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Forest Products Consumption, Production and Trade

Fuelwood and Charcoal
Industrial Roundwood
Coniferous Sawnwood
Non-coniferous Sawnwood
Veneer Sheets
Particle Board
Wood Pulp
Other Fibre Pulp
Printing and Writing Paper
Other Paper and Paperboard

The following sections summarize the developments between 1962 and 1992 for the products listed in Table 2 by country and territory. It is essential to review these long-term trends in order to foresee developments in later years. For the sake of simplicity, only broad trends over the thirty-year period are shown, while the detailed series of data are being included on diskettes. It should be noted that in some cases the consumption data (production + imports - exports) are negative. This is due to the inconsistent data on imports and exports, and occurs most frequently in countries and territories which re-export some of their imports, e.g., Singapore and Hong Kong.

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