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Other Business, Future Work and Date and Place of Next Session (Agenda Item 16)

Proposal from Chile on Squat Lobster

102. The Committee considered CRD 1, a partial translation of the information provided by Chile on the taxonomy and trade importance of the species Pleuroncodes monodon and Cervimundia johni. The Delegation of Chile pointed out that these species had been exported for a long time, and that the Codex standard did not presently cover Galatheidae; it would therefore be necessary to develop a standard for such products. Some delegations felt that the trade in these products was not important enough to justify the development of a separate standard. It was also proposed to consider the opportunity of including both species in the Standard for Quick-Frozen Lobsters with specific labelling requirements. The Committee however could not come to a conclusion on how to address the proposal from Chile on the species of "squat lobster" at this stage and agreed that the information provided by Chile would be circulated and translated in order to allow more time for comments and due consideration of this question at the next session.

Fish Core in Fish Sticks

103. The Delegation of the United Kingdom indicated that the EC had amended its Directive on the declaration of quantitative ingredients since the Committee had asked the Committee on Food Labelling to consider the declaration of fish core. The percentage of fish (excluding water and additives) which had to be declared in the EC did not any longer correspond to "fish core" as described in the Standard for Fish Sticks. The Delegation proposed to prepare a paper for consideration by the next session on this question.

Future Work

104. The Committee agreed to consider the above proposals and discussion documents at its next session. The Delegation of the Russian Federation proposed to prepare a discussion paper with a view to developing a standard for granular sturgeon caviar.

105. The Delegation of Canada proposed to prepare a paper concerning the development of a standard for scallops, and pointed out the specificity of this product, while agreeing to discuss the matter with the Delegation of the Netherlands which was preparing a standard for bivalve molluscs (see also paras. 95-96).

106. The Committee noted that its future work would include all the matters discussed at the current session, with the exception of the Sensory Evaluation Guidelines which had been finalized, and agreed that any proposal for new standards would have to be considered in the light of its considerable workload.

Date and Place of the Next Session

107. The Committee noted that its next session would be held in Norway in the first half of 2000, the exact arrangements to be determined between the Host Government and Codex Secretariats.


Subject Matter


Action by

Document Reference in ALINORM 99/18

Draft Guidelines for the Sensory Evaluation of Fish and Shellfish in Laboratories


Governments 23rd CAC

para. 34
Appendix II

Inclusion of additional species (Proposed Draft Amendment to the Canned Sardines Standard)


Governments 23rd CAC

para. 22
Appendix III

Draft Standard for Dried Salted Anchovies


Governments 24th CCFFP

para. 76
Appendix IV

Draft Standard for Fish Crackers


Governments 24th CCFFP

para. 85
Appendix V

Proposed Draft Code of Practice for Fish and Fishery Products


Governments 24th CCFFP

para. 65
Appendix VI

Proposed Draft Standard for Salted Atlantic Herring and Salted Sprats


Governments 24th CCFFP

para. 93
Appendix VII

Model Certificate for Fish and Fishery Products


Norway/Canada Governments 23rd CCFFP

para. 101

Proposed Draft Standard for Smoked Fish


Denmark Governments 24th CCFFP

para. 94

Proposed Draft Standard for Molluscan Shellfish


Netherlands Governments 24th CCFFP

paras. 95-96

[15] Accelerated Procedure

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