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Session 2. The professional staff

Session guide: The professional staff
Hand-out 1: Coffee research institute: Job descriptions, qualifications and promotion criteria
Hand-out 2: Coffee research institute: Appointment and promotion of scientific staff
Hand-out 3: Coffee research institute: Appointment and promotion of administrative and other staff




Plenary participatory lecture



At the end of this session, participants should be able to:

1. Draw up a job description.
2. Understand techniques for technical and managerial development.
3. Understand the pros and cons of performance evaluation.


Exhibit 1

Job description of an agricultural researcher

Exhibit 2

Characteristics of a job description

Exhibit 3

Limitations of job description

Exhibit 4

Benefits of job descriptions

Exhibit 5

Transition from specialist to manager

Exhibit 6.

'Do's' and 'don'ts' in professional motivation

Hand-out 1

Coffee Research Institute: Job descriptions, qualifications and promotion criteria

Hand-out 2

Coffee Research Institute: Appointment and promotion of scientific staff

Hand-out 3

Coffee Research Institute: Appointment and promotion of administrative and other staff


1. Bayton, J. A., & Chapman, R. L. Making managers of scientists and engineers. The Bureaucrat, 1 (4): 407-425.

2. Ahmad, Aqueil (ed) 1980. Management of Agricultural Research: Problems and Perspectives New Delhi: Allied Publishers. Read pages 131-154.




Overhead projector; chalkboard.

Session guide: The professional staff

Begin the session with a discussion of the problems facing management in terms of developing staff. Ask participants what their most difficult problem is concerning matching staff skills to the organization's needs. Tell participants you wish to focus on developing useful job descriptions. While issues in developing technical and managerial staff are mentioned here, they are discussed in greater detail in the session on performance evaluation.

Show EXHIBIT 1 and acknowledge that a job description accomplishes several purposes. Show EXHIBIT 2 and discuss characteristics of a good job description. Refer back to EXHIBIT 1 and examine whether it has the required description. Before the institution can turn to research, it has to know what employees it has, their characteristics and responsibilities. Good job descriptions can allow those who are responsible for personnel development to plan good programmes. HAND-OUTS 1, 2 and 3 provide examples of general job descriptions, (entry) qualifications, mode of recruitment and promotion criteria.

Remember that job descriptions have their limitations. Ask participants whether it is desirable to provide formal job descriptions, and, if so, should they be specific or broad? Also ask participants about their organization's policy for job descriptions. Add participants' suggestions to the benefits and limitations listed in EXHIBITS 3 and 4.

Technical and managerial development is the next aspect of professional development to discuss. One problem that is prevalent in research institutions throughout the world is the promotion of technical personnel to managerial posts. A greater challenge is how to turn specialists into managers.

Most institutions recognize that the transition from a scientist or engineer to a manager is not accomplished in one step, but is an evolutionary process (EXHIBIT 5).

Discuss the issue in detail to arrive at a consensus as to the best approach to make this transition easier and more beneficial to employees. Devise a model with the help of participants. Draw this on the chalkboard and subsequently copy and distribute it to participants.

A major part of professional development is the provision of an environment that fosters growth. EXHIBIT 6 lists some 'Do's' and 'Don'ts' for a positive work environment. Review these with participants and discuss how important each item is to various representatives of the institution. If an item is not important, establish the reason why, and find out if the institution replaces that item with something else.

Performance evaluation is an oft-used technique. This is usually an annual evaluation where the supervisor and employee meet to review progress toward a set of goals and set new goals for the next period. Properly designed, a performance evaluation programme has several benefits. Note that performance evaluation will be discussed in detail later.

Before concluding the session, suggest to participants that they should analyse HANDOUTS 1, 2 and 3 in the context of the discussion which has taken place during the session. Such analysis will be useful in the group exercise to be conducted in the next session.



The researcher will be expected to:

· Identify new research opportunities, prepare research proposals and initiate activities

· Respond to problems identified by research leaders

· Collaborate in research teams and contribute specific skills needed for the particular project

· Supervise other scientific, technical and support personnel

· Train other scientific, technical and support personnel

· Maintain familiarity with professional literature and interests in broader scientific fields

· Plan, design and conduct experiments, including collecting background information

· Analyse results, determine their significance, and draw conclusions

· Present research results in a timely fashion in the form of reports and papers for publication where suitable

· Communicate the results to other scientists, extension workers and end-users, using the most appropriate media

· Perform other tasks as the Director may require

Based on: Bennell, P., and Zuidema, L. 1988. Human resources management for agricultural research: Overview and issues. ISNAR Working Paper, No. 15.



· A job description outlines in as much detail as is appropriate the responsibilities, tasks and expectations the employee is to fulfil in order to master a certain job

· A job description enables the employee to understand the range of activities that are to be fulfilled

· A job description allows the employee to have a concrete idea of others expectations (i.e., the role the employee will be expected to play)

· A job description facilitates the hiring process

· Often, for complicated and less tangible jobs, a job description is not written. Lower-level jobs usually have a clear job description

· A job description functions as a standard against which an employee can measure attainment and growth



· Often out of date

· Do not correspond to the actual job

· Used by some employees to hide behind when they do not want new responsibilities

· Cannot cover in adequate detail all aspects of a job, particularly complex jobs requiring the synthesis of many skills

· Time consuming to prepare properly

· Could be a source of industrial strife



· Make managers take time to consider and verbalize what they expect an employee in a particular post to accomplish

· Increase initial employee-employer communications

· Promote uniformity for the same job title across divisions

· Help in proper performance evaluation



· Transition begins early in a career (e.g., supervision of laboratory assistants and technicians, leadership in project task forces, etc.)

· Increasing association with management tasks (selection of non-professional staff for laboratory work; planning work schedules; personnel tasks; developing cost estimates for laboratory projects)

· Management functions are adopted easily by the scientist as they are seen as providing opportunities for the individual to have an influence on the organization

· Several negative reactions often occur, including:

- personal work in their speciality is disrupted;
- a person questions aptitude or training to perform tasks;
- too great a demand for the individual to make subjective judgements.

Source: Bayton, J. A., and Chapman, R. L. Making managers of scientists and engineers. The Bureaucrat, 1(4):



· Start providing for the psychological as well as for the physical (salary, fringe benefits) needs of employees

· Stop over-organizing jobs or fragmenting jobs into meaningless tasks. Fit the job to individual talents

· Attitudes of managers at all levels can affect productivity. Managers should encourage participative management with all employees, encouraging their suggestions and thoughts. This allows an employee to relate personal goals to those of the institute

· Make sure pay increases (including bonuses and profit-sharing if appropriate) are for merit and not just for time serving

· Allow those at the lower levels of the job pyramid more authority and responsibility. Enlarge their jobs so they have more opportunity to see a task through to completion, rather than being just a cog in a machine and dependent on others for 'approval' of each task aspect. Provide the opportunity for people to get out of a job rut

Source: Based on: Motivating people: Money isn't everything. Newsweek, 1974.

Hand-out 1: Coffee research institute: Job descriptions, qualifications and promotion criteria

Note: For convenience, the male epithet is used generally in these descriptions. In all applicable cases it is to be construed to include the equivalent female epithet. The use of the male epithet implies no gender bias on the part of the relevant authorities.

1. Duties of the Executive Director

Subject to the policy laid down by the Management Committee and to its decisions on programmes, budgets and policy, the Director shall be responsible for day-to-day management. This responsibility shall include:

(i) day-to-day management of the estate and properties of the Institute;

(ii) the direction of research staff and other staff in the carrying out of their functions;

(iii) staff discipline and the institution of a machinery for this purpose, in accordance with any regulation that may be prescribed;

(iv) responsibility for selection and appointment of candidates for junior posts, in accordance with regulations approved by the Committee;

(v) arrangements for the recruitment of senior staff, in accordance with procedures approved by the Committee;

(vi) the preparation of research programmes, projects and the annual report;

(vii) the preparation of draft estimates of the Institute and such supplementary estimates as may be required;

(viii) operation of the budget, including approval for expenditure within the allocations under each item;

(ix) preparation of the annual accounts; and

(x) responsibility for ensuring that accounts are audited annually.

In exercising his responsibilities, the Director shall be responsible to the Management Committee of the Institute.

2. Responsibilities of the Deputy Executive Director (Administration)

The Deputy Executive Director (Administration) (DED (Admin.)) will be responsible to the Executive Director for the administration of research matters to facilitate the formulation and execution of research programmes on coffee and shea nut.

He will also be responsible to the Executive Director for specific administrative duties to facilitate close supervision of the Head of the Coffee and Shea nut Research Division (crops other than cocoa); Works and Estate; Transport; and Extension.

Major responsibilities include:

(i) bringing up to date the coffee and shea nut research programmes of different research divisions, suggesting areas of coordination and advising against duplication through the research committee;

(ii) assisting the editorial committee to examine conference papers as well as representation at and applications for attendance at seminars and conferences outside the Institute to ensure the relevance of the conference to the Institute's work and a fair opportunity for all research officers;

(iii) establishing linkages between the Institute and other local research organizations on matters relating to research on crops other than cocoa;

(iv) in addition, he will carry out research duties (not as head of division), working with research assistants as and when necessary.

Other responsibilities include:

(i) control over the mechanical workshops through the Works and Estate Officer;
(ii) assisting the Estates Officer in solving transport problems;
(iii) Home Ownership Scheme; and
(iv) welfare and disciplinary matters.

3. Responsibilities of the Deputy Executive Director (Research)

The Deputy Executive Director (Research) (DED (Res.)) will be responsible to the Executive Director for the administration of research matters to facilitate formulation and execution of research programmes on cocoa and other crops except coffee and shea nut.

He will also be responsible to the Executive Director for specific administrative duties to facilitate close supervision of the work of the Heads of the Coffee Research and the Service Divisions (i.e., General Administration and Accounts).

Major responsibilities will include:

(i) bringing up to date the coffee research programmes of the different research divisions, suggesting areas of coordination and advising against duplication through the Research Committee;

(ii) arranging the evaluation by an internal Editorial Committee for Publications of scientific papers proposed for publication;

(iii) assisting the Editorial Committee to examine conference papers as well as representation at and application for attendance at seminars and conferences outside the Institute to ensure the relevance of the conference to the Institute's work and a fair opportunity for all research officers;

(iv) establishing linkages between the Institute and other local research organizations on matters relating to coffee research;

(v) in addition, he will carry out research duties (not as Head of Division), working with research assistants as and when necessary.

Other responsibilities include:

(i) controlling local purchases through the Local Purchasing Committee;

(ii) ensuring preparation and defence of budget and other financial matters;

(iii) upgrading of the Institute's durable assets and the supervision of an annual board of survey through the Accountant and the relevant Committee;

(iv) staff recruitment, training and promotions through the Research and Administrative Secretaries;

(v) representing the Institute on the CRIS Research Fund, the Management Committee, and on tender boards; and

(vi) other duties as may be required from time to time by the Executive Director.

4. Head of General Administration

The Administrative Secretary is the Head of General Administration. He is Secretary to the Institute's Management Committee. He is responsible to the Executive Director through DED (Admin.) for the general administration of the Institute and may be assigned such other duties as may be prescribed by the Executive Director.

5. Heads of Research Divisions

They are responsible to the Executive Director through DED (Res.) for day-to-day administration of the research divisions. They are responsible for organizing and executing research programmes as approved by the Executive Director.

6. Head of Plantation/Station Management Division

Responsible to the Executive Director through DED (Admin.) for the day-to-day administration of the Plantation/Station Management Division. He is responsible for proper maintenance of the Institute's experimental plots, the compounds of the residential areas, and sanitation at the station.

7. Head of Works and Estate Division

The Head of this Division is the Chief Estate Officer. He is responsible to the Executive Director through DED (Admin.) for day-to-day administration in the Works and Estate Division. He is responsible for supervision of building contracts at the Institute, ensuring compliance with drawings and specifications and the use of approved quality materials. He also supervises reports on proper utilization of loans granted to employees under the Home Ownership Scheme. He is responsible for proper maintenance of the Institute's buildings, vehicles and machinery.

8. Head of Accounts Division

The Accountant is the Head of the Accounts Division. He is responsible to the Executive Director through DED (Admin.) for the overall financial administration of the Institute, including preparation of the Draft Annual Estimate of Expenditure and final accounts.

Hand-out 2: Coffee research institute: Appointment and promotion of scientific staff

Note: For convenience, the male epithet is used generally in these descriptions. In all applicable cases it is to be construed to include the equivalent female epithet. The use of the male epithet implies no gender bias on the part of the relevant authorities.

1. Categories of Officers

The categories of officers governed by the conditions laid down in Section 22 (i-iv) of the Revised Conditions of Service include (i) Assistant Research Officer, (ii) Research Officer, (iii) Senior Research Officer, (iv) Principal Research Officer, and (v) Chief Research Officer. The conditions governing their appointment and promotion are described below.

2. Assistant Research Officer

(i) Recruitment and Probation

(a) The minimum entry qualification for a Assistant Research Officer shall normally be a second-class degree or its equivalent from a recognized university.

(b) All appointees to this grade shall serve a probationary period of one year. They shall be assigned specific projects under supervision during the probation period and be required to submit a written report at the end of the period. The topic of the project shall be communicated by the Director to the Management Committee within three months of the appointment of the probationer.

(ii) Confirmation

(a) At the end of their probation period, Assistant Research officers shall be interviewed on their work by a competent panel. If found suitable, their appointments shall be confirmed; otherwise their appointments shall be terminated. In marginal cases the probationary period may be extended by one year, at the end of which the candidate shall be interviewed again.

(b) Every effort shall be made to get confirmed Assistant Research Officers to pursue post-graduate courses leading to at least a master's degree or its equivalent. Where suitable facilities exist locally, every effort shall be made for the post-graduate training to be organized locally.

(iii) Promotion

(a) The normal minimum qualification for promotion from Assistant Research Officer to Research Officer grade is a master's degree or its equivalent. However, Assistant Research Officers who, having reached the end point of the scale, have had no opportunity for post-graduate training shall be eligible for consideration for promotion to the grade of Research Officer on the basis of their performance and work output.

(b) For in-service candidates, the procedure for promotion from Assistant Research Officer grade to Research Officer grade shall be as follows:

· All officers who reach the end point of the Assistant Research Officer scale shall be put forward by their Heads of Division for consideration for promotion.

· Serving officers who would have reached the end point of the scale on the acquisition of their post-graduate degree shall, where appropriate, be considered for incremental credits on merit.

· A candidate shall name three referees, being persons of grades not lower than a Research Officer or its equivalent. For serving, first-degree candidates, two of the referees shall be from the Institute while the third, if selected from outside the Institute, must be a person who has some knowledge of the candidate's project and has the requisite background to pronounce on the candidate's competence. For serving officers who have obtained a second degree, at least two of the referees shall be from the university where the candidate pursued his post-graduate studies, while the third referee shall be a person with the requisite knowledge in the candidate's field of competence.

· The Director shall provide a comprehensive report on the candidates to the Management Committee.

· The Management Committee shall consider candidates on the basis of the documentary information supplied to them. However, the Committee may at their discretion summon any candidate for interview should such a course of action be deemed desirable.

(c) For external candidates with the requisite post-graduate degree (i.e., at least an MSc or its equivalent) the procedure shall be as follows:

· Candidates should normally apply in response to an advertisement, but they shall be free to apply for consideration for appointment into an appropriate Division depending on the availability of vacancies.

· Candidates shall complete the proper application forms. They shall name three referees, two of whom shall be from the institution where the candidates concerned pursued their post-graduate studies.

· Candidates shall be interviewed by a competent Appointment Panel within 90 days of the closing date of the advertisement. The Panel shall include at least two persons who have expert knowledge in the candidates' field of specialization.

3. Progression from Research Officer to Principal Research Officer

(i) All appointments to the Research Officer or Senior Research Officer grade shall be five-year contracts, renewable subject to the satisfactory performance of officers in their respective grades. Appointments to the grade of Principal Research Officer and above shall be on tenure.

(ii) A Research Officer who at the end of 10 years (i.e., on the expiry of his second contract appointment) fails to satisfy the Appointment and Promotion Panel regarding his suitability for promotion to Senior Research Officer grade shall not have his contract renewed.

(iii) The minimum qualification for promotion from the grade of Research Officer to that of Senior Research Officer is a master's degree or its equivalent.

(iv) Every effort shall be made for to enable a Research Officer who possesses only a first degree to pursue post-graduate courses leading to a master's degree or its equivalent.

(v) Candidates for promotion to Senior Research Officer grade will be expected to have served a minimum period of five years at Research Officer grade in the Institute or in an equivalent institution. In cases of exceptional merit, shown by distinguished research work and distinguished contribution to the Institute's work, promotion may be made earlier.

(vi) Promotion to Senior Research Officer grade shall be based on significant research output, publications and an officer's general performance and contribution to the work of the Institute.

(vii) For purposes of promotion, technical reports may count as publications and may be submitted for assessment for all the research grades covered by these regulations.

(viii) For promotion from the grade of Senior Research Officer to that of Principal Research Officer, candidates shall have served for a minimum period of four years at Senior Research Officer grade at this Institute or in an equivalent Institution. Promotion from Senior Research Officer to Principal Research Officer grade shall be based largely on substantial research output, publications, professional competence, contribution to the Institute's work, and ability to lead a research team.

4. Promotion from Principal Research Officer to Chief Research Officer

(i) No time limit shall be imposed for progression from Principal Research Officer grade and above.

(ii) To qualify for the grade of Chief Research Officer, a candidate must have attained the rank of Principal Research Officer or its equivalent, and gained such experience as would enable him to discharge the full responsibilities of a Director should the need arise. Thus a prospective candidate must have had considerable experience in the conduct of research and in research management, demonstrated not only by the quality and output of research but also demonstrated ability in a position of responsibility, involving leadership of a divisional research and development programme of an Institute.

5. External assessors

(i) For posts at Senior Research Officer level and above, the views of two external assessors shall be sought.

(ii) External assessors shall be appointed by the Director. The criteria which external assessors should satisfy shall be spelt out clearly by the Director. The Director, depending on the circumstances in each case, may at his discretion decide to request persons of proven competence who satisfy the criteria laid down for external assessors to undertake the evaluation of candidates.

(iii) External assessors should neither have been

· directly connected with the undergraduate or post-graduate studies of the candidate; nor

· at any time a working colleague of the candidate. (For example, the candidate should not have previously engaged in a joint research project with the external assessor or co-authored a publication.)

(iv) An external assessor should be an authority in the main field of competence of the candidate, and should normally be of a grade higher, and in any case not lower, than the grade for which the candidate is being considered for promotion.

(v) In the selection of external assessors, where suitable local specialists of the requisite seniority exist, they should be given preference over overseas assessors so as to forestall possible delays and communications problems.

(vi) Should there by any fundamental disagreement between the views of the two external assessors, and, furthermore, if the Promotion Panel is unable to arrive at a firm decision on the suitability of a candidate, the Panel may seek the views of a third external assessor.

Hand-out 3: Coffee research institute: Appointment and promotion of administrative and other staff

Note: For convenience, the male epithet is used generally in these descriptions. In all applicable cases it is to be construed to include the equivalent female epithet. The use of the male epithet implies no gender bias on the part of the relevant authorities.

1. Secretary

Duties: The Secretary is the Chief Administrative Officer of the Institute. He is responsible for the general administration of the Institute.

Qualifications: An honours degree, preferably with a second degree, of a recognized university, or equivalent professional qualification, with considerable administrative experience.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion from Principal Administrative Officer.

2. Principal Administrative Officer

Duties: Responsible to the Secretary for general administrative duties.

Qualifications: An Honours degree, preferably with a second degree, of a recognized University, or equivalent professional qualification, with considerable administrative experience; or must have had a minimum of three years experience at Senior Administrative Officer grade and have shown clear evidence of ability to hold a schedule without supervision.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

3. Senior Administrative Officer

Duties: Responsible to the Secretary for administrative duties.


Candidates must be confirmed officers with not less than three years continuous and satisfactory service as Administrative Officer; or must have served in a governmental or non-governmental organization of good repute for not less than five years in the administrative grade;

and must possess a minimum educational qualification of either School Certificate, with credit in English language; General Certificate of Education 'O' Level, with passes in at least five subjects, including English language; or an equivalent educational qualification;

or have attained the Final Certificate of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries or the Final Certificate of the Corporation of Secretaries;

or an equivalent qualification, such as a university degree.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

4. Administrative Officer

Duties: Responsible to the Secretary for administrative duties.


Must be a confirmed officer with not less than three years continuous and satisfactory service as Office Assistant; or must have served in a governmental or non-governmental organization of good repute for not less than five years at executive or analogous level;

and must possess a minimum educational qualification of School Certificate with credit in English language; the General Certificate of Education 'O' Level with passes in at least five subjects, including English language; or an equivalent educational qualification

or have attained the Final Certificate of the Chartered Institute of Secretaries or the Final Certificate of the Corporation of Secretaries;

or an equivalent qualification, such as a university degree.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

5. Private Secretary

Duties: Private Secretaries will be required to perform high-speed shorthand and typing, including the preparation of minutes of proceedings of conferences and meetings of a classified nature. They may be required to be responsible for custody of confidential files and exercise supervision over others in the secretarial category. They will be employed on both secretarial and executive duties.


Candidates must possess as minimum the educational qualification of School Certificate, with credit in English language; the General Certificate of Education 'O' Level with passes in at least five subjects, including English language; or an approved equivalent; and must be able to type at a speed of 60 words per minute for 10 minutes, and take shorthand at a speed of 120 words per minute for 5 minutes.

In addition, they must have passed an examination in (a) Advanced Secretarial Practice and (b) General Knowledge, and possess a certificate to that effect issued by the Principal of the Government Secretarial School;

and must have a highly developed sense of responsibility, display initiative, accuracy, integrity and discretion, and show a good working knowledge of office management;

and must have at least three years experience as Stenographer/Secretary.

Entry: By advertisement and interview.

6. Accountant

Duties: Be responsible to the Director for the overall financial administration of the Institute, including preparation of the final accounts.

Qualifications: A minimum of Intermediate ACCA, Intermediate ACA, or ICWA Part III, with not less than five years of accounting experience in a governmental or industrial organization.

Entry: By advertisement and interview.

7. Principal Accounting Officer

Duties: Be responsible to the Accountant, and will be required to take full charge of the Accounts and be able to perform all work pertaining to the control of expenditure, efficient collection of revenue, and maintenance of detailed accounts of the Institute.


Must have had a minimum of three years in the grade of Senior Accounting Officer; and must have shown clear evidence of ability to hold a schedule without supervision;

or must possess Final RSA, Institute of Bookkeepers, LCC or equivalent qualification, with a minimum of ten years post-qualification experience.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

8. Senior Accounting Officer

Duties: Staff in this grade will be required to perform work relating to the control of expenditure, efficient collection of revenue, and maintenance of detailed accounts of all such financial transactions. They will be required to take charge of and direct the work of Accounting Sections. They will also be expected to instruct, supervise and train junior staff under them. They will be expected to prepare statements of accounts, check and verify current accounts, bank accounts, etc., and attend to correspondence connected with accounts.


Must have a minimum of five years as Accounting Officer,

or must hold the Final RSA, Institute of Bookkeepers, LCC, or equivalent qualification, with a minimum of seven years post-qualification experience.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

9. Accounting Officer

Duties: Staff in this grade will be required to prepare Statements of accounts, check and verify current accounts, reconcile Bank Statements, attend to correspondence and supervise the work of lower grades, and to take responsibility for overall control of trial balances, consisting of subsidiary control, control of work-flow to machine operators and checking controls, and agreeing pre-lists with summary sheets.


Final RSA, Institute of Bookkeepers, LCC, or equivalent qualification, with a minimum of five years experience in financial organization;

or School Certificate, with credit in English language; or the General Certificate of Education 'O' Level with passes in at least five subjects, including English language; and with a minimum of ten years experience in financial organization;

or Middle School Leaving Certificate, with a minimum of 15 years experience in a financial organization.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

10. Senior Stores Superintendent

Duties: General supervision of stores; buying, custody and control of stores; preparation of estimates and indenting of stores; stores accounting; and bookkeeping. General correspondence on all connected matters, including short-falls and insurance claims; expeditious handling of all cases of loss and damage; application and interpretation of stores regulations and instructions; and training and supervision of stores staff.


Must have had a minimum of three years in the grade of Stores Superintendent; and must have shown clear evidence of ability to hold a schedule with supervision;

or must possess Final RSA, Institute of Bookkeepers, LCC, or equivalent qualification, with a minimum of ten years post-qualification experience;

or have Associateship of the Institute of Public Suppliers or Purchasing Officers' Association, with at least three years experience in the grade of Stores Superintendent;

or must have worked in a reputable organization as Stores Officer for a minimum period of 15 years.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

11. Stores Superintendent

Duties: To be prescribed by Senior Stores Superintendent. Staff in this grade will perform the duties of Senior Stores Superintendent where no such grade exists.


Must have a minimum of five years as Assistant Stores Superintendent;

or possess Final RSA, Institute of Bookkeepers, LCC, or equivalent qualification, with a minimum of seven years post-qualification experience;

or Associateship of the Institute of Public Suppliers or Purchasing Officers' Association, with a minimum of seven years post-qualification experience;

or must have worked in a reputable organization as Stores Officer for a minimum period of 15 years.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

12. Assistant Stores Superintendent

Duties: To be prescribed by Senior Stores Superintendent.


Must possess Final RSA, Institute of Bookkeepers, LCC, or equivalent qualification, with a minimum of five years in financial organization;

or School Certificate, with credit in English language; or the General Certificate of Education 'O' Level with passes in at least five subjects, including English language; and with a minimum of ten years experience in financial organization;

or Middle School Leaving Certificate with a minimum of 15 years experience in a financial organization;

or Associateship of the Institute of Public Suppliers or Purchasing Officers' Association;

or must have worked in a reputable organization as Stores Officer for a minimum period of ten years.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

13. Principal Works Superintendent

Duties: As prescribed by the Director. These may include supervision of building contracts and works in the Institute; ensuring compliance with drawings and specifications, and the use of approved quality materials. He will also ensure that directions by engineers and architects are carried out by contractors.


Diploma in Building or Civil Engineering Technology; Higher National Certificate; or an equivalent qualification, with at least five years post-qualification experience, three years or more of which should have been spent on reasonably large construction projects in the capacity of Clerk of Works or in parallel posts.

Candidates may be considered without the certificate of proficiency in Building or Civil Engineering Technology if they have not less than ten years experience as Works Superintendents (Civil) or in an equivalent capacity, of which not less than five years of which have been spent on reasonably large construction projects, performing the duties of Principal Works Superintendent. Preference will be given to candidates who, in addition, have the Final Certificate of the City and Guilds of London Institute, or other equivalent certificate or who have followed a regular course of instruction in Building or Civil Engineering Technology.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

14. Senior Works Superintendent

Duties: Will be responsible for overall supervision and training of subordinate grades in the particular trade, and perform such other duties as may be assigned.

Qualifications: For direct entry, candidates must possess either the Final Certificate of the City and Guilds of London Institute, or the Ordinary National Certificate, and must normally have served at least three years at Works Superintendent grade.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

15. Assistant Works Superintendent/Assistant Maintenance Officer

Duties: Responsible to the Head of the Department for the supervision and training of subordinate grades in the particular trade, and perform other duties as may be assigned.


For direct entry, candidates must possess either the Final Certificate of the City and Guilds of London Institute, or the Ordinary National Certificate. They must normally have served at least three years in a supervisory grade (i.e., Foreman).

Other candidates are required to have served for five years in a supervisory grade before qualifying for construction.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

16. Chief Technician

Duties: General construction, repair and maintenance of scientific equipment.


Relevant Final or Advanced Certificate of the City and Guilds of London Institute;

or the Associate Certificate of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Technologists;

or such relevant experience or skill as may be judged to be equivalent to these qualifications;

and at least seven years experience as Senior Technician.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

17. Senior Technician

Duties: General construction, repair and maintenance of scientific equipment.


Final or Advanced Certificate of the City and Guilds of London Institute, with at least three years experience as Technician or in an analogous grade;

or the Associate Certificate of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Technologists, with at least three years post-qualification experience;

or such relevant experience or skill as may be judged to be equivalent to these qualifications;

and a minimum of four years experience as technician.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion.

18. Technician

Duties: To assist in the construction, repair and maintenance of scientific equipment.


Final or Advanced Certificate of the City and Guilds of London Institute;

or the Associate Certificate of the Institute of Medical Laboratory Technologists;

or such relevant experience or skill as may be judged to be equivalent to these qualifications;

and must have been employed at level of Senior Technical Assistant or equivalent grade for at least four years.

19. Librarian

Duties: To be responsible for the general running of the Institute's libraries. To implement policy matters regarding libraries and technical information services within the Institute.


Fellowship of the Library Association; a good degree plus Associateship of the Library Association; or other relevant qualification;

and to have considerable professional and administrative experience.

Entry: Advertisement and interview, or promotion.

20. Principal Library Officer

Duties: Responsible to the Librarian and undertakes duties as may be prescribed by Librarian. Training of subordinate staff.

Qualifications: Associateship of the Library Association or equivalent qualification, with at least six years post-qualification experience in a public or university library.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or promotion.

21. Senior Library Officer

Duties: As for Principal Library Officer.

Qualifications: Associateship of the Library Association or equivalent qualification, with at least three years post-qualification experience in a public or university library.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or promotion.

22. Library Officer

Duties: As prescribed by the Librarian or the officer-in-charge of the Institute's library.

Qualifications: Associateship of the Library Association or equivalent qualification.

Entry: By advertisement and interview.

23. Headmaster/Headmistress

Duties: Supervision of the staff (teaching and ancillary) and children; the administration and organization of the school, and its welfare generally. Shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Director.

Qualifications: Candidates must be experienced teachers with Associateship Certificate or other approved professional training.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion from Principal Teacher.

24. Principal Teacher

Duties: Responsible for a class and may be required to accept responsibility also for a particular subject such as games, swimming, music or needlework. Shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Headmaster/Headmistress.


Post-Secondary Certificate 'A' with Institute of Education Associate Certificate or equivalent.

Must be a Senior Teacher with at least five years experience in that grade.

Entry: By advertisement and interview, or by promotion from Senior Teacher.

25. Senior Teacher

Duties: Responsible for a class and may be required to accept responsibility also for a particular subject such as swimming, music, games or needlework. He shall perform such other duties as may be required by the Headmaster/Headmistress.


Post-Secondary Certificate 'A' with Institute of Education Associate Certificate or appropriate educational qualification;

or must be a Teacher, with at least six years experience in that grade.

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