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A. The Nature and Scope of Development Planning
B. Planning with Emphasis on Forests, Land Use, and Rural Development
C. Planning in Relation to Management Science
D. Participatory Methods in Planning
E. Top-Down and Bottom-Up Coordination
F. Conflict Management
G. Methods to Assess Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts
H. Forecasting Techniques and Futures Analysis

A. The Nature and Scope of Development Planning

Boettke, Peter J. (ed.). 1994. The Collapse of Development Planning. New York University Press, New York. The "Austrian School" of political economy argues that development planning fails when it imposes too many controls and when it weakens market initiatives. Case studies examine planning performance in Europe, Japan, South Korea, China, India, Sri Lanka, and Africa.

Caiden, Naomi, and Aaron Wildavsky. 1974. Planning and Budgeting in Poor Countries. John Wiley and Sons, New York. A classic on how and why development planning has to change in order to become more useful.

Conyers, Diana and Peter Hills. 1984. An Introduction to Planning in the Third World. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Comprehensive overview with extensive references on planning approaches, techniques, and organization. Excellent one-volume overview.

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). 1995. Planning for Sustainable Development: Country Experiences. Paris, France. Background and summaries of a workshop on preparing and implementing national plans for sustainable development, following the 1992 UNCED.

Waterston, Albert. 1979. Development Planning: Lessons of Experience. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. A classic and comprehensive work on the subject, this book was first published in 1965.

B. Planning with Emphasis on Forests, Land Use, and Rural Development

Bendavid-Val, A. 1991. Regional and Economic Analysis for Practitioners. 4th ed. Praeger, New York. Location analysis, comparative advantages, regional income, and other concepts and methods in regional planning. Requires intermediate preparation in economic theory.

Brand, David G. (ed.). 1995. Forestry Sector Planning. Natural Resources Canada with Food and Agriculture Organization, Ottawa: Ontario. Concept papers that define the tasks and challenges of planning for forest protection and management, plus several case studies (Canada, Chile, India, Japan, eastern and southern Africa, Mozambique, and Senegal).

FAO (Food and Agriculture Organization). 1984. Land Evaluation for Forestry. FAO Forestry Paper 48. Rome Italy.

FAO. 1986. Guide for Training in the Formulation of Agricultural and Rural Investment Projects. Development Policy Studies and Training Service, Policy Analysis Division. Rome, Italy. Five volumes that lead analysts through all the stages of designing and carrying out field projects in rural settings.

FAO. 1988. National Parks Planning. FAO Conservation Guide 17. Rome, Italy.

FAO 1993. Guidelines for Land-Use Planning. FAO Development Series 1, Inter-Departmental Working Group on Land Use Planning. Rome, Italy. A complete step-by-step guide to principles and methods of preparing land-use plans. Helpful checklists, tables, figures, and diagrams.

Haynes, Richard, Patrice Harou, and J. Mikowski (eds.). 1991. Forest Sector Analyses for Developing Countries. Proceedings of Working Groups S6.12-03 and S6.11-00, Tenth World Forestry Congress, Paris, France. Quantitative market models.

Laconte, P., and Y.Y. Haimes. 1985. Water Resources and Land Use Planning: A Systems Approach. NATO Advanced Studies Institute Series, Nijhoff, Netherlands.

Miller, Sandra E., Craig W. Shinn, and William R. Bentley. 1994. Rural Resource Management. Iowa State University Press, Ames. Frameworks for defining and resolving problems, and using group processes to arrive at decisions. Easy to read, pragmatic.

Nilsson-Axberg, Goran. 1993. Forestry Sector and Forest Plantations Sub-Sector Planning in South and South-East Asia. Swedish University of Agricultural Sciences, SIMS Report No. 34, Uppsala, Sweden. Lessons learned from national planning exercises in several Asian countries.

OAS (Organization of American States). 1984. Integrated Regional Development Planning: Guidelines and Case Studies from OAS Experience. Washington, DC. Describes successes and failures of regional planning in Latin America, and discusses lessons that were learned.

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). 1995. Developing Environmental Capacity: A Framework for Donor Involvement. Paris, France. Overview of needs and approaches to strengthen institutions for environmental management.

Porter, Douglas R., and David A. Salvesen (eds.). 1995. Collaborative Planning for Wetlands and Wildlife. Island Press, Washington, DC. Case studies in the USA of reconciling problems between environmental protection and economic development, using methods of special-area conservation planning.

Sargent, Frederic O., Paul Lusk, Jose A. Rivera, and Maria Varela. 1995. Rural Environmental Planning for Sustainable Communities. Island Press, Washington, DC. Describes methods and cases of a citizen-based approach to rural planning in the USA, emphasizing how to balance positive economic development with measures to protect forests and other natural resources.

Sheng, T.C. 1990. Watershed Management Field Manual, Watershed Survey and Planning. FAO Conservation Guide 13/6. Rome, Italy.

C. Planning in Relation to Management Science

Bowden, Peter. 1988. National Monitoring and Evaluation. Avebury, Aldershot, England. Overview of principles and practices in project management, monitoring, and evaluation.

Brinkerhoff, Derick W. 1991. Improving Development Program Performance: Guidelines for Managers. Lynne Rienner Publishers, Boulder, CO. Written for program managers in developing countries who are interested in improving the performance of their organizations.

Bryson, John M. 1988. Strategic Planning for Public and Nonprofit Organizations. Jossey-Bass Publishers, San Francisco, CA. Frameworks and processes for defining an organization's mission, and for managing its external and internal environments. Includes many planning tools and worksheets.

Chadwick, G. 1978. A Systems View of Planning, 2nd ed. Pergamon Press, Oxford. A formal and analytical presentation of the systems approach.

Deming, W. Edwards. 1993. The New Economics for Industry, Government, Education. Massachusetts Institute of Technology, Cambridge, MA. Written by a pioneer in productivity research and quality improvements. Emphasizes the systems approach, leadership, and cooperation in organizations. Readers may want to consult other books by the same author.

Grundig, James E. (ed.). 1992. Excellence in Public Relations and Communication Management. Lawrence Erlbaum Associates, Publishers, Hillsdale, NJ. Comprehensive volume that ranges widely over many topics on excellence in management.

Harrison, Michael I. 1987. Diagnosing Organizations: Methods, Models, and Processes. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, CA. Reference on how to define and interpret organizational problems, and how to improve organizational effectiveness.

Ickis, John C., Edilberto de Jesus, and Rushikesh Maru (eds.). 1986. Beyond Bureaucracy: Strategic Management of Social Development. Kumarian Press, West Hartford, CT. How public management must change to become more people-oriented. Principles and case studies. Not a "how to" book.

Israel, Arturo. 1987. Institutional Development: Incentives for Performance. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore. Excellent conceptual framework of institutional and managerial issues in the' developing countries, written by an advisor to the World Bank.

Kiggundu, Moses N. 1989. Managing Organizations in Developing Countries. Kumarian Press, West Hartford, Connecticut, USA. Defines the operating and strategic tasks of public organizations, and how these tasks should contribute towards important goals (e.g., decentralization, technology transfer, human resource development, and others).

Mayo-Smith, Ian, and Nancy L. Ruther. 1986. Achieving Improved Performance in Public Organizations: A Guide for Managers. Kumarian Press, West Hartford, CT. An extremely useful guidebook that presents a step-by-step process tested in more than 30 countries where Mayo-Smith and Ruther worked as management consultants.

Morrisey, George L. 1976. Management by Objectives and Results in the Public Sector. Addison-Wesley Publishing Co., Reading Park, MA. Clear exposition of how to work for improvements in government agencies.

Peters, Thomas J., and Robert H. Waterman, Jr. 1982. In Search of Excellence. Harper and Row, New York. Examples of management success, mainly in private businesses, but with applications for all organizations. Also, see other books by these same authors.

Saylor, James H. 1992. TQM Field Manual. McGraw-Hill, New York. Methods to work towards "Total Quality Management," emphasizing processes and tools.

Shearer, Clive. 1994. Practical Continuous Improvement for Professional Services. American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) Press, Milwaukee, WI. Step-by-step guide to work towards the goal of "Total Quality." Written by a structural engineer, but with applications for most service-oriented organizations.

D. Participatory Methods in Planning

Anthony, William P. Participative Management. 1978. Addison-Wesley Publishing, Reading, MA.

Aubrey, Charles A., and Patricia K. Felkins. 1988. Teamwork: Involving People in Quality and Productivity Improvement. American Society for Quality Control (ASQC) Press, Milwaukee, WI.

Clement, Francois, and Deo Gratias Kabamdana. 1995. Decentralized and Participatory Planning. Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome, Italy. Guidelines and methods for bottom-up development planning.

Cohen, John M., and Norman Uphoff. 1977. Rural Development Participation: Concepts and Measures for Project Design, Implementation, and Evaluation. Cornell University, Ithaca, New York.

Creighton, James L. 1981. The Public Involvement Manual. Abt Books, Cambridge, MA. Principles and methods of how to organize for public involvement. Clearly developed, and easy to understand. Highly recommended.

Davis-Case, D'Arcy. 1989. Community Forestry: Participatory Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation. FAO Community Forestry Note 2, Rome, Italy. Concept, methods, and tools for PAME in community forestry, but adaptable for participation in strategic planning. Highly recommended.

Davis-Case, D'Arcy. 1990. The Community's Toolbox: The Idea, Methods, and Tools for Participatory Assessment, Monitoring, and Evaluation in Community Forestry. FAO Community Forestry Field Manual 2, Rome, Italy. Can be used as the field manual to accompany the preceding reference. Highly recommended.

Driver, C.A. 1990. People's Participation in Environmental Projects in Developing Countries. IIED, London, UK.

Esman, Milton J., and Norman Uphoff. 1984. Local Organizations: Intermediaries in Rural Development. Cornell University Press, Ithaca, NY.

Garcia-Zamor, Jean-Claude. 1985. Public Participation in Development Planning and Management: Cases from Africa and Asia. Westview Press, Boulder, CO.

Jedlicka, Allen. 1987. Organizational Change and the Third World. Praeger, New York. Principles and guidelines for helping agencies understand the views and attitudes of their interest groups.

Korten, David C., and Rudi Klauss (eds.). 1984. People-Centered Development: Contributions Toward Theory and Planning Frameworks. Kumarian Press, West Hartford, CT.

Salmen, L.F. 1987. Listen to the People. Oxford University Press, New York.

E. Top-Down and Bottom-Up Coordination

FAO. 1990. Toward Improved Multilevel Planning for Agricultural and Rural Development in Asia and the Pacific. FAO Economic and Social Development Paper No. 52, Rome, Italy.

Kochen, M., and K.W. Deutsch. 1980. Decentralization: Sketches Towards a Rational Theory. Oelgeschlager, Gunn, and Hain, Cambridge, MA.

Maetz, Materne, and Maria G. Quieti. 1987. Training for Decentralized Planning: Lessons from Experience. Development Policy Studies and Training Service, Policy Analysis Division, FAO, Rome, Italy.

Rowat, D.C. (ed.). 1980. International Handbook on Local Government Reorganization. Aldwych Press, London.

Stohr, W.B., and D.R. Fraser-Taylor (eds.). 1981. Development from Above or Below? The Dialectics of Regional Planning in Developing Countries. John Wiley and Sons, New York.

F. Conflict Management

Brown, Valerie, David I. Smith, Rob Wiseman, and John Handmer. 1995. Risks and Opportunities: Managing Environmental Conflict and Change, Earthscan Publications, London. Outlines five stages in managing environmental conflicts, and discusses skills and techniques for problem solving. Includes case studies of conflicts over environmental issues, and gives examples of tools for conflict management.

Casse, Pierre. 1992. The One-Hour Negotiator. Butterworth-Heinemann, Oxford, UK. A practical guide to get ready for negotiations when you have only one hour to prepare. Considers negotiating styles, behaviors, and dynamics.

Fisher, Roger, and William Ury. 1991. Getting to Yes: Negotiating Agreement Without Giving In, 2nd ed. Houghton Mifflin, Boston, MA, USA. Excellent overview and often used as a reference. The interested reader should consult other books by these authors, as well.

Fuller, George. 1991. The Negotiator's Handbook. Prentice Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ. Very good one-volume treatment of principles and approaches in negotiating.

Johnson, Ralph A. 1993. Negotiation Basics: Concepts, Skills, and Exercises. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, California. Excellent overview of theory and principles in negotiating.

Pendzich, Christine, Garry Thomas, and Tim Wohlgenant. 1994. The Role of Alternative Conflict Management in Community Forestry. Forests, Trees, and People Program - Phase II, Working Paper No. 1, Food and Agriculture Organization, Rome. Overview of skills needed to mediate conflicts in community forestry. Includes case studies from Latin America.

G. Methods to Assess Economic, Social, and Environmental Impacts


Dixon, John A., D.E. James, and P.B. Sherman. 1989. The Economics of Dryland Management. Earthscan Publications, London, UK.

Dixon, John A., and M.M. Hufschmidt (eds.). 1986. Economic Valuation Techniques for the Environment: A Case Study Workbook. Johns Hopkins University Press, Baltimore, MD.

Dixon, John A., R.A. Carpenter, L.A. Fallon, P.B. Sherman, and S. Manopimoke. 1994. Economic Analysis of the Environmental Impacts of Development Projects. Earthscan Publications, London, UK. Broad survey of economic techniques for valuing environmental goods and services.

Gregersen, Hans M., K.N. Brooks, J.A. Dixon, and L.S. Hamilton. 1987. Guidelines for Economic Appraisal of Watershed Management Projects. FAO Conservation Guide 16, Rome, Italy.

Gregersen, H.M., J.E.M. Arnold, A.L. Lundgren, and A. Contreras-Hermosilla. 1995. Valuing Forests: Context, Issues, and Guidelines. FAO Forestry Paper 127, Rome, Italy. Useful and clearly presented valuation concepts and applications, with many references. Highly recommended.

Markandya, A., and J. Richardson. 1992. The Earthscan Reader in Environmental Economics. Earthscan Publications, London, UK. Can be helpful background to frame important issues.

Panayotou, Theodore. 1993. Green Markets: The Economics of Sustainable Development. Institute of Contemporary Studies Press, San Francisco, CA., Can be helpful background to frame important issues.

Pearce, David W., A. Markandya, and E.B. Barbier. 1989. Blueprint for a Green Economy. Earthscan Publications, London, UK. Can be helpful background to frame important issues.

Pearce, David, E.D. Barbier, and A. Markandya. 1990. Sustainable Development: Economics and the Environment in the Third World. Aldershot, Elgar, UK. Can be helpful background to frame important issues.

Sang, Heng-Kang. 1995. Project Evaluation. Ashgate Publishing Ltd., Hants, England.

Intermediate treatment of benefit-cost analysis. Clearly presented, many numerical examples.

Thompson, Mark S. 1980. Benefit-Cost Analysis for Program Evaluation. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California. Very clear and direct presentation, with many examples.

Winpenny, J.T. 1991. Values for the Environment: A Guide to Economic Appraisal. HMSO, London. Many examples and clear presentation. Useful as an overview.


Cernea, M.M (ed). 1985. Putting People First: Sociological Variables in Rural Development. Oxford University Press, New York.

Cernea, M.M. 1991. Using Knowledge from Social Science in Development Projects. World Bank Discussion Paper 114, World Bank, Washington, DC.

Finsterbusch, Kurt, Jasper Ingersoll, and Lynn Llewellyn (eds.). 1990. Methods for Social Analysis in Developing Countries. Westview Press, Boulder, CO. Issues and framework, followed by case studies of different approaches.

Molnar, A. 1989. Community Forestry: Rapid Appraisal. Community Forestry Note 3, Forestry Department, FAO, Rome, Italy. Context of rapid rural appraisal, and presentation of methods.

Rossi, Peter H., and Howard E. Freeman. 1993. Evaluation: A Systematic Approach. Sage Publications, Newbury Park, California. Comprehensive treatment of how to assess programs and projects that have social objectives.

Smith, L. Graham. 1993. Impact Assessment and Sustainable Resource Management. Longman Scientific and Technical, Essex, England.


ADB (Asian Development Bank). 1992. Environmental Guidelines for Selected Agricultural and Natural Resources Development Projects. Manila, Philippines.

Biswas, A.K., and Q. Geping (eds.). 1987. Environmental Impact Assessment for Developing Countries. Tycooly International, London, UK.

Carpenter, R.A. 1983. Natural Systems for Development: What Planners Need to Know. East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii. Handbook of diagnostic methods and management practices for soil erosion and salinization, pest management, wildlife management, and air and water pollution.

Carpenter, R.A., and J.E. Maragos. 1985. How to Assess Environmental Impacts on Tropical Islands and Coastal Areas. East-West Center, Honolulu, Hawaii.

ECE (Economic Commission for Europe)/FAO. 1992. Application of Environmental Impact Assessment Principles to Policies, Plans, and Programs. Environmental Series No. 5, Geneva, Switzerland.

Edward-Jones, G., and M. Gough. 1993. ECOZONE: A Knowledge-Based Computer System for Training in Environmental Impacts of Agricultural Projects. Internal Document 18, FAO/ESPT, Rome, Italy. Computer software demonstrates the environmental impacts that result from programs and projects.

Erickson, Paul A. 1994. A Practical Guide to Environmental Impact Assessment. Academic Press, San Diego, CA. Good reference on the principles and methods of carrying out an EIA. Addresses different ecosystems (aquatic and terrestrial), as well as social, cultural, and economic aspects. Highly recommended.

FAO. 1982. Environmental Impact of Forestry: Guidelines for Its Assessment in Developing Countries. FAO Conservation Guide 7. Rome, Italy.

Kozlowski, J. and G. Hill (eds.). 1993. Towards Planning for Sustainable Development: A Guide for the Ultimate Environmental Threshold (UET) Method. Ashgate Publishing, Hants, England. A land-use planning method to identify and screen harmful environmental effects of development proposals. Concepts, illustrations, and cases.

OECD (Organization for Economic Cooperation and Development). 1994. Project and Policy Appraisal: Integrating Economics and Environment. OECD, Paris, France. Useful overview of economic principles to value environmental services. Concepts, examples, some theory.

UNDP (United Nations Development Program). 1990. UNDP's Handbook and Guidelines for Environmental Management and Sustainable Development. UNDP, New York.

UNEP (United Nations Environmental Program). 1986. Environmental Impact Assessment: Basic Procedures/or Developing Countries. Nairobi, Kenya.

UNEP. 1986. Environmental Guidelines for Rural Roads. Nairobi, Kenya.

U.S. Department of Agriculture Forest Service. 1995. Environmental Analysis: A Decision Making Process [VIDEO]. USDA Forest Service, Washington, DC. A 75-minute training film on how to conduct an environmental assessment, using an example of road building in Latin America. Available in English, Spanish, Portuguese, and French.

Wathern, P. (ed.). 1988. Environmental Impact Assessment: Theory and Practice. Unwin Hyman, London, UK.

Winpenny, J.T. 1991. Valuing the environment: A guide to economic appraisal. London: ODA.

World Bank. 1992. Environmental Assessment Sourcebook. Technical Paper 139, Washington, DC.

Wrammer, P. 1987. Procedures for Environmental Impact Assessment of FAO Field Projects. Rome, Italy.

H. Forecasting Techniques and Futures Analysis

Armstrong, J. Scott. 1985. Long-Range Forecasting: From Crystal Balls to Computer. 2nd ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Comprehensive treatment of a wide range of topics, with extensive references. Relies heavily on statistical and mathematical approaches.

Casti, John L. 1990. Searching for Certainty: What Scientists Can Know About the Future. W. Morrow, New York.

Elwell, Frank W. 1991. The Evolution of the Future. Praeger Publishers, New York.

Flechtheim, Ossip Kurt. 1987. Forecasting in the Social and Natural Sciences. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA.

Godet, Michel. 1994. From Anticipation to Action: A Handbook of Strategic Prospective. UNESCO Publishing, Paris.

Helmer, Olaf. 1983. Looking Forward: A Guide to Futures Research. Sage Publications, Beverly Hills, California.

Saaty, Thomas L., and Luis G. Vargas. 1991. Prediction, Projection, and Forecasting. Kluwer Academic Publishers, Boston, MA. Summarizes various methods to predict and control the future, mainly through examples. Schwarz, Brita, Uno Svedin, and Bjorn Wittrock. 1982. Methods in Future Studies. Westview Press, Boulder, Colorado.

Wheelwright, S.C., and S. Makridakis. 1989. Forecasting Methods for Management, 5th ed. John Wiley and Sons, New York. Presents 24 forecasting techniques.

Willis, Raymond E. 1987. A Guide to Forecasting for Planners and Managers. Prentice-Hall, Englewood Cliffs, NJ.

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