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CBS (1996) Statistical Year Book of Nepal 1995, Central Bureau of Statistics (CBS), Kathmandu.

MPFS (1988) Master Plan' for the Forestry Sector Nepal (various documents), Ministry of Forests and Soil Conservation, HMGN, Kathmandu.

DNPWC (1996) Annual Report 1995/96. Department of National Parks and Wildlife Conservation. (DNPWC), Kathmandu.

Edwards, D. (1996) Non-Timber Forest Products and Community Forestry: Are They Compatible? Banko Jankari (A Journal of Forestry Information for Nepal) Vol. 6(1): 3-8.

FORESC (1994) Deforestation in the Terai Districts 1978/79 - 1990/91. FSD Publication No. 60, Forest Research and Survey Centre (FORESC)/Forest Resource Information System Project/FINNIDA, Kathmandu.

HPPCL (1997) Herb Production and Processing Company (HPPCL) Company Report. Gorkhapatm Daily, 1 January 1997, Kathmandu.

Pessonen, P. (1994) The potential of the Natural Forests of the Terai and the New Principles of Forest Management. Working Paper No. 15 Forest Management and Utilization Development Project, Kathmandu.

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