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Inclusion of Additional Species in Fish Standards (Agenda Item 4)[4]

20. The Committee recalled that during its 22nd session, it was agreed that a Working Group consisting of Germany (lead country), Finland and France should carry out sensory tests with products processed from new species for inclusion into the relevant Codex Standards. It was proposed to include Allothunus fallai, Auxis rochei and Auxis thazard into the Standard for Canned Tuna and Bonito and Clupea bentincki into the Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-type Products, following the Accelerated Procedure as agreed by the Commission[5].

Clupea bentincki

21. The Delegation of Germany introduced the document on behalf of the working group and informed the Committee that results on complete independent sensory evaluation of samples of Clupea bentincki were obtained from three laboratories of the above mentioned countries. It was pointed out that the quality of canned Clupea bentincki was equivalent to other sardine and sardine-type products. The conclusion from the three participating laboratories was that Clupea bentincki should be included into the Codex Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-type products as a new sardine-type species. Several delegations supported this proposal.

22. The Committee expressed its appreciation to the countries which had carried out the tests and agreed to accept the conclusion of the working group for the inclusion of Clupea bentincki into the Standard for Canned Sardine and Sardine-type Products. The Committee agreed to forward this Proposed Draft Amendment to Step 5 of the Accelerated Procedure, for final adoption by the 23rd Session of the Commission (see Appendix III).

Other species

23. As regards Allothunnus fallai, Auxis rochei and Auxis thazard the Committee was informed that canned samples were obtained from France (Thunnus albacares), Spain (Thunnus albacares and Thunnus alalunga), Philippines (Katsuwonus pelamis) and Thailand (Auxis thazard). Thailand communicated that samples of Auxis rochei were difficult to send because of deficiency of raw fish, as this migratory species was not always present in the waters of that country. The Delegation of the United States stated that the species, which its national industry proposed to include into the standard, were not generally available, and it was difficult to process products consisting of a single species.

24. The Committee was informed that the working group had decided to wait until all samples of new species had arrived before a sensory trial was made. The Committee recognized the difficulties in obtaining samples of some tuna species and decided to keep this question under review for the three species considered. The countries which had performed the tests indicated their willingness to proceed with this work if adequate samples of the species under consideration became available.

25. As regards the proposal of Chile, the Committee decided to discuss it under Agenda Item 16 (Other Business) as the document presented proposed a new approach to the subject - a proposal to elaborate a separate standard for Chilean langostino.

[4] CX/FFP 98/3, CRD 1 (comments from Chile), CRD10 (EC)
[5] ALINORM 97/18, paras. 23-28

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