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CBS (1993), Population Census 1991 Nepal. Central Bureau of Statistics, (CBS), Kathmandu.

CBS (1996), Statistical Year Book of Nepal 1995. Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Kathmandu.

EPC (1993), Nepal Environmental Policy and Action Plan. Environment Protection Council (EPC), Kathmandu.

FORESC (1994), Deforestation in the Terai Districts 1978/79 - 199d/91. FSD Publication No. 60. Forest Research and Survey Centre (FORESC)/Forest Resource Information System Project/FINNIDA, Kathmandu.

HMGN (1992), Livestock Master Plan. Ministry of Agriculture His Majesty's Government of Nepal (HMGN), Kathmandu.

HMGN (1995), Nepal Agricultural Perspective Plan 1995/96-2015/15. Ministry of Agriculture HMGN, Kathmandu.

MPFS (1988), Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal (MPFS) Main Report Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, His Majesty's Government of Nepal (HMGN) Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal. Forest Resources Information Status and Development Plan. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry, Sector Nepal. Forest-based industries Development Plan. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal Forest Development for the supply for the Main Forest Products. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal. Executive Summary. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal. Human Resource Development Plan. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal. Impacts and Monitoring Plan. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal. Forestry Research Development Plan. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal. Forestry Sector Policy. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal. Soil Conservation and Watershed Management Plan. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal. Institutional Development Plan. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

Master Plan for the Forestry Sector Nepal. Plan for the Conservation of Ecosystems and Genetic Resources. Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

NPC (1991), Eighth Five Year Plan. National Planning Commission (NPC), Kathmandu.

NPC (1991), National Conservation Strategy. National Planning Commission (NPC), Kathmandu.

Pessonen, P. (1994) The potential of the Natural Forests of the Terai and the New Principles of Forest Management. Working Paper No. 15. Forest Management and Utilization Development Project, Kathmandu.

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