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Selected Bibliography
List of Working Papers already printed

Selected Bibliography

Asian Development Bank. 1988-1995. Asian Development Outlook. Various issues, manila, Philippines.

Backman, C.A. and T.R. Waggener. 1994. The Russian forestry sector outlook and export potential for unprocessed logs and primary forest products. Working Paper 46, CINTRAFOR, University of Washington. Seattle, Washington, USA.

Barbier, E.B., J.C. Burgess, J. Bishop, and B. Aylward. 1994. The economics of the tropical timber trade. Earthscan Publications Ltd, London, UK.

Buongiorno, J. 1978. Income and price elasticities in the world demand for paper and paperboard. Forest Science 24 (2) 231-246.

Chinese ministry of Forestry. 1994. China Forestry Yearbook 1993. Chinese Forestry Press. Beijing, China. 481p.

CINTRAFOR. 1992. Forest Sector, Trade and Environmental Impact models: Theory and Applications. Proceedings of An International Symposium. University of Washington. Seattle, Washington, USA.

CINTRAFOR. 1994. What's determining international competitiveness in the global pulp and paper industry? Proceedings of the Third International Pulp and paper Symposium, University of Washington. Seattle, Washington, USA.

CINTRAFOR. 1994. CINTRAFOR News. Vol. 9, No. 1. CINTRAFOR, University of Washington. Seattle, Washington. USA.

CINTRAFOR. 1995. CINTRAFOR News. Vol. 10, No. 2. CINTRAFOR, University of Washington. Seattle, Washington, USA.

Clark, R. 1985. Trends and projections of forest product demand, supply, and trade in developing Asia. Report for FAO.

FAO. 1986. Tropical Forestry Assessment 1980.

FAO 1991. Forestry statistics today for tomorrow. Wood and wood products 1961-1989...2010. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.

FAO 1994. Pulp and paper towards 2010. An executive summary. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome.

FAO 1995. Forestry statistics today for tomorrow. 1945-1993...2010. Food and Agriculture Organization of the United Nations, Rome

FAO. 1995a. Forest Resource Assessment 1990, global summary. FAO, Rome.

FAO. 1996. FAOSTAToPC. FAO, Rome.

Food and Agriculture Organization. 1982. FAO Forest Products Yearbook. 1982-1992 FAO, Rome, Italy.

Food and Agriculture Organization. 1982. World forest products demand and supply 1990 and 2000. FAO Forestry Paper 29. Rome, Italy.

Food and Agriculture Organization. 1993. Forestry policies of selected countries in Asia and the Pacific. FAO Forestry Paper 115. Rome, Italy.

Food and Agriculture Organization. 1993. Forestry resources assessment 1990. FAO Forestry Paper 112. Rome, Italy.

International monetary Fund. 1996. World Economic Outlook, may, 1996. Washington DC.

International Tropical Timber Organization. 1993. Analysis of macroeconomic trends in the supply and demand of sustainably produced tropical timber from the Asia-Pacific region: Phase I. Yokohama, Japan.

International Tropical Timber Organization. 1994-1995. Tropical forest update. Yokohama, Japan.

International Tropical Timber Organization. 1995. Analysis of macroeconomic trends in the supply and demand of sustainably produced tropical timber from the Asia-Pacific region: Phase II. Yokohama, Japan.

Jaakko Poyry Consulting Oy. 1992. Tropical deforestation in Asia and market for wood. Report for the World Bank. Helsinki, Finland.

Jaakko Poyry Consulting Oy. 1995. Status of forestry and forest industries in Asia Pacific region. Report for the Asian Development Bank. Helsinki, Finland.

Johnson, S. 1995. Production and trade of tropical sawnwood: summary of statistics from ITTO's 1993-94 annual review. Tropical forest update, Volume 5, No 2. Yokohama, Japan.

Martin, R.M., P. Wardle, A. Baudin, L. Lundberg, and K Skog. 1985. Forest products outlook: economic models of world consumption and production. Technical Reports. Forestry Department, FAO.

MTIB. 1990. Proceedings of mTIB Asia-Pacific Timber Conference 1990: New opportunities in the wood-based sector. September 24-26, 1990. Kuala Lumpur, Malaysia.

Pajuoja, H. 1995. The outlook for European forest resources and roundwood supply, ETTS V Working Paper, ECE/TIM/DP/4, UN-ECE/FAO. United Nations, New York and Geneva.

Perez-Garcia, J. 1993. Global forestry impacts of reducing softwood supplies from North America. Working Paper 43, CINTRAFOR, University of Washington. Seattle, Washington, USA.

Perez-Garcia, J., H. Fretwell, B. Lippke, and X. Yu. 1994. The impact on domestic and global markets of a Pacific Northwest log export ban or tax. Working Paper 47, CINTRAFOR, University of Washington. Seattle, Washington, USA.

Robertson, G. and T. Waggener. 1995. The Japanese market for softwood sawnwood and changing Pacific Rim wood supply conditions: implications of US Pacific Northwest producers. Working Paper 52, CINTRAFOR, University of Washington. Seattle, Washington, USA.

Takeuchi, K. 1974. Tropical Hardwood Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region. World Bank staff occasional papers, No. 17. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore, mD. 90p.

UN-ECE/FAO. 1993. The forest resources of the temperate zones: the UN-ECE/FAO Forest resource assessment. ECE/TIM/62 (2 vols.). United Nations, New York.

United Nations. 1986. European timber trends and prospects to the year 2000 and beyond. Volume I. New York.

United Nations. 1993. Timber bulletin, Volume XLVI, No. 4. Forest products trade flow data: 1991-1992. New York.

United Nations. 1995. World Economic and Social Survey 1995: Current Trends and Policies in the World Economy. United Nations. New York.

World Bank. 1995. World tables. The Johns Hopkins University Press. Baltimore. World Resources Institute. 1994. World Resources 1994-1995. Washington D.C.

Zhang, D. and J. Buongiorno. 1994. The FAO forest products outlook projection system: evaluation and improvements. Report for FAO. Department of Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, madison, Wisconsin, USA.

Zhang, D., J. Buongiorno and P. Ince. 1993. PELPS III: a microcomputer price-endogenous linear programming system for economic modelling. Research Paper FPL-RP-526. USDA Forest Service, Forest Products Laboratory, madison, Wisconsin, USA

Zhang, Y. and J. Buongiorno. 1997. Communication media and demand for printing and writing papers in the United States. Forest Science (forthcoming).

Zhang, D., J. Buongiorno, A. Rytkonen, Y. Zhang and S. Zhu. 1996. Outlook for global forest products consumption, production and trade. Report to the FAO. Department of Forestry, University of Wisconsin-Madison, madison, Wisconsin, USA

List of Working Papers already printed


Regional Study - The South Pacific


Pacific Rim Demand and Supply Situation, Trends and
Prospects: Implications for Forest Products Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region


The Implications of the GATT Uruguay Round and other
Trade Arrangements for the Asia-Pacific Forest Products Trade


Status, Trends and Future Scenarios for Forest Conservation including Protected Areas in the Asia-Pacific Region


In-Depth Country Study - New Zealand


In-Depth Country Study - Republic of Korea


Country Report - Malaysia


Country Report - Union of Myanmar


Challenges and Opportunities: Policy options for the forestry sector in the Asia-Pacific Region


Sources of Non-wood Fibre for Paper, Board and Panels
Production: Status, Trends and Prospects for India


Country Report - Pakistan


Trends and Outlook for Forest Products Consumption,
Production and Trade in the Asia-Pacific Region


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