Report of the Twenty-Third Session of the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products

Table of Contents

Bergen, Norway, 8-12 June 1998

codex alimentarius commission



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Twenty-third Session
Rome, 28 June - 3 July 1999

Note: This document incorporates Circular Letter CL 1998/23-FFP

CX 5/15

CL 1998/23-FFP
July 1998


- Codex Contact Points

- Interested International Organizations

- Participants at the 23rd Session of the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products


- Secretary, Codex Alimentarius Commission, Joint FAO/WHO Food Standards Programme, FAO, 00100 Rome, Italy


Distribution of the Report of the 23rd Session of the Codex Committee on Fish and Fishery Products (ALINORM 99/18)

Table of Contents

A. Matters for Adoption by the 23rd Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission

B. Request for Comments and Information

Summary and Conclusions


Opening of the Session (Agenda Item 1)

Adoption of the Agenda (Agenda Item 2)

Matters arising from the Codex Alimentarius Commission and other Codex Committees (Agenda Item 3)

Inclusion of Additional Species in Fish Standards (Agenda Item 4)

Draft Guidelines for the Sensory Evaluation of Fish and Shellfish (Agenda Item 5)

Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products (Agenda Item 6)

Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Shrimps and Prawns (Agenda Item 7) - Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Molluscan Shellfish (Agenda Item 8) - Proposed Draft Code of Practice for the Products of Aquaculture - (Agenda Item 9)

Draft Standard for Dried Salted Anchovies (Agenda Item 10)

Draft Standard for Crackers from Marine and Freshwater Fish, Crustacean and Molluscan Shellfish (Agenda Item 11)

Proposed Draft Standard for Salted Atlantic Herring (Agenda Item 12)

Proposed Draft Standard for Smoked Fish (Agenda Item 13)

Proposed Draft Standard for Molluscan Shelfish (Agenda Item 14)

Model Certificate for Fish and Fishery Products (Agenda Item 15)

Other Business, Future Work and Date and Place of Next Session (Agenda Item 16)

Appendix I: List of Participants/Liste des Participants/Lista de Participantes

Appendix II: Draft Guidelines for the Sensory Evaluation of Fish and Shellfish in Laboratories

I. Scope and Purpose of the Guidelines
II. Facilities for Sensory Evaluation

2.1 General Observations
2.2 Laboratories for Sensory Evaluation

2.2.1 Location and Layout
2.2.2 Preparation Area
2.2.3 Evaluation Area
2.2.4 Equipment

III. Procedures for Sensory Evaluation

3.1 Collecting and Transporting Samples
3.2 Preparation of Samples for Examination
3.3 Cooking
3.4 Procedures for the Assessment of Products

3.4.1 Assessment of Raw Products
3.4.2 Assessment of Frozen Products
3.4.3 Assessment of Cooked Samples

IV. Training of Assessors

4.1 Objective Sensory Training

4.1.1 Considerations for Objective Sensory training
4.1.2 Selection of Candidate Assessors Screening for Perception of Basic Tastes Screening for Perception of Odours Screening for Normal Colour Perception Screening Test for the Assessment of Texture

4.1.3 Training of Assessors
4.1.4 Monitoring of Assessors
4.1.5 Reference Documents

4.2 Preparation and Handling of Samples

4.2.1 Type of Samples
4.2.2 Preparation of Sample Packs
4.2.3 Characteristics of Samples Sensory Attributes Chemical Attributes

Annex I: Examples of Attributes of Fishery Products Used in Sensory Evaluation
Annex II: Examples of Test Methods Which Would be Appropriate for Use
Annex III: Suggested Syllabus for a Training Course for Assessors in the Sensory Assessment of Fish and Fish Products
Appendix I: Definitions of Some of the Terms Used in Sensory Analysis of Seafood
Appendix II: Reference Documents

Appendix III: Proposed Draft Amendment to the Standard for Canned Sardines and Sardine-Type Products

Appendix IV: Draft Standard for Dried Salted Anchovies

Appendix V: Draft Standard for Crackers from Marine and Freshwater Fish, Crustacean and Molluscan Shellfish

Appendix VI: Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products

How To Use This Code
Section: 1 Scope
Section: 2 Definitions

2.1 General Definitions
2.2 Fresh, Frozen and Minced Fish
2.3 Molluscan Shellfish
2.4 Crustaceans
2.5 Cephalopods
2.6 Salted Fish
2.7 Smoked Fish
2.8 Canned Fish
2.9 Frozen Surimi
2.10 Aquaculture

Section 3: Pre-Requisite Programme

3.1 Fishing Vessel Hygienic Design and Construction
3.2 Plant Hygienic Design and Construction
3.3 Hygienic Design and Construction of Equipment and Utensils
3.4 Hygiene Control Programme
3.5 Personal Hygiene and Health
3.6 Traceability and Recall Procedures
3.7 Training

Section 4: Principles and Development of Hazard Analysis Critical Control Point (HACCP) Based Systems

4.1 HACCP Principles
4.2 Implementation
4.3 Application

4.3.1 Flow Diagram
4.3.2 Identification of Hazards and Defects
4.3.3 End Product Specifications

Section 5: Processing of Fresh, Frozen and Minced Fish

5.1 Handling of Fresh Fish Prior to Processing
5.2 Temperature Control
5.3 Processing Operations - Fresh, Frozen and Minced Fish

5.3.1 General
5.3.2 Control Thawing for Further Processing
5.3.3 Gutting and Washing
5.3.4 Filleting, Skinning, Trimming and Candling
5.3.5 Minced Fish Using Mechanical Separation Process
5.3.6 Application of Additives and Ingredients
5.3.7 Wrapping and Packing
5.3.8 Modified Atmosphere Packing
5.3.9 Freezing Operations
5.3.10 Glazing and Cold Storage

Section 6: Processing Operations - Molluscan Shellfish

6.1 Identification of Hazards
6.2 Growing Area Requirements
6.3 Hygienic Harvesting, Transportation and Storage Techniques of Live Molluscan Shellfish
6.4 Relaying
6.5 Purification of Molluscan Shellfish in Tanks, Floats and Rafts
6.6 Dispatch of Molluscan Shellfish in a Distribution Centre
6.7 Heat Treatment/Heat Shocking of Molluscan Shellfish in Establishment
6.8 Documentation
6.9 Lot Identification and Recall Procedures

Section 7: Processing of Crustaceans [to be completed]
Section 8: Processing of Cephalopods [to be completed]
Section 9: Processing of Salted Fish

9.1 General
9.2 Preparing Before Salting
9.3 Salt Handling and Salt Requirements
9.4 Salting and Maturing
9.5 Sorting, Packaging, Wrapping and Labelling
9.6 Chill Storage

Section 10: Processing of Smoked Fish

10.1 Identification of Hazards and Defects
10.2 Processing Operations
10.3 Packaging and Distribution

Section 11 Processing of Canned Fish

11.1 General - Addition to Pre-requisite Programme
11.2 Identification of Hazards and Defects
11.3 Processing Operations
11.4 Unwrapping, Unpacking
11.5 Thawing
11.6 Fish and Shellfish Preparatory Processes
11.7 Pre-Cooking and Other Pre-Treatments
11.8 Packing in Cans (Filling, Sealing and Coding)
11.9 Handling of Containers After Closure - Waiting Before Heat Processing
11.10 Heat Processing and Cooling
11.11 Handling After Heat Processing
11.12 Transportation of Finished Products

Section 12: Processing of Frozen Surimi

12.1 Identification of Hazards and Defects
12.2 Handling of Fresh Fish Prior to Processing
12.3 Temperature Control
12.4 Processing Operations

12.4.1 General
12.4.2 Handling of Raw Material
12.4.3 Control Thawing
12.4.4 Gutting, Filleting and Washing
12.4.5 Meat Separation Process
12.4.6 Washing and De-Watering Process
12.4.7 Refining Process
12.4.8 Final De-Watering Process
12.4.9 Addition of Adjuvant Ingredients and Mixing Process
12.4.10 Stuffing, Weighing, Packaging and Metal Detection Process
12.4.11 Freezing Operations
12.4.12 Cold Storage

Section 13: Aquaculture Production

13.1 Introduction
13.2 Identification of Hazards
13.3 Product Description
13.4 Intended Consumers and Use
13.5 Development of the HACCP Plan
13.6 Site Selection
13.7 Water Quality
13.8 Feed Supply and Feeding
13.9 Production Facilities
13.10 Harvesting and Handling
13.11 Training
13.12 Records
13.13 Documentation
13.14 Review and Verification

Section 14: Transportation

14.1 Vehicles should be Designed and Constructed
14.2 To Minimise Damage and the Rate of Decomposition of Fish and Fishery Products During Transportation

Section 15: Retail
Appendix I: Modified Atmosphere Packing
Appendix II: Optional Final Product Requirements - Fresh, Frozen and Minced Fish
Appendix III: Optional Final Product Requirements - Molluscan Shellfish
Appendix IV: Optional Final Product Requirements - Crustaceans
Appendix V: Optional Final Product Requirements - Cephalopods
Appendix VI: Optional Final Product Requirements - Salted Fish
Appendix VII: Optional Final Product Requirements - Smoked Fish
Appendix VIII: Optional Final Product Requirements - Canned Fish
Appendix IX: Optional Final Product Requirements - Frozen Surimi

Appendix VII: Proposed Draft Standard for Salted Atlantic Herring and Salted Sprats