remarks: Specimens reported from the musculature and gills of Sparus berda (syn. of Acanthopagrus berda) by Velasquez (1959) were immature and thus most probably metacercariae.

Prosorhynchus crucibulum (Rudolphi, 1819)  Odhner, 1905(M)
 Syn: Prosorhynchus triangularis Tubangui and Masiluñgan, 1944
 Location: intestine
Host: Glossogobius giuris
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Tubangui and Masiluñgan 1944
Remarks: The description of Prosorhynchus triangularis by Tubangui and Masiluñgan (1944) was based on a single specimen from the intestine of a freshwater fish, Glossogobius guirus. Velasquez (1975a) notes that she did not encounter P. crucibulum in over 1000 fish examined from the Manila area.
The synonymy follows Velasquez (1975a).

Prosorhynchus longus Velasquez, 1959(M)
 Location: stomach
Host: Psettodes erumei
Dist: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Prosorhynchus luzonicus Velasquez, 1959(M)
 Location: intestine
Host: Lates calcarifer
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959

Prosorhynchus mcintoshi (Velasquez, 1959) Yamaguti, 1971 metacercaria(M)
 Syn: Neidhartia mcintoshi Velasquez, 1959
 Location: musculature
Host: Epinephelus bleekeri
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Remarks: The synonymy follows Velasquez (1975a).
Prosorhynchus mcintoshi (Velasquez, 1959) Yamaguti, 1971(M)
 Syn: Neidhartia mcintoshi Velasquez, 1959
 Location: stomach, intestine
Host: Epinephelus bleekeri
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959

Prosorhynchus pacificus Manter, 1940(M)
 Location: [intestine]
Host: Epinephelus malabaricus
Dist.: Philippines
Record: Leong and Wong 1990
Remarks: Leong and Wong (1990) reported this species from juvenile grouper imported from the Philippines for culture in Malaysia.
Prosorhynchus paracrucibulus Velasquez, 1959 metacercaria(M)
 Location: scales
Host: Ambassis buruensis
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Remarks: As the specimens upon which the description of this species was based were found on the scales and noted to be immature, we regard them as metacercariae.

Rhipidocotyle eggletoni Velasquez, 1959 metacercaria(M)
 Location: musculature
Hosts:Gazza minuta
Sillago sihama
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959
Remarks: As the specimens upon which the description of this species was based were found in the musculature and were immature, we regard them as metacercariae.

Rhipidocotyle laruei Velasquez, 1959(M)
 Location: stomach, intestine
Host: Psettodes erumei
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1959


Monodhelmis torpedinis Dollfus, 1937(M)
 Syn.: Monodhelmis philippinensis Velasquez, 1961
 Location: intestine
Host: Netuma thalassina
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1961a
Remarks: The synonymy follows Cribb and Bray (1994).



Azygia pristipomai Tubangui, 1928(B,M)
 Location: intestine
Hosts: Glossogobius giuris (2,5)
Pomadasys argenteus (1)
Terapon jarbua (4) 
T. plumbeus (3,5)
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Tubangui 1928; 2. Tubangui and Masiluñgan 1944; 3. Velasquez 1966, 4. 1974 (-), 5. 1988



Aphanurus stossichi (Monticelli, 1891) Looss, 1907(M)
 Location: intestine
Host: Herklotsichthys dispilonotus
Dist.: Palawan
Record: Fischthal and Kuntz 1964c


Genolinea awa (Yamaguti, 1965) n. comb.(M)
 Syn.: Pseudobunocotyla awa Yamaguti, 1965
 Location: intestine
Host: Chanos chanos
Dist.: Mindanao
Records: Regidor and Arthur 1990 (-), 1992
Remarks: Gibson and Bray (1979) list Pseudobunocotyla Yamaguti, 1965 as a synonym of Genolinea Manter, 1925.


Elongoparorchis pneumatis Rao, 1961(M)
 Syn.: Pelorohelmins palawanensis Fischthal and Kuntz, 1964
 Location: swim bladder23
Hosts:Gazza minuta (1)
Netuma thalassina (2,3)
Dist.: Palawan
Records: 1. Fischthal and Kuntz 1964d; 2. Velasquez 1974 (-)24, 3. 1975a
Remarks: Gibson and Bray (1979) synonymized Pelorohelmins Fischthal and Kuntz, 1964 with Elongoparorchis Rao, 1961. This decision was upheld by Jones and Khalil (1984), who proposed the above synonymy.


Didymozoon bravohollisae Velasquez, 1970(M)
 Location: base of gill arches
Host: Sphyraena sp.
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1970
Remarks: The listing of this parasite from Sphyraena langsar by Velasquez (1977a) is due to an error, several lines of her table having been omitted (compare Velasquez 1974 with 1977a).

Torticaecum nipponicum Yamaguti, 1942(M)
 Location: intestine, musculature
Hosts:Eleotris fusca (1)
Sillago sihama (2)
? Terapon jarbua (2)
Dist.: Luzon, Palawan
Records: 1. Fischthal and Kuntz 1964d (Palawan); 2. Velasquez 1975a (Luzon)
Remarks: In her monograph on the Digenea of Philippine fishes, Velasquez (1975a) listed Torticaecum nipponicum from “bagaong,” the tagalog common name given for Terapon jarbua in her host-parasite list; however, she did not list this parasite under this host species. Although not clearly indicated, her listing of this parasite from Eleotris fusca is considered to pertain only to the record Fischthal and Kuntz (1964d) from Palawan Island.
Torticaecum nipponicum is a larval name.

Unidentified Didymozoidae

Didymozoidae gen. sp. (M)
 Location: intestine, musculature
Hosts:Euthynnus affinis (1)
? Puntius binotatus (I)25
Synaptura sorsogonensis (2)
? Terapon jarbua (2)
Dist: Luzon, Palawan, Visayan islands
Records: 1. Fischthal and Kuntz 1964d (Palawan); 2. Velasquez 1975a (Luzon, Visayan islands)
Remarks: In her monograph on the Digenea of Philippine fishes, Velasquez (1975a) listed “Immature Didymozoid A” from “bagaong”, the tagalog common name given for Terapon jarbua in her host-parasite list However, she did not list this parasite under this host species. Although not clearly indicated, her listings of didymozoid larvae in Euthynnus yaito (syn. of E. affinis ) and Puntius binotatus are considered to pertain only to the report by Fischthal and Kuntz (1964d) from Palawan Island.



Erilepturus hamati (Yamagati, 1934) Manter 1947(M)
 Syn.:Lecithochirium neopacificus Velasquez, 1962
 Lecithocladium neopacificum (Velasquez, 1962)
 Location: stomach
Hosts:Epinephelus malabaricus (2)
Lates calcarifer (1)
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Velasquez 1962; 2. Leong and Wong 1990 (-)
Remarks: The synonymy follows Bray et al. (1993a), who provide a detailed review and redescription of this species.
Leong and Wong (1990) reported Lecithochirium neopaciflcus from grouper imported into Malaysia from the Philippines.
Velasquez (1974, 1977a) listed this species as Lecithocladium neopacificum.
Erilepturus lemeriensis(M)
 (Tubangui and Masiluñgan, 1935) Manter, 1947
 Syn.:Ectenurus lemeriensis Tubangui and Masiluñgan, 1935
 Location: stomach, intestine
Hosts: ? Glossogobius giuris (2) 26
Scomberoides lysan (3,4)
Scomberoides sp. (1)
Dist.: Luzon
Records: 1. Tubangui and Masiluñgan 1935, 2. 1944; 3. Velasquez 1962, 4. 1966
Remarks: Bray et al. (1993a) noted that Erilepturus lemeriensis is possibly a synonym of E. hamati.


Lecithocladium angustiovum Yamaguti, 1953(M)
 Location: stomach, intestine
Hosts:Atule mate (3)
Rastrelliger kanagurta (1,2)
Dist.: Luzon, Palawan, Visayan islands
Records: 1. Velasquez 1962 (Luzon, Visayan islands), 2. 1966 (Luzon, Visayan islands); 3. Fischthal and Kuntz 1964c (Palawan)
Remarks: Gibson and Bray (1986) listed Lecithocladium angustiovum of Fischthal and Kuntz, 1964 as a probable synonym of L. megalaspis Yamaguti, 1953.

Lecithocladium apolecti Velasquez, 1962(M)
 Location: stomach
Host: Parastromateus niger
Dist.: Luzon
Record: Velasquez 1962

Lecithocladium chingi Manter and Pritchard, 1960(M)
 Location: stomach
Hosts:Naso hexacanthus
N. vlamingii
Dist: Mactan
Record: Machida and Uchida 1990
Lecithocladium megalaspis Yamaguti, 1953(M)
 Location: stomach, intestine
Host: Megalaspis cordyla
Dist.: Luzon
Records: Velasquez 1962, 1966

2 Full identification of material listed only as belonging to the genus Cryptobia in the abstract of Regidor et al. (1986) was given in Regidor and Arthur (1986).

3 The records of Lumanlan et al. (1992) involve fishes imported for aquaculture and the aquarium fish trade which were examined in Quezon City.

4 The records of Lumanlan et al. (1992) involve fishes imported for aquaculture and the ornamental fish trade which were examined in Quezon City.

5 This report is found only in the caption to Plate 4, Figure e of Lilley et al. (1992).

6 Petersen et al. (1993) examined fish bought from fishermen and local markets on the islands of Cebu, Mactan and Leyte; however, the exact origin of individual fish species was not given.

7 The records of Lumanlan et al. (1992) involve fishes imported for aquaculture and the ornamental fish trade which were examined in Quezon City.

8 Full identification of material reported only as belonging to the genus Ichthyophthirius in the abstract of Lumanlan et al. (1990) is given in Lumanlan et al. (1992).

9 The records of Lumanlan et al. (1992) involve fishes imported for aquaculture and the ornamental fish trade which were examined in Quezon City.

10 The records of Lumanlan et al. (1992) involve fishes imported for aquaculture and the ornamental fish trade which were examined in Quezon City.

11 The reports of Albaladejo and Arthur (1989) and Lumanlan et al. (1992) pertain to common carp and grass carp imported from Indonesia, and Taiwan and Hongkong, respectively, which were stocked on Luzon Island.

12 This report involves a tentative parasite identification.

13 Material reported only as Trichodina in the abstract of Natividad et al. (1986a) was noted by Natividad et al. (1986b) to include T. acuta (subsequently referred to T. compacta by Arthur (1995)), T. centrostrigata, T. heterodentata, and Trichodina sp.

14 Natividad (1986,1988) examined fishes (Channa striata, Clarias batrachus, Puntius javanicus and Trichogaster pectoralis) from various localities around Laguna Lake, Luzon Island, but did not indicate which host species were infected with Trichodina.

15 Palisoc (1988) noted that Trichodina was among the parasites found on tilapia, milkfish, dalag and carp in Laguna Lake but did not indicate on which hosts individual parasite taxa were found.

16 The report of Albaladejo and Arthur (1989) pertains to goldfish imported from Hongkong for the ornamental fish trade.

17 The reports of of Lumanlan et al. (1990, 1992) involve species imported for aquaculture and the aquarium fish trade which were examined in Quezon City.

18 Recent phylogenetic analyses conducted by Siddall et al. (1995) using ultrastructural characteristics of developmental stages and analysis of rDNA have indicated that the myxozoans are actually highly derived parasitic cnidarians. We retain the Phylum Myxozoa pending additional systematic studies supporting this conclusion and integrating the classifications of these two phyla.

19 Records contained in the abstract and paper of Lumanlan et al. (1990, 1992) involve fishes imported for aquaculture and the aquarium fish trade which were examined in in Quezon City.

20 This record involves fishes imported for aquaculture and the aquarium fish trade which were examined in Quezon City.

21 Lumanlan et al. (1992) reported Cloromyxum spp. from clown loach and barred Siamese catfish imported from Hongkong and Singapore, respectively, for the ornamental fish trade.

22 Velasquez (1986b) noted that Puntius amarus, P. binotatus, P. disa, P. manalak and Spratellicypris palata were the species of fish parasitized but in this preliminary abstract, she did not indicate which parasite taxa occur in individual host species.

23 Fischthal and Kuntz (1964d) gave the site of infection as the intestine; however, as noted by Yamaguti (1971), members of the genus Elongoparorchis are typically parasites of the swim bladders of marine catfishes (family Ariidae).

24 The listing of this species from Arius thalassinus (syn. of Netuma thalassina ) by Velasquez (1974) was apparently based on specimens recorded by her (Velasquez 1975a) as being from Coron, Palawan Island.

25 As Puntius binotatus is a freshwater cyprinid, this report may involve a host misidentification.

26 Velasquez (1962) suggested that the report of this species from Glossogobius giuris by Tubangui and Masiluñgan (1944) may have involved a host misidentification.

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